Question: Demons

by ladybug25 113 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bikerchic

    I agree with that statement.

    If you think about it most all stories have a good verses evil slant to them, so does the bible which is a story, imho. When I no longer believed in a god I could no longer believe in his counter part the devil.

    The god Jehovah whom I learned to pray to as a young child never spoke to me nor did I feel he answered my prayers. I never heard from his son Jesus or the angles either. On the other hand his biblical counter part Satan and his demons whom I learned were evil never communicated to me either.

    I feel so cheated!


    Eventually you'll learn to let go of these falsehoods along with many others you were taught as a JW. It's great to be free from worry, freedom is a wonderful thing I hope you experience it for yourself in a great way.

  • dido

    fts- i do believe in some sort of afterlife or spirit world, whether the god story is true or not, i know there is something out there, and no-one will change my mind on that.

  • greendawn

    From the way you describe things the demon stories have been intentionally fostered by the org in order to frighten and subdue the R&F look at the way they weaved the demon theme around "dabbling in apostasy" that is obviously meant to deter them from searching and criticising the WTS. And why is it only the JWs that get demon problems from second hand objects?

  • ballistic

    One possible explanation could be that you are constantly told that there are invisible forces of both good and evil watching you. So when something strange happens in reality, the unexpected illness, the cup that breaks on it's own due to a change in temperature, the book that wont burn in the fire, the brother that went insane... these are all things that are easy to blame on evil spirits.

  • chiddy

    IMO I would say that 99% of the time these so called demon experiences are an over imaginative mind, and of course a seeking of attention, and isn't it funny that there is never 2 or more people who can say the had the experience?Prescription medication could have a part to play as well.

    Hellrider LOL did the eggs come out sunny side up? Calico your right that demon attacks appear to have gone out of fashion.

    But Poltergeist phenomena could warrant a different study altogether, but all powerful Demons ? give me a break!

  • I.Wonder

    At this point I don't exactly know what I think about demons and demonic attacks but I will tell you some things I have read about.

    I feel that Jehovahs Witnesses are almost demon worshippers! In my congregation for many years I could not attend a meeting without hearing something about demons. Whether it came from the podium or from casual conversations before/after the meetings. Not that they actually worship demons, but demons are a big part of their belief system.

    I myself used to be terrified of demons! I used to read many books on wicca/witchcraft and the occult before I became a witness and never thought once about demons. Then when I got to the chapter in the "Knowledge" book about wicked spirits and spiritism, I totally freaked and burned all of my books.

    Then a few years later I started reading those same books again and a few others (in secret of course). I still couldn't get over my fear of demons so I started do "research". What I found was that many people who had demonic/paranormal experiences had extreme fear(s) in their life. Whether it was fear of the paranormal, fear of death or extreme paranoia of one thing or the other. Many also had extreme manic depression or schizophernia. Some also had severe abuse taking place in the home.

    It is believed that the enviroment (the home or the mind) became overloaded with negative energy and the demons could be drawn to it. Others have suggested that we create the paranormal activity. Not that it is our imagination running wild, but our imagination becomes so focused that we actually manifest these strange happenings. Now theses cases were people who had really extreme abuse take place and or severe mental illness.

    All of these cases and the analysis of them could all be crock of crap. I mean why would demons do this? Just for *hit & Giggles? For all I know satan & jah could be having tea and scones while watching the demons and angels play a wicked game of cricket.

    I don't know if I even believe in satan or demons, but I have spoken with many people who have had some real freaky things happen to them. I just thought I would share some info with everyone.

    Very Best Regards,

    I. Wonder

  • freetosee

    Dido- i have absolutly no intentions to change your mind. The mind is a very powerful thing, but if anyone, only you should be the one changing it.


  • lovelylil

    I also believe the WT demonized everything and it gets ridiculous but like dido, I also had some type of paranormal experience. I was a young teenager. I woke up from a deep sleep one night hearing loud voices of someone talking. My dad often stayed up late watching movies and I though he was watching an old war movie because I was hearing marching commands being given and drums playing. I went into the tv room but no tv was on and dad was not there.

    Next, I went into all the other rooms. The voices stopped when I left my room but came back upon entering again. I opened my bedroom window to see if any lights were on thinking the nieghbors had their tv too loud. Nothing! As I turned away from the window I felt two hands push me in my chest and I went flying backwards. I screamed so loud - I could have raised the dead. The whole house woke up and came running.

    Of course they thought I was crazy at first but then said I must have been sleep walking. Well this sounded reasonable as I did not yet beleive in the paranormal. A short time later I had this happen: I was asleep in the same room I woke up after being hit in the head with something. I turned on the light and there was a shoe from downstairs in my room. I checked my siblings to see if someone was playing a joke on me but everyone was sound asleep. After that I begged my parents to get me out of that room. They made my older brother switch with me.

    About a week later he woke me up saying "ha, ha you are very funny". I am like "what are you talking about?" He tells me "I guess you think I am the one who hit you with the shoe? I ask why and he tells me I must have gone into his room with a shoe and threw it at his head. He woke up after being hit and then he showed me the shoe. Anyway, as luck would have it we moved soon becuase we were going to another area anyway.

    I can't say why this happened or that it was demons but it was deffinately not explainable. I knew my brother was not kidding as he turned white as a ghost and moved out to sleeping on the sofa. This was the only truly paranormal thing I experienced and I am glad. I almost wet my pants! Lilly

  • dido

    lovelylil-it is comforting to know that someone else on here can relate to experiencing an attack, other`s can poo-poo it until they have experienced it, but when you do, it is scarey, isn`t it? I do think demons and the org are connected, i think it is from an evil source, it must be as it causes more harm than good.

    fts- there are somethings that i have drwan conclusions about, and this is one of them.

  • Matt_fs

    My close friend that ended his friendship with me recently told me he had a personal experience with demons. He said when he was young, he went into his room and his train set was flying in circles in his room. He called his parents and they came rushing to see it for themselves. It then dropped to the floor and they tried to burn it with gasoline, it would not burn at all, and once they uttered the name Jehovah it let out a scream and it burnt. Crazy story if you ask me, do I believe it? I dont know, sometimes people like to over exagerate stories.



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