Just announced- WMDs found in Iraq

by Gregor 135 Replies latest members politics

  • Gregor

    A poem I just wrote on the spot.

    Every ass has a ....?

    Every ass has a....wait now...like circle has a center...hmmmm Oh my God! An AssHOLE! Well, you're a...a...umm...poopy head! Yeah, that's it, a POOPY HEAD! But a damn clever poopy head. I can see I'm no match for you guys. Between vomit and mastodon the intelligent intercourse on this thread has regressed to the third grade. See y'all around the playground I mean the site.

  • hillary_step


    Between vomit and mastodon the intelligent intercourse on this thread has regressed to the third grade. See y'all around the playground I mean the site.

    .....And you of course have played no hand in this descent into unintelligent discource have you? I think that you will find that the third grade responses that irk you so, have actually been in reaction to your second grade tirades, but I have this third hand, so I may be incorrect for the first time. Just denounced - no WMD found in Gregor.. HS

  • Gregor

    I think that you will find that the third grade responses that irk (bore) you so, have actually been in reaction to your second grade tirades, but I have this third hand, so I may be incorrect for the first time. Just denounced - no WMD found in Gregor See what I mean? You're just too clever for me. However, I must have said something to provoke all this shrillness out of Hillary. Or is being shrill your standard mode? You have the last word, Nurse Ratchett. All this stimulating discussion has me in need of a nap.

  • SixofNine

    lol, Gregor said "shrill". Dumbass.

  • kid-A
    About those weapons...

    John Whiteside

    Yesterday, the blogosphere was abuzz with news that WMDs had been found in Iraq. From the right we heard the exultation: See! Bush was right! All of us who thought the war was a bad idea should apologize immediately! Thank goodness the president saved the day!

    Except, of course, that no such thing happened.

    Now, if you just glanced at the headline at Fox News, you could easily be confused (a common problem if you depend on Fox for information). "Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq," it said.

    If you actually went and read about what happened yesterday, however, a different picture emerges.

    What happened was that two Republican senators told reporters about a recently declassified document that said that 500 chemical weapons shells that Iraq used during its war with Iran (which ended in 1988) had been found. They were buried near the Iranian border and then, it seems, forgotten by Hussein's government. (It's been common knowledge for many years that Iraq used chemical weapons against Iranian troops during that war.) And intelligence officials "reaffirmed that the shells were old and were not the suspected weapons of mass destruction sought in Iraq after the 2003 invasion."

    You'd also know that just hours after the senators (Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Peter Hoekstra of Michigan) made their announcement, a Fox News reporter found out that the weapons were old, degraded weapons that the White House Iraq Survey Group had already dismissed. (For some reason, though, Fox still had the "WMDs Found" headline on their home page late yesterday afternoon, linking to a story that buries that detail very far down the page.)

    And you'd know that the Department of Defense immediately disavowed the senators' claims.

    Because, remember, the WMD justification for the war (before it collapsed and a new justification was retroactively invented) was active, ongoing programs to create weapons to be used against us by terrorists. We heard about the threat of mushroom clouds over American and European cities. We heard about 9/11 - not a direct statement that Hussein was involved, but just enough shadowy stuff to make a connection not supported by any tedious evidence.

    We heard something that has not turned out to be true, and which was not shown to be true yesterday.

    The senators say it's likely more weapons will be found, though they offer no explanation of why this is a credible thing. They were careful, of course, not to say it's likely that we'll find what the Bush adminstration told us was clearly there; even the White House won't say that. They are backing away from this whole story quite carefully; apparently Bush's people, unlike the right-wing blogosphere, understood what happened yesterday pretty quickly.

    So why would the senators make so much of this document? My guess is that they knew full well that once the story became a sound bite, word would spread that "WMDs were found!" and the perception would grow that the president's long-ago rationale for the war had been validated.

    In other words, by releasing a few facts the right way, you can spread a lie.

    Posted by John Whiteside at June 23, 2006 08:26 AM

  • hillary_step


    I suspect the deep, manly baritone comments from Gregor are as a result of getting caught with his cami-knickers around his ankles - again.

    With a heart in my song - HS

  • Robdar

    Bwaahahahaha, Gregor thinks that Hillary is a girl!

  • oldflame

    Aren't debates fun ?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Aren't debates fun ?

    Loads, and GW doesn't do well in debates, his own or those that discuss him.

  • daniel-p

    Excuse me, is this a debate? I mistook it for Gregor getting his ass handed to him on a platter.

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