Worst Thing Youve Done In A Meeting?

by chuckie77 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • chuckie77

    Whats the worst thing youve done during a meeting?

    Years ago, when I was a bit more wicked/naughty/younger than I am now, I thought I would take some drugs just prior to the meeting to see if it would make things any more interesting. It didnt, but at least I enjoyed the kingdom melodies tapping my foot to the beat and bopping my head!!!

  • Honesty
    Whats the worst thing youve done during a meeting?

    Believed the BS that was pouring off the platform.

  • KW13

    lol, well i've got nothing on you - me and my mate started having a punch-up though we got seperated.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings chuckie77,

    Re: Worst FunniestThing Youve Done In A Meeting?

    Doing my god-given assignment at the sound booth one time, I farted and it stunk up the up the entire section of the the KH I was sitting in. One of the "elders" got up out of his seat and whispered in my ear.."I wish people would go outside if they're going to break wind". Needless to say I could not stop laughing for the rest of the meeting.

    Dismembered (of the don't eat beans before the meeting class)

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I never did anything particularly untoward at meetings. The worst thing I did was to ever go to them in the first place.

  • Synergy

    When I was 16 I masterbated in the second school. Only once.

    Renee (of the sexually deprived class)

  • KW13
    When I was 16 I masterbated in the second school. Only once.

    Renee (of the sexually deprived class)

    ah, i never got to do that...i feel deprived

  • slimboyfat
    When I was 16 I masterbated in the second school. Only once.

    Renee (of the sexually deprived class)

    Did you get a "good" first time, or were you told "work" on it so it could be "improved"? Slim

  • Jankyn

    Told a bratty JW kid to kiss my ass right in front of the CO. I was nine. You wouldn't believe how badly I got whipped (well, maybe you would. And that was after my mother washed my mouth out with LAVA soap, that extra-abrasive stuff that mechanics use).


  • whyamihere

    I have done a few things:

    I answered one time at a Sunday morning meeting....LOL! Dammit why wasn't I DF'ed for it? I don't know.

    Question was about Role Elders play in the Congregation....

    My answer: Elders need to be more attentive to the congregation/family, such as this one. I see many "sheep" here that are continuously ridiculed for shortcomings, no fault of their own, meanwhile here sits Elders with their own children doing vile acts proving these such Elders shouldn't be in good standing nor Elders for that matter. If they can't take care of their own families - why should they even have the right to take care of us?.....I don't want such ones telling me "Do as I say not as I Do." I never thought that the old saying "We will face trials and tribulations in the last days" would mean right here in Jehovah's house.

    It got very quiet, the mic guy was still standing there frozen in shock kept the mic right near my mouth...I then whispered "I'm done."

    I was never called on again.


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