What are your most hated JW words and phrases?

by Low-Key Lysmith 129 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    You mean besides "resplendent?"

    Actually, the most heinous is, "We'll just have to wait on Jehovah."

    With those words, dubs dismiss all the personal dreams and aspirations of an individual, snuffing out creativity, fulfillment and the instinctive search for authentic self that humans have been engaged in since the dawn of time. At the same time, this phrase cancels out hope for the future, for a better condition in life, and worst of all, the need to act in your best interests and aspire to achieve personal satisfaction.

    It is the worst possible thing one could say to a child or teenager and thoroughly dampens the spirit of persons of all ages. It is a matter of control and co-dependence, and is the WTS' most vicious, evil tool.

  • lilybird
    Actually, the most heinous is, "We'll just have to wait on Jehovah."

    With those words, dubs dismiss all the personal dreams and aspirations of an individual, snuffing out creativity, fulfillment and the instinctive search for authentic self that humans have been engaged in since the dawn of time. At the same time, this phrase cancels out hope for the future, for a better condition in life, and worst of all, the need to act in your best interests and aspire to achieve personal satisfaction.

    It is the worst possible thing one could say to a child or teenager and thoroughly dampens the spirit of persons of all ages. It is a matter of control and co-dependence, and is the WTS' most vicious, evil tool.

    Yep.. its true.. they're dream squashers..and they suck the life out of you if let them..

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    "Bloom of youth"

    "Heavy petting"


  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, all of you who post here on JWD. I'm sure some lurkers are thinking, "If you all have so much time to sit and post on the internet, then you certainly have the time to make all five meetings, field service, even pioneer. You just aren't willing to PUT FORTH THE EFFORT!!!!"

  • greendawn

    Even that elementary "brother" and "sister" were irritating because they were so hypocritical as there was no real fraternal love among them.

    Also the words this system of things and the critical way they said it was annoying because they were part of it contrary to what they claimed eg they were so materialistic and gossipy.

  • InquiryMan

    appreciate privilege

  • IP_SEC

    unbelieving mate
    materialism /istic
    jezebel influence
    universal sovereignty
    zeal /ous
    dew drops
    Fear not those who kill the body.... but cannot destroy the soul??? faithful to the end continue. I will help you reach your goal
    ox goad
    any song where an apostrophe is used to make the word fit into the rhythm (giv'n, heav'n, tow'r)
    did she scream????!! (when refering to rape)
    Please dispose of aluminum soda cans in the containers marked for that purpose
    vindicate /tion
    pure language (sounds sooo nazi)
    deserving ones (actually anything with "ones" on the end
    We must have the faith that the bible does revive We must build such faith if gods war we would survive Do we have a faith accompanied by works? this kind of faith preserves our souls alive
    Make the truth your own

  • MungoBaobab

    What I really hate is that backwards talk you hear at conventions and on the covers of magazines.

    "Do we not also agree that the great day of God the Almighty is near?"

    "Let us turn in our Bibles to Exodus 2:11."

    "Racism- Its End is Near"

    "A World Without Greed- When?"

  • dorayakii

    great spiritual banquet provided by the "slave class"... anything with the word "class" in it

    spiritual paradise (spiritual hell more like it)

    "the pure language"... this one always annoyed me and "chosen nation"

    "we'll all speak hebrew in the new order"

    i hated all the prayers which were not actually praising Jehovah, but telling the audience what to do...

    "we thank you Jehovah that we've been encouraged by this meeting, and we ask that your spirit and blessing be upon us to put in our report slips for this month"

    young ones, dead loved ones, wicked ones, interested ones

    rightly disposed for everlasting life

    make yourselves available

    "you were working on repitition for emphasis"

    Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.

    "what do we gleeeeeaaaaan from this verse brothers?"

    "the antitypical city of refuge"

    "let us therefore do our utmost to remain steadfast, unmovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the lord"

    "last year kingdom proclaimers spent some 1 billion hours out in the field"

    "i placed 300 books in one day" (yeah, i "placed" some today too... "placed" them in the dustbin)

    "inculcate"... synonym for "indoctrinate"

    "whats the date today?"... "you should know, didn't you read your text this morning?"

  • AuldSoul

    (1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?

    (2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?

    (3) the truth

    (4) fine spiritual feeding program from the Faithful and Discreet Slave { gag! }

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