I LOST IT ( strong language )

by IronClaw 65 Replies latest members adult

  • AuldSoul

    (((IronClaw))) You have a PM (or you will in a few minutes)

  • unclebruce

    You rock Ironclaw!!

    No need to apologise for strong language against the creeps bro . They're a reflection of heartless evil and cowardice. The same jerks versed in backroom mind rape.

    goodluck and best wishes, unclebruce

    ps: a few years ago my ex, who never normally swears or talks about JW stuff, was at a family gathering when someone pressed one watchtower button too many and Susan let the 'f' word slip, even I was shocked but her older sister fell of her chair - literally lol.

  • greendawn

    They only really care to visit the R&F when they stop serving their org or as they cunningly, very cunningly say jehovah's own org, otherwise they don't want to know. So I can understand why you are upset with them their interest is self serving and hypocritical.

  • Frog

    F*CK them smug elder bastards Ironclaw!...here's to you & your bright future away from their bullsh*te maddness...bottoms up!...you don't need them, you never did. I hope this all gives you closure. And promise us you wont have any regrets for the way it came out, you should be proud of yourself for being able to look these losers in the eye and speak your mind. It only gets better from here, another step in the right direction for you. Much luv from frog xx

  • daystar


  • Dismembered

    Greetings IronClaw,

    The same sorta thing just happened to me a few months back. I was home minding my own business when my son looks out the door, to the foot of our driveway and says "hey dad, I think you are about to have visitors. I think it's the elders". He was right. I looked out the door and sure enough it was two of them.

    I have not been going to meetings for about 4 or 5 years now. But they decided to intrude as is dub protocol. They'd (the "elders")been making the obligatory-unwanted-by-me visits when the big gun "co" was in town over the years. This of course to no avail, as i've decided that I'm done with that pipsqueek cult. But this visit was different. First of all we have a long driveway, and they parked on the street not driving in. That translated to they're on a mission. They sat in the car for a couple minutes before walking up the drive.(No doubt prayin' for gods holy spirit...screwballs). They finally came up. One of the douche-bag is one who's done more mishandling, and coldly hurt people over the years, that it defies logic how he's still alive! The other guy was newly crowned who has as much to say as the one who was in the schene-belly video. Not sure if you watched that, anyway, he didn't say a word. He was in training-pants.

    D Bag #1 was donning the same shit eating grin as the one you saw @ the gas station, until I told him he had big gonads to be here. Wow he lost his train of thought when I told him that. Like you the visit turned into a rant. Although no vulgar was used I told them in no uncertain terms that I do not consider myself one of JW anymore. Hence, about two months later came the infamous announcement to the congo. No letters. No correspondence. NADA .

    Not sure if you sending a letter is worth the paper and ink, or your time & effort.


    ps:I suspect that they lurk here.

  • Brigid

    My thought mirrors that of a few others here: What were they doing pulling up to you at that gas station? Do you live in a small town? It smacks of stalker-esque behavior and is just damn creepy.

    Yea, I wanna spend an eternity in "paradise" with guys like this watching my every move, lurking, smirking, stalking, making up their rules as they go along--only paying attention when they can "bust" you on something.

    Good riddance!


  • JH
    Do you visit apostate sites?

    That is none of your f *** business gentlemen !!!!!!!!!!

    We want to talk to you

    Well, If I need to talk to you, I'll phone you.

    Now, get lost !

    That's what went through my mind when I read your opening post.

  • Sunnygal41

    Ironclaw............I'm glad you told those self righteous bas**rds where to get off. When my mom was being beaten by her drunken husband and us girls were soooo depressed and just hanging by threads, all we ever got was "go to meetings......trust in Jehovah"............mom was told to stay with my drunken father..........we were MISERABLE........no one in the congregation reached out except on sister whom everyone else made fun of, called her crazy.............no wonder I grabbed the first guy who showed interest in me and got married.........there were no other options offered to me..........so then I spent twenty years married to someone who was not compatible emotionally with me..........seven years ago, I finally had it up to my eyeballs and left it all behind............within a year he was remarried..........good on you, IC........things will get better, I promise you.........just get away from them and find what brings you happiness in life. For me, it was going back to who I was before all their mind poisoning...........

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    I am so sorry about the divorce.

    If sending the letter and getting your thoughts across to the a**holes make ya feel better, go for it.

    Even better stand outside the kh the night they announce it before the meeting and give everyone a copy of the letter and tell them to read it Before the meeting.

    Just a thought.


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