My letter to the "Glorious Ones."...

by Justice-One 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justice-One

    Consider inserting the advisement that you are forced to continue attending by the JW family shunning law. I know for a fact that the only reason they are not in negative growth numbers is because they threaten inactive Pubs with disfellowshping and shunning.

    The leaders are so brainwashed that they actually consider this to be a "loving" action. They can't understand that someone might have a negative view of being shunned.

    I think this is VERY important, and I made mention of it in my letter. The ONLY reason I stuck around as long as I did, was because of family. - And that I worked for a JW.

    Yeah, it just drives me nuts when the Shepard finds a little sheep in danger of falling into the pit - then pushes him in. (After all, he should have known better that to get so close to the edge, and this will teach the other sheep that are watching to toe the line.) Yup, crack that whip on them, as it is the loving thing to do.

    This reminds me of the time I heard an Elder say to a group of people that the LAST thing they want to do it DF someone. He then said they in effect had to ASK to be DF'ed. This was another time it was all I could do to hold the "Bullshit Sneeze" inside me.


    This thread only gets better..Seeker4 your a madman!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • AuldSoul

    I'm glad I got back on today (even if only for a short time). I am in, Seeker4. Justice-One, you have started something very powerful, I think. It will be up to everyone to use their own judgment about what to write.

    Personally, I have no stomach for using their tactics against them or deceiving to achieve an end, but there is no need to do that with this idea. Even those who are out (like myself) can word it in such a way that this fact is unclear. What are they going to do, after all, ask me to clarify it?

    We could even include a heads up that we will eventually by arranging to more actively help out any in their area who have been abused or disillusioned by the doctrines by getting them in touch with persons who are no longer associated with Jehovah's Witnesses to arrange a strategy of exit that will be the minimally damaging to their families and lives, usually involving a slow fade.

    Then, maybe we could leave a link to this site and others for any of them (the elders) who might have had questions about their doctrines in the past, such as whether there is any Scriptural basis for the formation of Judicial Committees.


  • mama1119

    That is fantastic. I would love to see them try to figure out who it is. I want to do one!!!!!!!!!!

  • Justice-One

    Again this is very easy to do. Just do a Google search for your local Halls. Or use the White Pages under business. (I thought that was very fitting.)

    It would be better if you could drop a few names, or recent events. But even if you can't, just use your imagination and word it in a way to just drive them nuts.

  • Frank75

    Good letter and follow suggestions!!!

    Oh, and all of the negative chatter about the "F" word.

    Look people, it is not such a big deal! It used to piss me off how elders on the Golf Course would swear like hookers when they muffed up their drives and puts, but if anyone came forward accusing a "Fucking Elder" of molesting a child, the issue would then change to revolve around the use of vulgarity. Gulping down the camel and straining out the gnat.

    Perhaps you who are so sensitive to foul language should read Jesus' own foul mouth rant in Matt 23! There is no way that "whitewashed graves", "full of dead mans bones" and "offspring of vipers" was not taken in by the receivers with the worst possible offense.

    In the idiom of the time he called them "fucking liars" and "fucking hypocrites" plain and simple.

    Then there is Paul wishing that the super fine apostles would get their peckers cut off Gal 5:12!

    Therefore inserting expletives is fitting and proper, even apostolic!




    Good for you, a brilliant idea.


    as above


  • Seeker4

    I'm going to start a thread on just this idea, and link it back to this thread. See if it'll catch a few more eyes.

    Thanks for the comments.


  • Justice-One

    Please put the link to the new thread here also.

  • Kudra

    Hey J-1,

    If you start writing all these different letters to your BOE all from "different" people won't it seem a bit suspicious and look exactly like one person is writing them all (even if you change the writing and style etc)? It would be a bit coincidental that all of SUDDEN these folks start to write letters.

    Or are you going to do this to a different hall each time? I think that would be better. Maybe you even know about issues that are going on at different nearby halls. You could easily drive to different nearby towns to mail the letters so that they have the local postage stamp.

    Good luck!

    -Ha ha. I just have to say you LOVE these "missions" of yours- first the toilet stall bandit at the convention, now this- you totally missed your calling! The CIA is missing out on a good man!


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