get a life -- 10 facts

by joelbear 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • dins

    Great idea Joel bear. I never knew who you were really, although I enjoy your humour..My life..

    1. I am the second of four children ranging from two to 14 years apart. Born and raised in NJ.
    2. My parents were hippies in the 60s (they took me and my sister to Woodstock, I was only a year so don't remember though!!)
    3. They found THE TRUTH when I was around 3 or so and that's when things got VW camper anymore or beards (certainly no smoke!)
    4. I couldn't wait to grow up. Did well in school and wanted to be an actress. Couldn't wait to get out of NJ and lose virginity.
    5. Left home at 18 and went to college in Florida. Worked for a time as a flight attendant but didn't like it one bit. Decided to be court stenographer instead.
    6. Met Englishman in Royal Navy in Florida in '91 when his ship was docked in the harbour. Very sexy uniform and accent. Couldn't help it.
    7. Got pregnant by said Englishman (oops!!) and decided had nothing to lose by moving to the UK.
    8. Got married in the UK, son born named Luke, went back to work as stenographer; also Weight Watchers Leader and physical trainer.
    9. Last year grew restless with life and marriage, and at the age of 30, decided I had enough, pulled up stakes and came home to the US.
    10. Separated now and VERY happy with son in the US. Think I am only beginning to find out who I am. Dating lots and having fun.

    Life can be good....just have to try to make it that way.

    My parents are still JWs and the Woodstock pictures are sadly missing from the photo album.



  • Englishman

    1. Born Bolton, Lancashire in the north of England.
    2. I'm 55 and fit as a flea.
    3. I'm happily married to Christina, have been for 28 years. 3 sons.
    4. I enjoy Shania Twain, Dido and Verdi.
    5. Great socialiser,throw lots of parties and barbies, pub-goer.
    6. Travelling's my thing, enjoy walking the levadas when we visit Madeira, which is frequently.
    7. Got my own one man business, I start at 9 and finish at 3.
    8. I love to fly, I'm fascinated by aeroplanes, did you know that a plane descending from say 30'000 feet has its engines set at idle?
    9. Ambition is to drive a steam locomotive, preferably the "Flying Scotsman" on BR track.
    10. My passion is football - soccer - theres nowt like the atmosphere at a football stadium!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • sleepy

    1.I love music got around 800 records and CD's and used to play in a band .

    2.I'm 27 male and married.

    3.I'm still a MS but i'm taking bets on how long untill i'm outed

    4.My favoirte fiction book is Lord of the rings

    5.I read a lot of science books and love to learn new things.

    6.I was brought up in the truth all my imidiate family are witnesses and I'm selfemployed and work alone so If I'm outed I'm going to be on my tod.

    7. I'm from blighty

    8. I'm into architecture and design

    9. Wish I could afford a house in Bath or a nice part of London

    10.I wish I could spell

  • MrMoe

    Hmmm, Dan is nakie...

    Aren't you at work? maybe I should start a new office trend...

    You all have very interesting lives, hope to hear more.

    P.S. - My favorite musical instrument is the violin, although I can't play it. Have any of you seen the movie Red Violin?

    P.S. - DCs Ghost - I also am intrigued by the supernatural. Did tarot card readings for a while, but after a while I realized I don't want to know my future (power of suggestion or otherwise,) I prefer to map my future myself.

    P.S. - You Know - Oh yeah, you sound like a real good Christian! Stealing cars huh?

  • GinnyTosken


    Are you the Englishman who got Dins pregnant?

    Ginny, who also thinks accents are very sexy

    P.S. I'd also like to hear more about D.C.'s "titanium rod."

  • Princess

    1. I live in a small town called Edmonds, on Puget Sound in Washington state.

    2. I got married at 18, we just celebrated 13 years.

    3. We had our first child (boy now age five) after 8 years of marriage (our choice to wait) and our second (girl, three) was born 21 months later

    4. Mulan and I are surrounded by redheads. My dad, three brothers, husband and two children all have bright red hair. Very lucky.

    5. We run a plumbing company from our house so I can stay home with the two poopers. I do the books at night.

    6. I left the borg at age 27 and enjoy the freedom every single day.

    7. I love to read (currently Robin Cook) and work on memory albums for my kids.

    8. I also brush my teeth in the shower

    9. I love to ski and go canoeing but haven't done either since my kids were born. We hope to teach the kids to ski this year and have two canoes now, so next year we can all go together.

    10. My family is my favorite thing in the world. I love being with them (even my brothers) and especially love taking my kids
    neat places to play.


  • conflicted

    This is great! I feel like I know you all a littler better now.

    This is me.

    1) I am the oldest of four children, 30 years old now.
    2) My whole family is out of the "truth" now. :)
    3) My wife and I have been married for 3 years, and we are expecting our first child. :D
    4) I love to read, mostly sci-fi.
    5) My hobbies are art, aquariums, genealogy and astronomy.
    6) I was born and have lived my life thus far in southern California
    7) I like tattoos, but don't have one yet.
    8) I want to be a computer animator, ie Shrek, Bugs Life etc.
    9) I love comedy movies. Some fav's are: Dumb and Dumber, Princess Bride, Uncle Buck, Tommy Boy, Wedding Singer.
    10) I think crop circles are graffiti by delinquent teenage aliens.

    [edited to correct spelling]

  • LDH

    Jon Happy Anniversary!
    Joel, great thread.

    1. I'm 32 and married for 3 years, to my exact opposite. In EVERY way.
    2. Have an 11 1/2 y.o. and one due on Thanksgiving day. (Imagine that, I'll have a high school senior and a kin-dee-gart-ner the same year, LOL). My timing sucks.
    3. I am the typical middle child, always the peacemaker.
    4. One older sister, one younger brother. Don't talk to the younger brother, (manic) but older sister (1 year) and I are best friends.
    5. I am the world's greatest friend; always try to be there and help where I can.
    6. Wish I had more time/money to assist with charitable causes.
    7. Teach parenting classes.
    8. If I hit the lottery I'd move to Kentucky and ride all day long.
    9. Secretly want to be a stand-up comic. (I can make ALMOST anyone laugh)
    10.Have grown more in my two years away from the WBTS than I did my whole 30 years prior.


    ps 11. I don't want NO MO kids. This pregnancy sucks.

  • riz

    1. I love scary movies. The problem is, I watch them and then freak myself out at night so when it's bedtime, I first dwell on how scared I am, then I hurry and turn off the light, run across my room, and jump onto my bed before the boogeyman catches me. Sad, but true.

    2. I love music. Led Zeppelin, Sarah McLachlan, The Cure, Beastie Boys, Jimi Hendrix, are some of my all time favorites. I could go on but I don't want anyone to die of boredom.

    3. I collect frogs. Not real ones.

    4. I am an interior design freak.

    5. I love George Carlin and Chris Rock. CB4 is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen in my entire life.

    6. I hate Blue Jays. There is a family of them in the tree outside of my bedroom window and I would like to shoot them because they are so damn loud.

    7. I'm married. My husband is a laugh riot. He makes me just about pee my pants sometimes because I'm laughing so hard. We have no children, nor will we ever. That is a good thing.

    8. I love my family and friends more than anything. I'm fortunate to know real love.

    9. I'm fascinated by gemstones and astronomy.

    10. I don't brush my teeth in the shower.


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    HAHAHAH! rizzy baby! you should try it sometime, it cuts your 'getting ready time' by like 5 minutes. good stuff! LOL!

    peace, mango

    i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away...

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