UPDATE 2: Since Freedom is Free, Why is it Taxed?

by RichieRich 190 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Richie, I am so sorry you're going through this. My parents were like this too, only I didn't have the gumption to do a tenth of what you're doing and they had me firmly under their control until I was 25.

    All of the advice you're getting is good. Either get a P.O. box or ask a friend if you can use their address as your mailing address. Direct deposit your check. Change banks if you have to, or split your check between your old account and your new one.

    The next time you're "allowed" to drive your car, get a copy of the key made and keep it in a secret place. Each time you go out, take something with you and put it someplace safe -- a friend's house or a rental storage unit. Little by little you can move yourself out and one day when you take your car you can just go.

    Also, if you have an inheritance coming to you, please get yourself a lawyer the instant you turn 18. There are legal clinics that help people who can't afford a lawyer's hourly fee -- call your local or State Bar association and ask about that. You need legal representation to make sure your mother doesn't try to do you out of your inheritance.

    It's hard to fight through the emotional blackmail and see a way out, but you have several, so take a deep breath and prepare to live YOUR life the way YOU want! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Oh, I know I'm a little early with it, but it's a-coming soon!



  • silentWatcher

    Actually, I'd do one better. I would give a donation to see Richie WEAR the apostate T-shirt to the District Convention.


  • mrsjones5
    Alternatively, count on my support if you set up a PO box for some donations.



  • Nosferatu
    Either way, it's her name in the paper, and a few days in county jail, and saturday mornings picking up trash on the highways (community service).

    You do realize that this would cause irreversable damage to the relationship between him and his mother. I highly doubt this is what Richie wants. The more damage he inflicts (whether intentional or not), the more his mother is going to reject him. I'm guessing Richie would like to continue communicating with his mother. Intentionally inflicting damage upon her would decrease the chances of that happening.

    If Richie simply stands up for himself and protects himself without the aid of the law, he may be better off in the future with his mother.

    I do have a relationship with my father, but it's pretty lousy at the best of times. He inflicted a lot of damage upon me, and I only did what I could to protect myself. My father would love for me to be closer with him, but it isn't happening. I have almost no respect for the man.

  • Nosferatu

    On a side note, if you want to make a donation fund with T-shirts, mugs, etc. use cafepress.com

    If Richie already has an account there with Apostashirts, don't buy any until he gets his address straightened out. No point in him getting cheques if his mother opens his mail.

  • startingover

    Something I always wished I would have asked my parents is if we could agree to disagree. Would they still treat me like a son if I no longer wanted to be a JW? I always assumed the answer, maybe by asking them directly things would have been different.

    I always felt from what they said that if I was not a JW any financial support would be gone. That may or may not have been a correct assumption, I guess I never had the balls to find out.

  • BrendaCloutier

    One of the things I did for myself when I was living in fear with husband #2 who was violent and abusive (and threatened to kill me) was:

    Packed up my troubles in my old kit bag: packed an emergency bag with clean underwear and sox, extra toiletries, an extra copy of my phone book, some $$ and some quarters for the phone. This took a surprising amount of weight and worry off my shoulders!

    I stored these in the trunk of my car under the spare tire. I had an extra car key made and wired it to the frame of the car. I had an extra house key made and kept it in the fuse box of the car. That way I could always get in and no one else knew where the keys were.

    The fuse box and under the carpet are good places to hide cash too.

    I opened a bank account and had direct deposti made to both our joint acct, and to my private account with a different bank. Unfortunately, the bank did not withhold my checks for willcall and mailed them, alerting my husband of my actions. I got a beating for it, and I went in the next day and showed the bank manager my bruises. I closed the account and opened a PO box and another bank account elsewhere.

  • startingover

    Do we really need to get a t-shirt in return for helping RR? He has been an inspiration to me, and evidently to others here as well. If we all gave him $20 do you realize how far that would go?

    He posted on another thread about how his life is now ruined. The harsh reality of his actions is hitting him, many of us cheered him on, and I for one still do. Let's get together and help him!

  • Nosferatu
    Do we really need to get a t-shirt in return for helping RR?

    I don't, but there's some people on this forum who are wary of sending their money to strangers. The t-shirt route might be better for those people.

  • delilah

    You are beyond her control. The control she thought she had, was obviously false. She is trying to figure out how to re-establish control. That is what this is all about. That is what cults are all about, so that is what mom is all about.

    CYP is so right. Your mom is doing whatever she can to keep a stronghold on you, Richie. She is trying to make you afraid of leaving the truth, and her. But she is so wrong....she has no right to take your hard earned money. Do as everyone else has said, have your checks direct-deposited into another account.

    I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, and I understand your love for your mom, even though she is mistreating you. This religion has always maintained that each member is free to choose, but we all know it's a great big fat lie. We are not free to choose to leave....they take our entire life from us if we do. We are taxed, to the max. Hang in there Richie...keep us posted.

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