by You Know 536 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla


    . It is just something about October I guess. Besides, if the house loses, you won’t really lose a-hundred bucks anyway, because if things collapse money may well become non-negotiable or hyperinflation could render $100 equivalent to about 2 cents in a matter of days.
    . At some point the almighty dollar will have to bow before the Almighty Jehovah as a prelude to his taking center stage in world affairs.

    i guess the almighty dollar isnt ready to bow yet, and it certainly wasnt ready to bow in the prophetic month of october. as of today, the "almighty dollar" has gained 3% on the euro over the past 30 days, and closer to 4% against the euro over the past 90 days (not bad considering sep.11th falls within those 90 days).

    of course the "sideshow" market keeps rising despite these utterings:

    It is definitely going to get interesting when and if the markets open;
    That's because the financial system is now in a crash-down mode
    oh blubbering one, the system was never really in "crash-down mode" was it now? and it did get interesting when the markets opened, we got the usual correction after a sudden calamity, and weve now not only fully recovered, but surpassed those pre-sep.11th numbers.

    ah, its just something about november i guess; its a good month to gloat.

    no one is going to enjoy dishing it out more than me. Get ready.
    wrong again blubbering one. we have all immensely enjoyed dishing out this months quota of gloating, as once again your predictions have fallen by the wayside. we wait in anticipation for the next great prophesy!


  • joelbear

    This is my favorite long reading thread ever that doesn't have my name in the Subject line.


  • dubla

    our firm was expecting and predicting a bumpy road until next spring. of course, that could still happen at any time, and surely we will see more corrections, but i cant really complain about the dow being above 10,000 again (up 200 pts. today), and the nasdaq being above 2,000 (up 75 pts. today). i normally think of a "panic" as something short term, but apparently this current "panic buying" (yks words) is lasting for quite a duration.

    ......still waiting for the financial collapse, i think yk changed his prediction to the turn of the year, so im getting nervous now.


  • crownboy

    Nothing really to say on the matter. It's just that it's a long thread and I haven't made a comment yet. Everyone on the forum must have already made a comment. Obviously, YK was wrong but don't expect him to admit it.

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • jayhawk1

    Well here I set, wondering when Robert will admit he is wrong again. October has been over for nearly two months, and his predictions of doom have once again prooved untrue.

    No wait, maybe I am dead and Heaven is exactly like Earth. Same job, same house, oh no, I might be in Hell! Oh wait, I like my job and my house, so Hell isn't so bad after all.

    Bottom line Robert/You Know,

    Pay Up!

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • cellomould

    Well, what is scary is that perhaps YK could have been correct.
    People make such predictions ALL THE TIME, so eventually someone has to be 'correct'.

    That doesn't prove anything about the individual, only that with a world full of doomsayers, someone is sure to attract an audience.

    Even if just by twisting the initial predictions into some sick version of what really did happen.

    This is a small discussion board, with only about 3000 participants. In other places around the world, people were saying similar things before tragedy stuck.

    "ALLAH was vindicated" , "JEHOVAH was vindicated" , "MY DOG SPARKY was vindicated"

    whatever man! Your OUTRIGHT TOMFOOLERY was vindicated!

    Too bad I missed most of this discussion. It will soon fade again anyhow, but it's fun to see how nutty people can be. I hereby rate this thread 'nuttiest crock o' sh#! that ever landed on the forum floor'.

    cello the pooperscooper

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • ladonna


    You left yourself wide open for this post!!!

    If these posters are all "nutters", then you can be the one to list them all on Ashi's thread......I think YKNOW is already there along with Fred, but I could be wrong!!!

    Happy Typing ,Cello

    Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too...Voltaire

  • cellomould

    hey I will give it a shot ladonna



    forget the list, drumroll please...

    cool guy:

    fool guy:

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • You Know
    You Know
    October has been over for nearly two months, and his predictions of doom have once again prooved untrue.

    Perhaps you haven't read much of this long-running thread, but by way of repetition: My original wager stated "that before the end of the month of October that the present financial system will be in a full-blown panic crisis; and, if not in a crash-down mode, then certainly in a state of war." Now, by all accounts the United States is in a state of war, and while obviously the system didn't collapse, after the events of 9-11, the financial system was certainly in a crisis state evidenced by the drastic interest rate cuts and the government's issuance of billions of dollars in emergency funds to allay the panic. The government and media orchestrated a campaign to induce people to spend money so as not to exacerbate the financial crisis. That in itself indicates the level of panic behind the scences.

    Apostates have already spent a considerable amount of bandwidth on this thread spinning the nonsensical notion that I meant to say that the financial system would be at war with itself---conjuring images of rabid stock brokers running down Wall Street stabbing each other with sharpened accountant's pencils---or whatever. That sort of nonsense is, of course, typical and is to be expected when dealing with apostate ridiculers. It is much like how the Philistines cheated Samson, which I alluded to as the basis for my little wager from the beginning. Secondarily, every wager requires a counter-party. And as I have already pointed out too, there was no consensus on the part of the forum to accept the terms of my wager. So, from that aspect of paying off it's a non-issue.

    The purpose of my little wager in the first place was to call attention to the world's present precarious situation. This topic has served its purpose if it has caused even a few people to think more deeply and to watch world events more closely. Aside from the ongoing obsession of apostates to prove me wrong, the glaring reality is that the world has fundamentally changed since this topic was begun in the 1st week of September. Only the most intransigent realty-adverse individual would deny that fact. WWI was sparked by a single assassin's bullet. The events of 9-11 have set in motion a series of events that becomes more ominous by the day---situated in the context of the collapse of Enron and Argentina---the most significant by far, though, being the standoff between the two newbie nuclear powers---India and Pakistan. If one bullet set off the Great War, what will one nuclear exchange do?

    The bottom line: You have much bigger problems than trying to prove YK wrong. While you were sleeping the world became a very different palce and now seems poised to implode upon itself in a way that was unimaginable only a few short weeks ago. / You Know

  • logical

    I was playing literati the other day and in my tiles were the letters:

    E E S A L W

    (cant remember exactly)

    But when I put a word down on the board it was so fitting of You Know:


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