Just announced- WMDs found in Iraq

by Gregor 135 Replies latest members politics

  • Gregor

    The topic up there is pretty straightforward. So far, all the news I've heard confirm that it is true. Why does it upset so many? It seems to have brought out a lot of "but" monkeys.

  • Bookey

    Listen guys, in case you forgot, Bush has moved on with his global domination/new world order plan that his puppet master father has in store for him. Now, the freemasons are dealing with Iran, and planning to invade there, followed by whoever else has oil. Oil tycoons from Texas have an agenda and there are no "weapons of mass destruction" except for the ones the United States has.

    On another note, I am still trying to find out why Bush crashed those planes into the world trade centers though. The only thing I can think of was that kind of cou got the people scared (along with the help of the media) and convinced the other politicians to invade Iraq (a country by the way which is poor and has no weapons of mass destruction).. The last time I checked, the best computer system I saw running at the MOD there was a Pentium II... Most citizens if they own a computer have a commodore 64. It doesn't take a genius to realize these things.

  • MinisterAmos

    Ummmm Gregor?

    Did you know the US provided Iraq many thousands of chemical "WMD's" for use in the war against Iraq?

    Why do I get the impression US troops dug up a disposal site of these FARKING US CHEMICAL WEAPONS we sent to help LITTLE BROWN PEOPLE KILL OTHER BROWN PEOPLE in the most despicable way possible?

    The US really isn't the white knight you'd like to think. That's why my family and I have dual citizenship .

  • Forscher

    Okay folks. Here is the source for the story.
    It appears that Rick Santorum held a press conference where handed out that press release to the press. I saw some allusions here to the improvised explosive devises which were used agianst our forces at the beginning of the "insurgency". Some of those devices didnot have the effect desired by the insurgents bacause of the age of the contents and the way they were deployed. So Sadaam did have WMDs, however ineffective they were rendered by age.
    The Bush bashers will continue to deny the truth. After all, why let the facts get in the way?

  • hallelujah


    Before you abuse the face of Geronimo (or is it Vittoria), just remember that he was an insurgent - who fought for independence for his own people, even if both sides (the US and the Apaches) committed war crimes - notably the war crimes - genocide - were far graver by the United States than by the Apaches.


  • Gregor

    Wow. When the water starts to rise there's no telling what's going to come out of the woodwork. I think there are a lot of frustrated XJWs that have found another fantasy to embrace that makes them feel better about themselves. I guess it's better than getting born agin'. Noam sayin'?

  • SixofNine

    Such a desperate bunch, these right wingers.

    Fox News’ Jim Angle contacted the Defense Department who quickly disavowed Santorum and Hoekstra’s claims. A Defense Department official told Angle flatly that the munitions hyped by Santorum and Hoekstra are “not the WMD’s for which this country went to war.”

  • Gregor

    Sixofnone - Who said they were the super special WMDs you've decided we needed to find? I hope they never find a pile of nukes stacked up like cord wood. The world is a better place without Saddams regime and we (US) have not been attacked going on 5 years. Something tells me that this frustrates you. Frustrating you doesn't seem do be very hard to do.

  • daniel-p

    "I think there are a lot of frustrated XJWs that have found another fantasy to embrace that makes them feel better about themselves."

    Who are we talking about here, Gregor? ;)

  • Robdar

    Sixofnone - Who said they were the super special WMDs you've decided we needed to find? I hope they never find a pile of nukes stacked up like cord wood. The world is a better place without Saddams regime and we (US) have not been attacked going on 5 years. Something tells me that this frustrates you. Frustrating you doesn't seem do be very hard to do. Why, I believe sir, that you are the one who implied it with your opening post and the title of the thread, "Just Announced-WMD found in Iraq." By the way, Iraq and Saddam had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. Jeez. Let's look at your post shall we:Just declassified and announced a few minutes ago. 500 weapons filled with mustard and Sarin gas found in Iraq about 3 months ago. . These were in Saddams possesion in violation of UN agreement. Could have killed tens of thousands if used in populated areas. I am not surprised. It fits Saddams MO to a 'T'. What will surprise me is if the Libs don't come back with some form of denial or twisting of the facts. Amazing how you and the neocons are the ones in denial and trying to twist facts and yet you say that the "libs" are doing it.

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