Question: Demons

by ladybug25 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    By_Blood_Immortal: One possible explanation could be that the Bible is myth. Another could be that what is referred to in those scriptures is symbolic. How do you decide which things to take in the Bible as literal vs. symbolic? jws rely upon the wts to tell them which thing is symbolic and which is not, meaning a bunch of men in Crooklyn decide.

    I do think demons and the org are connected, i think it is from an evil source, it must be as it causes more harm than good.

    One of the reasons I've disbelieved the existence of demons is because my "experiences" with them completely stopped when I left the borganization. I don't know why I never realized this before, but Dido's comment above is a feasible explanation for that.

    However, other feasible explanations arise from that.....maybe we inadvertently brought the "experiences" on ourselves by associating with evil people....the experiences could be demons, could be a manifestation of evil that is not really an entity such as a demon, or of course....just in our heads.

    No way to prove it one way or another....I'm just glad I don't have to fear that anymore.

  • By_Blood_Immortal

    Let's go without the Bible. There are still people who have seen demon possession. How wlse would you explain the fact that jaguars, birds, and panthers went into an abandoned hut in Haiti and started speaking to one another in HUMAN language?

    As for this being metaphorical, would you care to explain for what you think this is a metaphor? I do not beleive this is a metaphor because how can a demon entering into pigs be a metaphor? seemns pretty literal to me.

  • freetosee
    How wlse would you explain the fact that jaguars, birds, and panthers went into an abandoned hut in Haiti and started speaking to one another in HUMAN language?

    Wow, tell me more...

  • lovelylil

    birds, jacquars and panthers spoke the human language? was this documented? Lilly

  • By_Blood_Immortal

    I talked to the man who saw it. His name was Shadrach. He was walking to a village and he noticed a couple of jaguars walking down the road together. He knew jaguars did not normally do this, that they were usually secluded animals so he followed. He saw a bunch of animals walk into a hut and hid behind a bush. Then he heard them start talking to one another. He heard them talking in Haitian and was so shocked, he immediately ran back.

    does anyone know the story of Haiti? I will assume no.

    Most text books, like the ones I have, state that Haiti was under French rule and Africans were brought over as slaves. This is all true. Then the slaves were lead out of their slavery by a man named François-Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture. Long story short, they were all out of slavery after the revolution.

    Alright, this is going to sound REALLY REALLY bad. Like one of those stories you see in the magazine in line at the grocery, "Jonah's Bones Found Inside of a Whale." But this is what really happened.

    The Haitians had such a hard time in slavery they prayed to SATAN (THE DEVIL, LUCIFER, or whatever you want to call him) to free them from slavery. Well, needless to say, Satan is going to take all the free souls he can get so he freed them. The promised to worship him and no other for 200 years. This is the only religion the Haitians have so they continue in it. Their leading religious men are voodoo witch doctors. I am not positive about this next statement, but I think they are possessed by demons. but I know for certain that they are given powers by Satan.

    My friend was in Haiti and he and some missionaries were driving around in a village. There were Haitians all over burning fires. Then a voodoo witch doctor came up and put a curse on one of the members. The person immediatly got sick and broke out in fever. The next day one of the veteran missionaries came and told the witch to take the curse off. She refused pledging her allegiance to Satan. The missionary cut off her head with a machete and the missionary on which the curse was placed was healed.

  • dido

    BBI- he `walked down the road behind 2 jaguars`? Are you sure you got it right?

  • By_Blood_Immortal

    If two animals were acting as abnormal as that, wouldn't you be slightly curious as well? and yes I am sure.

  • astro

    Well said Derek!

    There are other mental processes other than sleep paralysis that can affect the mind-reinforcing a delusional belief(demons).

    When people say others experienced this with them etc. folie a deux comes to mind.Shared paranoia and psychosis is not a rare event.

    With the superstitious groundwork already laid one can easily fall into this.I find it interesting that some people automatically believe it's demons.They don't seem to even want to learn that there are alternative explanations.That's where the lack of critical thinking skills shows up-thanks to wts indoctrination.

    There are many disorders and diseaeses of the mind that explain these events. I would encourage those who think this stuff is real to broaden their minds and perspectives.SUre it takes some research and work but it's an excellent method to begin divesting oneself of superstitions etc.

  • lovelylil


    I read that article and it was really creepy. Many people believe you can attract good or bad energy to yourself while they do not prescribe to the notion of the bad energy being actual "demons". Then again, does anyone really know for sure what the biblical concept of a demon truly is?

    Anyway, I know when we had "paranormal" events in our home my parents were into witchcraft and other similiar things. And besides these manifestations there were other problems within our family, drug and alchohol abuse, incest, child abuse and worse. Some people believe that the bad energy around you attracts these problems and could result in paranormal type activity. I don't really know for sure - it is only a theory.

    I know one thing - I am not going to Haiti ever! Lilly

  • Jeffro


    ladybug- i can`t say why they picked me, maybe because i was vulnerable spiritually, i was having a really bad time in every area of my life when it happened, and it scared the living daylights out of me. I must say i haven`t had any of these attacks since i was d/f. It has taken me 5 years to now feel ok about being out of the org as i have found out so much about it,and it has released me from any feelings of guilt etc.

    The fact that you were 'having a really bad time in every area of your life' strongly suggests that your experiences were stress related in combination with a belief system that supported the existence of 'demons'. The fact that the experiences stopped once the source of stress abated concurs with that observation. In particular, prolonged periods of emotional stress cause problems with proper sleeping patterns, and over time, this can result in synaesthesia, hallucinations, and other manifestations.

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