What are you reading?

by damselfly 89 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Leolaia

    I just finished reading Dale Alison's Resurrecting Jesus and now I'm reading The Resurrection of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N. T. Wright in Dialogue, ed. by Robert B. Stewart.

    I've got a whole slew of interesting books to read, including one on Simon Magus.

  • DanTheMan

    Leolaia, I know you've said that your mind works differently in some ways, do you have pictorial memory of books that you've read to where you can read the page again in your mind? Just curious, you seem to have some pretty incredible mental powers.

  • VM44

    I have just received A Godly Hero, The Life of William Jennings Bryan, by Michael Kazin.


  • VM44

    I think my memory consists of one bit!

    --VM44 (of the bit-brain class!)

  • Leolaia

    No, I don't have eidetic memory, but I have an facility of remembering a volume of facts, numbers, figures, etc. in rote memory and then fitting the data in my mind to look for patterns or integrate it together. For instance, I have studied historical architectural data on construction and demolition dates for buildings, their locations, businesses, etc. and then look at historical photographs of street scenes and be able to tell sometimes within the month when each photo was taken, and exactly where that location is today even if all the buildings have long since been demolished, or picture what that location looked like a decade earlier or a few decades later.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I currently have 3 books on the go.

    "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter" by Carson Greely. It's kind of sad and depressing.

    "The Places That Scare You" by Pema Chodron

    "Life Strategies: by Dr. Phil

    My next three books are going to be:

    "The Power Of Now" recommended by James Thomas.

    "Take Back Your Life" recommended by Lady Lee

    "The Da Vince Code" just to see what all the fuss is about!


  • Goldminer

    I'm presently re-reading Wolves among Sheep by James Kostelniuk.Before that I read a true-crime book by Kieran Crowley.

    I'm also reading the book of Acts.

    My work schedule got changed so my reading has been hampered quite a bit.


  • Celia

    After the movie "Pride & Prejudice" came out, I wanted to read or re-read the book by Jane Austen. I think I read it ages ago. I couldn't find it in any of the stores around here, but I found "Sense & Sensibility" and read it --- then I was hooked --- I got "Emma" and read it --- I got "Northanger Abbey" and finally "Pride and Prejudice" , which I just finished reading for the second time in a row.... Just wonderful stories, and a great writer. There's one more by Jane Austen I need to get.... Hmmmm... what's the title ?

  • littlerockguy

    "I'm reading Peyton Place by Grace Metalious." If you liked Peyton Place you will love her other books; even though they are out of print you still can get some of them on ebay. My favorite by Metalious is The Tight White Collar. Check out the upcoming movie about her played by Sandra Bullock. I LOVE Metalious!

  • liquidsky

    Thanks littlerockguy. I'll look for her other books. There's a used book store down the street from where I work. I'll have to see it they have any.

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