Called JR Brown regarding Cano Pedophile situation

by LDH 350 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • bebu

    I am chomping at the bit here, Lisa, like everyone... Any recording available soon? Will that reporter give the details you have given here?

    Like mentioned by Jourles (I think), the admissions here simply deflate the authority of shepherding visits and JCs.

    Ah, I simply love this whole thing. Thanks Lisa!!


  • LDH
    Is there any chance that all of these comments will become a matter of 'public record' (in a news report perhaps) that is easily able to be referenced from readily available, non-apostate sources and also non-refutable as to having been said as 'official WTBTS' position?' Any chance there is some kind of, as of yet unanounced, 'new light' shining through these comments?

    I am open to any suggestions and as I rethink this in real-time, not sure I want to post the transcript today. I may send it to Kimberlee Love Norris first.

  • sir82
    I can confirm that the elders met with him face to face. That would be at the Orange County Lockup.

    Still, If they are already announcing that he is D-F'ed, they are not following "theocratic procedure". He should have 7 days to file an appeal, and until those 7 days have passed, no announcement at all is made.

    Not that it matters, but given the Society's "strain out the gnat" policy, I'm surprised he said this.

    By the way, let me echo all the commendations here--this was a major coup, getting JR's comments on the record!

  • DannyHaszard
    Isn't the 'killer' question that elders ask faders & slackers, "Do you still believe the FDS is the only true conduit from Jehovah ?"

    Or words to that effect ? Hasn't that been used to DA countless AWOL JW's ?

    I was Dfed for this and they called it a "capital offense" for which i would be stoned to death in ancient Israel.

    Watchtower you broke up my family you sons of bitches

    I am open to any suggestions and as I rethink this in real-time, not sure I want to post the transcript today. I may send it to Kimberlee Love Norris first.
    I am ready & eager to post at my site which has Love & Norris banner already
  • wednesday

    one thing I do know, if a case is so notorious that the org is actually involved, disgraced, becomes known to the community, , they can df whether or not he is repentent or even if there are not two jws witnesses to the sin/crime. I know I have read that in the literature. and I have heard it.

  • karen96

    What a great job, Lisa! Please keep us up to date!


  • Soledad
    "You are the face of justice

    close enough.......just throw in a few expletives!!

  • restrangled

    Wednesday is correct. This happened to me because of the notoriety factor. They had to reverse it back in '76. Probably one of the first reversals in their history.

    By the way, great work, I hope you have it recorded!


  • bebu
    I am open to any suggestions and as I rethink this in real-time, not sure I want to post the transcript today. I may send it to Kimberlee Love Norris first.

    What media avenues have already been used with the Roman Catholic scandal? They might be interested simply because the WTS has publicly condemned and scorned the RCC.

    How about DATELINE??? That would be quite an UPDATE-line, dontcha think??? Especially since JR Brown is admitting to things they were silent on before.

    You said that you had a reporter friend who was connected to a CA case. What spin can he bring to this to help it all get published?


  • purplesofa


    pretty awesome


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