The Wild Beast has both a Name & Number. Do you know what the NAME is?

by Schizm 368 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jeffro

    You said to look closely at all the details of the image, but you conveniently missed something:

    • Notice that the Zenith of the Babylonian Empire is said to be 586BC... That's right... all genuine sources indicate that Babylon destroyed Jerusalem within a year of 587BC. No mention of the Society's mythical 607.

    But since you acknowledge that the WTS is wrong anyway, I guess it's not a problem.

  • Schizm

    . Below is an excerpt from a sermon which Jerry Falwell gave to his congregation as recent as this last June. The man is obviously sincere in his beliefs, but wrong just the same. He seems to have "a zeal for God, but not according to accurate knowledge." (Romans 10:2) As seen by his comments below, he still believes that God would actually torture a person in a horribly "hot" place forever and ever. He also teaches that "heaven" is the sole destiny for faithful Christians; thereby ruling out the possibility of anyone inheriting life on this "third rock from the sun" (our earth). The man (a college graduate) needs to get an education! Will people like Falwell refuse to accept the "mark" when that time of "test" arrives? By that point in time "Christendom" will have committed the error of supporting the 8th King (which is the reason she becomes the "harlot" of Revelation 17). Will Falwell be one who heeds the urgent call to "get out of her my people"? Or, will he continue to stay inside a religious institution that will have demoted God to the position of 2nd-place with regards to sovereignty? The "harlot" has the "mark" of the beast on her forehead. Yes, what will religious leaders like Jerry Falwell do then? Actually, what they are doing today (teaching religious errors) isn't near as important as what they will do then. If they also wind up with the "mark" on their foreheads, then they will die at Armageddon (though not a permanent death). Here's the "excerpt" I referred to:

    Heaven - A Real Place For Real People (June 26, 2005) Revelation 21:1-27

    Our subject today is Heaven… but a careful study of the Bible reveals that there are two places prepared for the immortal souls of men.

    Jesus makes it clear that heaven and hell are real places for real people. We don't hear much preaching about hell these days. It is not a very popular topic. Some preachers avoid it altogether. But Jesus spoke very clearly and specifically about hell. He warns us about the horrible realities of hell and urges us to escape the judgment of hell by believing in Him. Hell is real. Hell is hot. Hell is forever. But hell can be avoided because Jesus took the punishment of hell for us when He died on the cross. Because of Him we can have a home in heaven forever. Now, let us look back into our text as we visit Heaven.

    In Revelation, chapters 21 and 22, the Bible paints a wonderful and beautiful picture of heaven. In these chapters we are introduced to the glory and splendor of heaven. All the judgments are now concluded. God will wipe away all tears from our eyes, and there will be no more sorrow nor death. ...................... What is clear is that John is describing a real place where the saved, and only the saved, will dwell with God forever. The unsaved are excluded from this city totally and completely. Satan and those he has deceived are all in the lake of fire, from which there is no escape. -- Jerry Falwell.



  • Schizm


    The 8th King (Babylon the Great) in the Revelation account is depicted as being a scarlet colored wild beast, having 7 heads and 10 horns. Interestingly, this very same King is depicted in Daniel 7 as being a new horn that comes up amid the original 10 horns that sprang up after Rome fell from power. Below, is how Daniel depicts "Babylon the Great" once having made the world scene. The great majority (7 of the 10) of governments will favor the idea of there being a one-world government. The remainder (3) will be forced to comply with the wishes of the majority. Hence, the reason for 3 horns being toppled.

    Eyes of a Man


  • Schizm

    The Mark Of The Beast

    The "number" ---> 6 6 6

    The "name" ---> Babylon the Great

    1. But why is the 8th King's number 666? What is the significance of the number 6? And why is it repeated three times? Why is the number said to be a man's number? Is there a connection between it having a man's number in Revelation while in Daniel it has the eyes of a man? (Da 7:8)

    2. And for what reason is the 8th King named Babylon the Great? Is it because it's a greater Babylon in some sense? If so, then it couldn't refer to the city of ancient Babylon, because that's what the harlot herself represents. Then how about the tower of Babylon? Isn't that about all that's left to choose from? If that's it, then how would the coming one-world government (8th King) compare to the ancient tower of Babylon? What do the two of them have in common?

    3. The harlot is called Babylon the great city? What could this possibly mean other than she somehow compares to the ancient city of Babylon? And would it be the Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar's day that she represents? Or, the original Babylon as described in the eleventh chapter of Genesis?


  • atypical

    Lol at Kid-A.

    I wish this thread was printed on toilet paper......

  • Schizm

    Lol at Kid-A.

    I wish this thread was printed on toilet paper......

    Just another twirp ------->

  • Schizm

    On the beast with the seven heads and the ten horns sits the great whore of Babylon, richly dressed, the trifold papal tiara on her head.

  • Schizm


    Otherwise unattainable, by a joint effort the many peoples of ancient Babel produced an impressively high structure referred to as the "tower of Babylon". Why did they build this tower?

    For exactly the same reason the nations of today's world will produce something just as impressive, the likes of which will also require a joint effort to acomplish. Of course this modern-day "tower" is scripturally referred to as "Babylon the Great" ... a one-world government, an 8th King. Why will today's nations construct such a one-world government? Actually, for the very same reason those earlier peoples had for constructing their "tower of Babylon" ... the need for peace and security.



  • kid-A

    How rude of me! I forgot to leave you this. Note the size of the roll is proportional to turd volume produced in this thread.

    Now please dont forget to flush, and wash up afterwards! Cheers!!

  • Schizm

    Below is an oil on panel painting of the Tower of Babel by Pieter Bruegel, circa 1563 -

    Tower_of_babel .

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