I LOST IT ( strong language )

by IronClaw 65 Replies latest members adult

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong


    I probably would have handled it the same way if I were in your situation.

    "Go F@#$k yourself". Who hasn't wanted to tell one of those so called elders the same thing.

  • Kaput
    Actually you could finish that DA letter and send it to 'em before they lower their hammer....beat 'em to the punch, ie.

    I agree with Frannie...and you'll feel much better that you're out of the cesspool.

  • IronClaw

    Thanks guys. I think I will finish the DA letter and send it anyway. Being that there were 2 of them they don't need any witnesses to the fact that I told them I no longer want any part of the WT. So I'm sure they'll DF me at the earliest chance. At this point I really don't care.

    The Claw

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    good work . that about the only thing those dopes understand. is a good tongue lashing. i waste no time . when i see jw's. attack attack attack. i don't think they will bother you much more. since they know what their in for. try the reverse . next time you see sal. walk straight up and attack him.

  • rebel8

    Oh God Ironclaw, I had no idea you were getting a divorce. (( )) How awful to go through all this simultaneously! (But I do have to say hats off to you for standing up for yourself with the elders!! I hope that release made it a tad more bearable.)

    I feel so bad for you! Maybe I can talk my husband into all of us meeting up for a beer sometime, if it would help to talk to someone face to face. We've got a lot going on at the moment but maybe we could arrange something.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I think I will finish the DA letter and send it anyway. Being that there were 2 of them they don't need any witnesses to the fact that I told them I no longer want any part of the WT. So I'm sure they'll DF me at the earliest chance. At this point I really don't care.

    It's my understanding that they do not differentiate between dF'ing and DA'ing announcements anymore, stating simply that "so-and-so is no longer one of JW's".....just in case they might feel tempted to let the rumor out that you're dF'd, I'd send a copy of that DA letter to a few jdubyas in the cong, if you have a few addresses. Just so there wouldn't be any doubt about what happened and why.

    I'm sorry to hear about your divorce, too, Ironclaw. That's got to be miserable on top of everything else. (((((IronClaw))))))


  • IronClaw

    Hey Rebel, Yeah the release did make me feel good. Actually I have been waiting to tell him off for quite some time now. He caught me at the right time. A few beers sounds good. I could use something a little stronger right about now though. LOL

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Way to go!!! I don't know why those people can't get the idea to leave you the Hell alone. Congratulations on standing up for yourself and telling them how you feel. It might not do anything for thier attitude but hopefully, it made you feel better.

    Sorry for the divorce. Hopefully, things will get better very soon.


  • IronClaw

    OH Frannie, I remember telling you once that I was going to go out with a bang. I didn't want it to end this way though. Oh well. At least I told them how I feel. I call a spade a spade and let the chips fall where they may. If they come a calling, they'll get more.

    Cheers Frannie, this ones for you

  • stillajwexelder

    dont you just hate smug bastard elders

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