why disfellowshipped?

by knothead34 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Hi knothead. I cannot answer your question personally since I am only inactive. Here is a link to some stories though: http://www.network54.com/Forum/217065/ Crumpet OMG once you said you were DFd for murder and didn't elaborate. I have been wondering what you meant by that! Now I know!

    So what might seem a cover up to you might really be a protection.

    Hi new poster. Would you please elaborate on that? It is very confusing to me how keeping someone's dangerous behavior is a protection to anyone but the rapist. Statistics (and my personal experience professionally treating rapists) prove rapists almost always re-offend. Knowing someone's rape history a secret from children and their parents, while in some cases maintaining the perp's good standing in the cong (so he/she will have unbridled access to a large pool of potential victims) is at the very least irresponsible. I am open to listening to your thoughts but please explain.

  • eyeslice

    I am not disfellowishipped, I simply left.
    However, you need to realise that disfellowshipping is a control mechanism design to keep the rank and file in order and, as such, anyone who becomes a baptised JW and then flouts the rules or leaves is liable to be disfellowshipped.
    You should also note that there are subtle changes taking placed regarding disfellowshipping designed mainly at avoiding litigation. At one time an annoucement was made that Bro/Sis SoAndSo has been disfellowshipped or has disassociated, the current wording is "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses". This has been worded in such a manner that it looks as if the person involveed has left of their own accord, whereas in the majority of cases they have been booted out.
    Those of us who have been around JWs for a long time know how things operate and can often avoid falling foul of the system. Unbaptized publisers and new one need to be careful - you'll not know all the unwritten rules and protocols.

  • knothead34

    I want to thank everyone again for their thought provoking and heartbreaking stories. I know that my question may seem abrupt and person to some, but I figured that those who didn't feel comfortable sharing their stories wouldn't and those who did would.

    smartone i understank where you are coming from, however the other posters are correct in saying that you will soon learn more than you think you knew about the WTS. I don't profess to agree with everything that is said here but I don't agree with everything the WTS tells me either. One thing that I have seen others say has occurred to me also. That the witnesses do seem to fall back on the "light getting brighter" argument. The thing is, in the bible when Jehovah revealed his purpose to his people and prophets those things came to pass. You never see an incident where the prophets came out and said "oh wait, that prophecy was wrong, we gave you an incorrect revelation, the new revelation is this". Now you can argue that the WTS does not claim to be prophets and I will tell you that there is a very fine line in what they are saying they are(Jehovah's conduit) and a prophet. I was reading some of my older Watchtowers last night and from my reasoning book and notice that even thought they may say that they aren't prophets, they do make direct parallels. I will continue reading and then email you those watchtower publications and pages. It seems that with the WTS their light completely changes like a stop light. It's red(you can't do it), it's amber(it's up to your conscience) or it's green(it's ok now). If they are God's organization, then sadly they aren't paying enough attention to what Jehovah is trying to tell them IN SOME CASES, not all.

    That being said, I know that the WTS and members are imperfect, but Jehovah is not. I was having doubts long before I came to this website and the only reason that I am still attending the meetings is because I don't like to make rash decisions. I like to work through things to the fullest extint to make sure that whatever decision I make, I can live with without regrets. Do I think that this website is apostate. Maybe, some of them, but definitely not all of them and their stories are worth reading.

    One last thing, I am going to try to read these posts the same way that I read the WT publications. I will research the material if I can to see if what they say are true.(not the personal df cases but doctrinal and scriptural things)

    Ok, enough! sorry so longwinded. welcome to the board, i just joined 5 days ago. By the way, why did you decide to visit this board?

  • knothead34

    sorry, smartone, I meant "I understand" not I understank! Bad proofreader!

  • LittleToe
    I was having doubts long before I came to this website and the only reason that I am still attending the meetings is because I don't like to make rash decisions.

    Same here. It sounds a pragmatic way of dealing with the situation

    After I finally decided to leave I searched the Internet and found this place. It was be a further four months before I left the JWs.

  • Super_Becka

    Hi knothead,

    I'm glad you're not just blowing off everything that's said here. It's good that you're looking at the posts here with an open mind, even if you can't take absolutely everything here at face value. Research is definitely the key to getting to the bottom of things and deciding what you want to believe and what you don't want to believe. You're very smart to do your research before you make any decisions, but more importantly, as a JW, you're very smart to be looking into things, I know that's frowned upon in the WTS and I applaud you for it. Get the facts, listen to the stories of other ex-JWs, do the research and decide for youself what you want in your life. Only you know what's right for you, not some organization or anyone else.

    I wish you all the best.

    -Becka :)

  • glitter

    Cool, knothead, I hope you stick around.

  • smartone

    Well I am sorry if some of what I said may have been a little confuseing. Although when I talked about the bitterness I am pretty sure I said some people. I cannot pretend that I know all the reason's why a person gets disfellowshipped. Meaning I do not always know or even want to know what an individual has done. I do know that sometimes it is what a person commits can have alot to do with the deciesion. If a sin was commited again does the hole congregation know about. What was this person position, are they an elder, pioneer, someone recongnized very highly. We are all imperfect and we all make mistakes everyday, in other words we sin everyday. But we have to keep picking ourselves up rely on Jehovah that he will help us. So as I said before the Elders and everybody here on earth are imperfect, but the Elders with the right motives, while no one can accurately judge another's motives, Jehovah is making an estimate of hearts, Proverbs 24:12. So yes it is possible for ones in the congregation to make mistakes includeing Elders. But my trust really does rely on Jehovah not Man. The Elders are there for spiritual encouragment, but in reality thats also to all of are Jobs. So real love for Jehovah will motivate us to keep on TRUSTING IN HIM> HE WILL MAKE THE PATHS STRIAGHT.

    As far as other viewpoints, I had plenty of viewpoints growing up, thats not to say that I don't listen to someone else. I mean that is part of are Job to. When we go door to door the main message is not to condem anyone but to help them know the name of GOD, JEHOVAH, and his son Jesus. And with knowing them then teaching what there pourpose is. The main theme of the bible is to Teach about GODS KINGDOM. Jehovah wants all to attain everlasting life and my love a people I want the same. I am not a perfect person either but I don't belive that there are hidden messages in the bible trying to confuse everybody. See all my questions that I had for the different Pastors Father's and so on could not answer any of my question's I had. I never understood why before, but I do now. They never took me to the Bible.

    As far as the next question I can't answer now because I have to go to work. And I want to give you an honest heartfelt answer. thanks.

  • LittleToe


    When we go door to door the main message is not to condem anyone but to help them know the name of GOD, JEHOVAH, and his son Jesus.

    Wow! You managed to squeeze Jesus in there at some point. If only you'd capitalised it like "GOD" and "JEHOVAH" I might have felt a little comforted.

    Actually the main message is allegedly about the Kingdom and how people can be part of it by joining the cult JWs.

    Since it's often assumed that people already know about Jesus, or get the drift from the pseudo-title "Christian", the emphasis is actually on Jehovah, isn't it? Jesus is just an invisible puppet-proxy-king, waiting for his Daddy to take over, isn't he?

    It's an organisation that makes a boast of down-playing Jesus so that the Father can be emphasised. I find this ironic, since the New Testament has the emphasis on Jesus throughout.

    Now look through both of our posts and see the Jehovah to Jesus ratio, and tell me who is more likely to be "Christian" from the statistical evidence?

    That having been said, I do appreciate your honest-hearted response. You come across as well-meaning

  • diamondblue1974
    I am going to try to read these posts the same way that I read the WT publications. I will research the material if I can to see if what they say are true.(not the personal df cases but doctrinal and scriptural things)

    Excellent approach!

    Keep researching, consider all sources, form your own opinions from them!

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