why disfellowshipped?

by knothead34 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • unbeliever

    One of my friends recently got df'd for independent thinking apostacy.

  • knothead34

    first of all La Capra, I don't really give a crap whether or not you think I'm living a double life or the WT for that matter. I am allowed to question to see why other people have a problem with the WTS. You presume to think that I don't know that what I'm doing would be in direct violation of the WT's stance on apostacy, but I do and frankly don't care. It is my double life to lead. I don't need anyone on this board to tell me what I'm doing or what I will do in connection with my religion. If I wanted anyone's opinion as to what I am doing I would ask for it. Just stick to the topic that was posted. I wanted to know about other people's disfellowshipping experiences, not why you feel I should not join the witnesses. After I have searched and collected all the information that I want and need, then I will make an informed decision on what I will do and with what organization (if any) I will do it with. Until then thanks but no thanks for you humble opinion

  • misanthropic

    I was not disfellowshipped or dissassociated, I left on my own when I realized it was all a bunch of lies.

  • mrsjones5

    temper temper knothead

  • DanTheMan

    I disassociated shortly after reading Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience. He goes into a lot of detail about the Watchtower Society's history and his own experiences when he was at the very top level (Governing Body) of the organization.

    I wasn't much of a JW, always a bit on the fringes and with no family members in The Truthâ„¢ so it wasn't a tough decision.

  • knothead34

    was ray franz annointed?

  • Satanus

    Hey, knotheads got a point. He wants info, not advice.

    I was dfd for asking questions, then taking issue w the answers. The questions were about their history: russel's dates, their statement of facts - cotowing to hitler, 607, if jesus was god according to the bible, and a few other things. It's called apostacy.


  • skyman

    I was DF'd but my dad was he found out that the Society joined the United Nations as an NGO's the very year they applied for membership the Wat. came out with an article 1991 July-1-1991 pages 15-21. In this article it states that many chruches are joining the U.N. and the only way you can by becoming an NGO. In the article if you read all the bible referrences the Society leans to the fact that any Chruch doing this can never have Gods favor ever unless they are destoyed by GOD and then given a new start like the Jew's did when Babylon destoyed the Jewish system.

    All he did was tell some of the people in the congregation about this. He was told there is noway Jehovah's Organization could ever join Satans Organization and the ELDER"S refussed to look at any evidence. So he did not back down, they DF"D him. BY THE WAY IT IS TRUE THEY DID JOIN IF YOU HAVE THE BALL"S call the Society at [845] 306-1100 and they will tell you personally that they did.

    P.S. I was put on reproof for the crime against the Oraganization.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    I can see I hit some sort of nerve with you, knothead. You sound so angry. Why would something someone who knows nothing about you upset you so? I guess some people are good at never offering their opinion. Not me. Don't fret about our opinions. When you engage in an anonymous discussion on a free discussion board, you get what you pay for.

    I hope the link I posted is helpful to your search. I think it was directly on point. But where are my manners? You're welcome for the link.


  • DanTheMan
    was ray franz annointed?

    He says he is. He has a second book In Search of Christian Freedom where he gets into a lot of his religious views, but Crisis of Conscience is the place to start. It's available on Amazon or at commentarypress.com.

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