What book are you reading now?

by Dimples 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • mark hughes
    mark hughes

    Terry Pratchett, Good Omens.

    Fantasy section, 3rd aisle, 2nd shelf down.

  • TopHat

    I am almost finished with reading a book by the name of "Illustrious Exile" written by Andrew Lindsay. His first novel. He takes a fictional look at the poet "Robert Burns" and takes us into an exciting adventure with him to Jamaica and the Caribbean sea. Hard for me to put the book down once I have my eyes and mind set upon the unending life of Burns as he crosses the ocean to work on a plantation in the 18th century, Jamaica.


    Andrew O. Lindsay
    Illustrious Exile: Journal of my Sojourn in the West Indies by Robert Burns, Esq. Commenced on the first day of July 1786

    In 1786, the Scottish poet Robert Burns, penniless and needing to escape the consequences of his complicated love life, accepted the position of book-keeper on an estate in Jamaica. The success of his Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect made this escape unnecessary. Thus far is historical fact. In Andrew Lindsay’s novel, Burns indeed goes to Jamaica and then to the Dutch colony of Demerara where, into the world of sugar and slavery, he brought his propensity for falling in love, his humanity and his urge to write poetry. In 1997 a small mahogany chest is found in a Wai Wai Amerindian village in Guyana. It contains Burns’ journal from 1786 to 1796, when he died.
    Andrew Lindsay’s novel is a work of imaginative invention, poetic description and meticulous historical reconstruction. As a fellow Scot who has settled in Guyana, Lindsay brings an incomer’s fresh eye to the Caribbean landscape and imaginative insights into how Burns as a man of his times might have responded to slavery. Not least, Illustrious Exile contains some brilliant versions of Burns’ poems, as written in the Caribbean.

    Andrew O. Lindsay was born in Scotland and now splits his time between Fife and Guyana. Illustrious Exile is his first novel.

    Illustrious Exile: Journal of my Sojourn in the West Indies by Robert Burns, Esq. Commenced on the first day of July 1786

    ISBN: 1-84523-028-0
    Pages: 250
    Published: 08 January 2006

    Price: £9.99
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  • fullofdoubtnow

    I am reading Crisis of Conscience at the moment, and will read In Search of Christian Freedom later. Dedpoet has both, and recommended them.

  • Quentin

    Currently reading two books

    Massacre in Munich by Michael Bar-Zohar and Eitan Haber...good read...

    Lunch break at work David McCollough's 1776...

  • deeskis

    I'm reading In search of Christian freedom now, a bit more heavy going than COC, which I couldn't put down, but still enlightening.

    also reading some fluff, Diana Gabaldon a breath of snow and ashes book 6 in the series. Love that crazy highlander!

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Well I went to the library and borrowed three books this weekend. They are as follows:

    1) The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin. A fairly interesting read but written from the Christian perspective with intent to convert all cult members accordingly.

    2) Churches that Abuse by Ronald M. Enroth (haven't even opened it yet.

    3) End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon? by Richard Abanes (haven't even opened it yet.

  • ballistic

    Currently reading course material for work but although that sounds boring I do find encryption and related subjects such as steganography and authentication protocols quite interesting. OK I've lost you all.

  • Gretchen956

    I'm currently between books (not common for me, I'm an avid reader).... Need to get on-line or to the bookstore!

    However this one I have read several times:

    Terry Pratchett, Good Omens.

    VERY good read! Terry Pratchett actually co-wrote that with Neil Gaiman. Anything by either of those two authors is guaranteed to be a great read.


  • CaptainSchmideo

    Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck

    The Complete Peanuts, Volume 4, 1957 to 1958

  • serendipity

    Walking the Bible by Bruce Feiler

    Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

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