Intro's quote-o-rama

by Introspection 151 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Tatiana

    'Living in forests far away from other people is not true seclusion. True seclusion is to be free from the power of likes and dislikes. It is also to be free from the mental attitude that one must be special because one is treading the path.

    Those who remove themselves to far forests often feel superior to others. They think that because they are solitary they are being guided in a special way and that those who live an ordinary life can never have that experience. But that is conceit and is not help to others. The true recluse is one who is available to others, helping them with affectionate speech and personal example.'



    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Xena

    Peace is not just the absence of conflict but also the presence of justice.

    --Harrison Ford in Air Force One

    seemed appropriate now...

  • Introspection

    "All violence is injustice.
    Responding to violence with violence is injustice, not only to the other person but also to oneself. Responding to violence with violence resolves nothing; it only escalates violence, anger and hatred. It is only with compassion that we can embrace and disintegrate violence. This is true in relationships between individuals as well as in relationships between nations."-Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Introspection

    "We make a vessel from a lump of clay;
    It is the empty space within the vessel that makes it useful.

    We make doors and windows for a room;
    But it is these empty spaces that makes the room livable." -Tao Te Ching 11

    It appears that many Christians today still believe meditation is "praying to the devil", or allowing demons to enter your mind etc. Well, if the mind is always occupied with thoughts, or if it isn't open to external input, what allows room for Christian teachings to enter, or the holy spirit for that matter?

    There is something called working memory, which is a "space" that temorarily holds information which you are processing with your mind. Of course, if you are always hanging on to your opinions and beliefs, it's probable that even this little bit of space is not available. A person might be full of thoughts which they think is right and correct, and although it is unlikely that a person is 100% wrong about everything, what we do know is that regardless of the validity of their beliefs, what they are full of is their own opinions - or, if you will, full of themselves.

  • Introspection

    Mentioned this before, just putting it in this thread:

    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle

  • Introspection

    More from Tolle, from the book The Power of Now:

    You have probably come across "mad" people in the street incessantly talking or muttering to themselves. Well, that's not that much different from what you and all other "normal" people do, except that you don't do it out loud. The voice comments, speculates, judges, compares, complains, likes, dislikes, and so on. The voice isn't necessarily relevant to the situation you find yourself in at the time; it may be reviving the recent or distant past or rehearsing or imagining possible future situations. Here it often imagines things going wrong and negative outcomes; this is called worry. Sometimes this soundtrack is accompanied by visual images or "mental movies." Even if the voice is relevant to the situation at hand, it will interpret it in terms of the past. This is because the voice belongs to your conditioned mind, which is the result of all your past history as well as of the collective cultural mind-set you inherited. So you see and judge the present through the eyes of the past and get a totally distorted view of it. It is not uncommon for the voice to be a person's own worst enemy. Many people live with a tormentor in their head that continuously attacks and punishes them and drains them of vital energy. It is the cause of untold misery and unhappiness, as well as of disease.

    The good news is that you can free yourself from your mind. This is the only true liberation. You can take the first step right now. Start listening to the voice in your head as often as you can. Pay particular attention to any repetitive thought patterns, those old gramophone records that have been playing in your head perhaps for many years. This is what I mean by "watching the thinker," which is another way of saying: listen to the voice in your head, be there as the witnessing presence.

  • Introspection

    One more from Tolle:

    Thinking and consciousness are not synonymous. Thinking is only a small aspect of consciousness. Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought.

    Enlightenment means rising above thought, not falling back to a level below thought, the level of an animal or a plant. In the enlightened state, you still use your thinking mind when needed, but in a much more focused and effective way than before. You use it mostly for practical purposes, but you are free of the involuntary internal dialogue, and there is inner stillness. When you do use your mind, and particularly when a creative solution is needed, you oscillate every few minutes or so between thought and stillness, between mind and no-mind. No-mind is consciousness without thought. Only in that way is it possible to think creatively, because only in that way does thought have any real power. Thought alone, when it is no longer connected with the much vaster realm of consciousness, quickly becomes barren, insane, destructive.

    The mind is essentially a survival machine. Attack and defense against other minds, gathering, storing, and analyzing information--this is what it is good at, but it is not at all creative. All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness. The mind then gives form to the creative impulse or insight. Even the great scientists have reported that their creative breakthroughs came at a time of mental quietude. The surprising result of a nation-wide inquiry among America's most eminent mathematicians, including Einstein, to find out their working methods, was that thinking "plays only a subordinate part in the brief, decisive phase of the creative act itself."(1) So I would say that the simple reason why the majority of scientists are not creative is not because they don't know how to think but because they don't know how to stop thinking!

    1. A. Koestler, The Ghost in the Machine (Arkana, London 1989), p.180.

    BTW, has anyone read The Ghost in the Machine?
  • lefthand

    Hey, Intro
    Deep stuff! But it's been my experience that if the demons want to get to you, and you aren't protected with a stronger force...they will get to you. They are, after all, super-human. They don't need an empty mind to get in, just an idle one thinking selfish thoughts.

  • Introspection

    "All man's miseries derive from not being
    able to sit quietly in a room alone." -Blaise Pascal

  • Introspection

    Well, ehh, lefthand.. It isn't so much a matter of selfishness per se, but self centeredness is more like it, regarding one's own beliefs etc.. In a way, your nickname on this board explains the concept quite nicely.

    Just registered and happen to find this thread did ya?

    "Oh, so you think you're better than me??" -The Mendelbaums from Seinfeld

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