Question: Demons

by ladybug25 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crazyblondeb

    My mom thinks my house is demonized. She used to live here and said weird things would happen. Keep in mind this place is VERY, and I mean, VERY old!! She thinks that is why I was having some heart problems. Plus, I went off my meds a while back, got very depressed, and was suicidal. She said it was only the demons. Never asked what she could do, nor did she try and talk to me. Other than she did tell me to say "jehovah". LOL

    Now she thinks her new place is demonized cause I light bulb my sister put in didn't come on for a few days. We had just got done painting her place, and the outlets aren't all screwed in yet. Give me a breakk!!

    She also thinks if her computer is used to come to an apostate site, it will give her comp a virus.

  • dido

    fts- that`s ok, but i do get upset when people try to diss it that easily when they haven`t been thro` it.

  • freetosee

    Dido, I was never through it, but our father and others kept telling us many demon stories. I had a sleeping disorder because of that. Before he became a jw he was into astor projection. His father was a Lutheran minister who was supposed to be able to do miraculous things, which our father said he saw with his own eyes. Also, there was an Italian family we were close to and they told us about wt’s flying out of the bookshelves, fire in the room, and a carpet (gift by jws) being thrown out of the house, although it had furniture on top of it before. This happened when the parents started studying with jws (the opposite of your experience). Today I see things different, I see the same people with the eyes of an adult. I don’t believe in spirits.


  • restrangled

    Ladybug, since I was a little girl I have had terrible demonic experiences.

    They stopped when I left the JW's "in my mind for good"....after I was about 35 years old.

    I will tell you this, there is no one that can convince me they were not real or did not happen. It was physical and mental.

    2 things stand out for me. When I was a little girl, I use to sleep with my cat. I was petting the cat and suddenly the cat turned to iron (like a door stop) and out of the corner of the room came a white aberation telling me to hate god, over and over again.

    I started screaming for my parents.

    The other was when I was young teenager and we had someone at bethal come and stay at our home. They were given my bedroom and I was to sleep on a mattress downstairs.

    After watching the slide show, I slipped into that bed and suddenly it was lifting off the floor and spining. I KID YOU NOT. I screamed and screamed, my mom and dad came running down the stairs and the damn thing landed. They did not question what happened as I had just layed down.

    I had many more horrific experiences but those 2 stand out. Don't mean to scare you. To this day I do not sleep well.

    I get up 4 to 5 times a night, to go out and smoke. The only difference is I have two beautiful dogs that get up and watch over me.

    Take'll be ok. Its only while your in the JW's this crap happens as far as I am concerned.


  • Carmel

    One should read Eliene Pagel's book, "The Origin of Satan". She is a christian scholar who traces the concept of evil (satan, devil, demons, etc) from pre-christian roots to present day paranoia about the subject. Kids are taught things that affect their thinking for their entire lives. Their own imaginations enhance their closely held beliefs and it becomes as real as any halucenation.


    "As to the question of evil spirits, demons and monsters, any references made to them in the Holy Books have symbolic meaning. What is currently known among the public is but sheer superstition."

    (Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 512)

  • Hellrider

    I have no idea if the supernatural (whatever it is) exists or not, but when it comes to jws, it`s all in their heads. There were these stories in our congregation. One woman in the congregation supposedly experienced that some eggs jumped out of the carton and started frying on the kitchen table by itself. She then, of course, cried out to Jehovah, and then the egg stopped frying (whether she waited until it was done frying or not, the story doesn`t say, but I definitely would have waited, and possibly thrown some bacons on there too). Why was this woman exposed to demons, when she was even a jw? Supposedly, these demons are afraid of jws. Well, on the one hand, they hate the jws, because they are "Jehovahs people", on the other hand, they are afraid of jws, because they are "Jehovahs people", and "Jehovah" is so powerful and all. Well, this woman had a husband that wasn`t a jw, and he had been to Africa in his youth, and had brought back demons masks, and he insisted that they`d hang in the livingroom no matter how much she wanted them to be thrown out...*gasp*. The demons probably came in with the african masks, and what`s the moral of this story? (There usually is a "moral" in all these jw-demon-stories). Probably that it`s not good to have a non-believing husband. And it`s good to serve "Jehovah", cause if the demons attack, then you can just cry out for help, etc. And the "fact" that these demons show themselves, and are then stopped when crying out "Jehovah", is, of course, "proof" that "the Truth" is the one true religion. The point is that these stories usually serve a purpose! They reassure the jws, in their little, navle-centered world, that it`s good to be a jw, and that their religion is "the truth". Of course, these stories scare the living daylight out of their little children, and completely ruins their childhoods (along with all the rest of the crap) but these things doesn`t concern jws. It is sick, sad, and caused trauma for a lot of us, myself included. My mother was obsessed about the demon-crap. On the one hand I hate her for that, and what her ridicolous superstitions did to me and my mental health, on the other hand, she was as thick as a sheep, and there are limits to how much I can blame someone so unintelligent and probably mentally disturbed. It`s just sad, that`s all. Of course, I hate the entire jw-religion for fueling her madness. I hate them and curse them all to hell so they can go stay with their little demons.

  • ex-perfectdaughter

    My problem with demon stories and "ghost" stories and even UFO stories. Most always happen at night, when people are going to sleep or just waking. It also bothers me to think that God watches everything bad while doing nothing while the demons are running around poking and scaring people. Makes no sense to me. I don't know what their motives would be.

  • blondie

    In the congregations I attended, JWs who wanted "attention" spun demon stories and influenced those who were newly baptized.

    I was always told that if you were studying your Bible, praying regularly, attending the meetings, and preaching that the demons could not bother you.

    I also went to many a garage sale with the CO and his wife who felt this was a great place to shop for frugal pioneers.

    No one bought into the smurf stories either.

    I know in some congregations it was different, but never in any I attended.

    If people who studied with JWs came from a culture that actively sought demon contact, I can see that they might be more likely to think that happenings are demon based.

    How many accounts are there in the NT of Christians being attacked by demons?





    No. While demons have been reported to manifest themselves in that way, many individuals who hear voices or experience other inexplicable, disturbing sensations have learned upon investigation that they have a medical problem.

    No, rumors and gossip and wild speculations are rampant in the WTS. When I have asked the name of the source of their stories, no one can remember.


  • calico

    Doesn't it seem that demon attacks have gone out of style? Most of the stories are from years ago--or maybe I just don't worry about it anymore!

  • looseend

    i know as a witness growing up i have heard quite a few stories about demonic episodes . i was told that if i had any rap or heavy metal cd's (by the way bands like pearl jam and red hot chilli peppers were considered heavy metal) i would have to say that most of the people i know that told those stories were nuts, or they were kids. Until i see something floating across the room, i am not buying it. i believe there is a reason for everything. just watching a movie like "the beautiful mind", and also reading various articles on psychology, the mind can do crazy things

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