Just announced- WMDs found in Iraq

by Gregor 135 Replies latest members politics

  • hallelujah

    You forgot to ask why it was hidden for all these three months. Really it's because all the neocons in Britain, France, Germany, oh and of course the Reagan administration, namely Donnie Rumsfeld, sold it to Saddam to kill them Iranians, (they gave him satellite imagery to better target the Iranian troops) and they had a bit of blowout when he used it on the Kurds too.

    No wonder they couldn't trumpet this find.


  • daniel-p

    Excellent reporting, Gregor. I'm sure it's all a part of the left-wing media plan to make this sound like "old news." ;)

  • Fangorn


    This is the link to the document.

    The truth is that it won't make any difference if they find 5,000 or 50,000 because the Left is going to stay in the denial mode no matter what as is evidenced by the response here. 500 chemical shells don't exist in isolation, only a fool would believe that.

    In addition that BS about these being US shells supplied to Iraq for the Iran war is a blatant lie but beloved of the Left.

  • daniel-p

    "In addition that BS about these being US shells supplied to Iraq for the Iran war is a blatant lie but beloved of the Left."

    The US supplying Iraq with weapons of war is well documented history. Don't be a moron with the typical left vs. right bullshit.

  • hallelujah


    I don't know what you mean by "the left". Nobody is denying that Saddam had chemical weapons. They just point out that the gas was supplied by your government, that's right good ol murderin uncle sam, and ol brittania too.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Hmm. I don't take sides in thesse things, but seems to me that an administration desperate for public support would not sit on a WMD discovery for 3 months. Anyone?

  • Satanus
    It looks like the (news about the) Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be found.

    It's those liberals and their god, satan suppressing truth, again;) S

  • AuldSoul

    The payloads were supplied pre-Gulf war by the US, Fangorn. All of the munitions found date to pre-Gulf War, when the US was still not only friendly with secularist Iraq (and the Baathist party that the US and UK originally put in power), but while the US was hoping they would keep Iran in check for us. Had you forgotten this happened?

    That is when the payloads we gave them and sold them were put into Iraqi shells. That is also why they really don't want to say too much about the origins of these payloads.

    Also, this is NOT breaking news. The only snippet of this that is breaking news is that the document was declassified. Over 450 of the approx. 500 weapons recovered were recovered before May 2004. This was reported on in May 2004. Including the nature of the weapons and predictions as to the retained potential strength of the munitions. Also the source of the payloads was reported on.

    The last "Key Point" is the most hilarious to me: "It has been reported in open press that insurgents and Iraqi groups desire to acquire and use chemical weapons."

    This is funny from a few angles.

    The first I noticed is that they seem to find it necessary to explain that insurgents—whose sovereign soil has been invaded and whose government has been overthrown by a foreign power—would like to obtain and use (fill in the blank with your favorite weapon). Duh! In Bill Engvall fashion, I add, "We know there are old munitions buried and long forgotten dotting Iraq, but we would rather throw a rock or use a small IED that can only do minimal damage and will never convince this foreign invasionary force to leave our country. Here's your sign."

    The second is the redundancy in the statement "insurgents and Iraqi groups." By definition, insurgents are Iraqi's. It's like saying "country and nation."

  • AuldSoul

    (annoyingly large text warning, skip if it will bother you)



    Just to make sure everyone got it clearly: There was no discovery of WMD 3 months ago.

    This stuff was found before the search for WMD officially ended. It was reported on by Fox news in May 2004. Toward the end of 2003, over 450 WMD had been found. A BIG hooplah was made over it at the time until it was realized that the stuff was pre-1991 (pre-Gulf War) munitions. Iraq got the payloads from the US. Ostensibly to use against Iran, should Iran get too rowdy.

    According to the expert whose advice was heavily relied on by the Bush administration, Dr. Kay, it is highly unlikely that the Iraq government even knew where the stuff was. Their bureaucracy was glutted with red tape, and many of the departments had suffered reshuffles in staffing several times since the Gulf War. They were in miserable disarray when it came to record keeping.


  • Fangorn

    US involvement in this is absolute and total fabrication. The US did not supply chemical weapons loads to Iraq. This is an old canard that people keep going back to. I would ask the you supply some proof that is more than just assertion. "Well documented" involvement is complete and utter BS. Only Leftist dupes buy into that nonsense.

    I recommend to you Kenneth Timmerman's book "The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq" in which you'll find that a lot of people were involved in supplying Iraq with munitions, especially the French, but not the US.

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