What scares you? [Ozzie's Weekend Poll #157]

by ozziepost 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G day all! Owyergoin?

    So how s your weekend going? Managing to get away from the grind? I hear that snow was in blizzard proportions around where Country Woman is yesterday

    Here in NSW this weekend s put on a real scorcher even though we re deep into autumn it s still a hot one!

    Anyway, time to take some time out and join with other pollsters let s reminisce and muse together.

    This weekend s poll question is:

    What scares you?

    (Select from one of the list below.)

    1. Using up your posting limit!
    2. A knock at the door.
    3. Giving a #4 talk.
    4. A meeting in the back-room with the elders.
    5. The death of a partner.
    6. Getting into a debate with UB and old Grumbly.
    7. Getting to the airport and realising I'd left my passport at home.
    8. Meeting UB and finding out he really does love Think.
    9. Finding out the Borg was right all along.
    10. The big "C".
    11. George Dubya staying in office.
    12. Discovering that Osama bin Laden was living next door.
    13. North Korea beating the USA at basketball.
    14. The WTS saying they're sorry!
    15. Other (please detail)

    There ya go, folks, now what do you think?

    Oh, and don't forget....


    Cheers, Ozzie

  • FlyingHighNow

    15. Other:

    My daughter losing custody of her sons and them ending up cut off from all of us who truly love them. I fear them being unhappy and not taken care of.

  • unclebruce

    15. Other (please detail)

    the thought of another 155 'Slap ... Here' posts before I can get anywhere near ozzie class

  • ozziepost

    slap, slap

  • CyrusThePersian

    Definitely number 11!

    At the risk of starting a political debate, it's not often in history that the most powerful nation in the world is being run by a certifiable loony...I take that back, it IS often the case. It just hasn't happened before in my lifetime, no wait, yes it has!... oh never mind..!


  • gumby

    I think what I honestly fear the most.....is tryin to be nice and going to the kingdom hall, then some real big brothers decide to pull off my clothes and push me up on the stage, then everyone in the hall laughs at me and points their finger sayin stuff like......." look at apostate Gumby....he looks like he just got out of a cold swimmin pool.....ha ha ha ha ha.......ha ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha ha ".

    That's how come I never go anymore.


  • breeze

    Gobal Warming!!!

    Maybe I'll be dead by the it gets really bad but still the threat seems real and only a small minority are paying attention to it!!!

    The poles melting and my home being swallowed up by the ocean is a real scary idea???


  • Gill

    Gumby! Ozzie said 'what are you afraid of' NOT 'what's your secret fantasy!' Any excuse to show your 'nethers off'!

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    15. Sharks

  • blondie

    1. Using up your posting limit! (not even close yet)
    2. A knock at the door. (for only a specific person who IS physically dangerous)
    3. Giving a #4 talk. (never)
    4. A meeting in the back-room with the elders. (never happened, would never go)
    5. The death of a partner. (Yes, this does and I have had to face the possibility)
    6. Getting into a debate with UB and old Grumbly. (I'm a lover not a debater)
    7. Getting to the airport and realising I'd left my passport at home. (too organized; it is more likely I would show up naked with my passport in hand)
    8. Meeting UB and finding out he really does love Think. ??????
    9. Finding out the Borg was right all along. (if they are and it will never happen I would rather be dead than Borg)
    10. The big "C". (have faced that)
    11. George Dubya staying in office. (Constitution says he is out for good or bad in January 2009)(Now the Constitution could be changed but I don't think the US "loves" him that much)
    12. Discovering that Osama bin Laden was living next door. (good disguise)
    13. North Korea beating the USA at basketball. (better than the alternative)
    14. The WTS saying they're sorry! (saying it and meaning it are 2 different things)(sorry for what--generic apologies make me puke)
    15. Other (please detail)

    Growing up in an abusive household I learned to face my fears. After that and the WTS, would could be fearsome?


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