Of Late Many Here Seem To Be Preaching Aethiesm..

by Qcmbr 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Ross - I gotta go get my wife's lunch ready. I'll deal with you later you insolent bairn!

  • Outaservice


    If you're taking a 'Poll' count me in as a 'believer'! Over the years I've seen the 'atheist & agnostic' arguments come and go, but God is still here. History has shown there has been much effort to discredit God, remember 'The God Is Dead' movement in our lifetime, but God hangs in there, never being destroyed.

    But consider that many on this board were duped into being JW's for some time and the Watchtower organization is a 'faith destroying' entity so what do you expect! Then all of sudden some ex-JW becomes the smartest person in the world, with answers to all of theological questions of why innocent people suffer, babies get killed, why I do not win the Lottery when God knows I need the money (lol) etc. But I will take the chance on God existing rather than listening to such ones.

    It is true that it is probably a 'faith' issue and maybe it's involved in the seperation of 'sheep & goats', I don't know, but I will continue to be a beliiever! Plus, I'm too old to be intimidated by anyone over this matter anymore.


  • Golf

    Qcmbr, if you were playing baseball you'd be way of base ewith my comment. My comment had to do people who are NOT Christians.

    My grandmother a non-Christian always said, "Respect people and do not mock them or denigrate them. None of us are in the position to judge others. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Was it Jordan that said we need to reply to people in accordance with their current set of understanding? If a current JW comes along and asks if its REALLY in the Bible that the "slave class" should rule them, how should we reply?

    According to Jordan's post, we shouldn't say, "Dude, there is no God. The Bible's a millenia-old comic book. Get over it."

    I have to agree with Jordan on this one.

    People can change their views, but it's rarely in the face of opposition. If we can show them a view that is right next to the one they hold, they can more readily accept it. Besides, it isn't my goal to help any JW's become atheists. I'd love to see them exit the Watchtower, but where they go from there is up to them.

    As long as they don't become a freakin' MORMON! (Just kidding, Q! :-P )

    And LT, when you said "colloborate", did you mean "collaborate"? And when you meant "collaborate", did you REALLY mean "corroborate"? (You owe Tetra a bottle of Scotch!)


  • nicolaou

    Ross, I like you. You sure are one frustrating Scotsman and trying to get through those metaphysical barricades you've thrown up is like trying to get into Kylie's knickers, but I like you. With you it's never personal you maddening, infuriating, exasperating man.

    I downloaded and listened to the recording of you announcing your disassociation from your Kingdom Hall platform. You have my admiration...but I can't help feeling that perhaps you invested an awful lot in what you did back then.

    Still, here's one god-burying, blasphemous, atheist who's more than happy to raise a glass of Dalmore to a man of faith and, more importantly, a man with balls!!


    www.watchtower wiki .org

  • TopHat
    "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom NO salvation belongs. (Why?) His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish."

    That is my favorite scripture...I shoulda , woulda, coulda put it in the thread for favorite scriptures. I can't find the thread now.

  • LittleToe

    Nic:I'm not afraid to candidly say that I'm making it up as I go along. Don't we all, on life's journey?

    I'm not the man I was four years ago, and it would seem I have far less invested in that moment than you might imagine. The only time I bring it back to mind is when I'm reminded of it or have cause to think on my family relationships.

    My "faith" came from a personal encounter that preceded my DA'ing by over six months. It's never been shaken because it's been constantly augmented. Whilst I can't offer that to someone else as "proof", it is more than sufficient for my own life and framework.

    One thing that continues to get clearer to me is that I need to continually evolve, and that many things which people usually associate with "spirituality" need to be disinvested. Religion and Scientific discovery don't undermine it. I'm quite happy accepting the theory of evolution. I'm also quite happy discussing spirituality with the religious and non-religious. I'm also just as happy discussing the meaning of life with someone who believes they have shed their cultural memes

    I like you too, pal, and Tetra, Dave, Derek, and REM, and a whole bunch of other atheists, agnostics, theists and deists on this board. You're a good bunch, and while I get my jollies winding ya all up I highly suspect that we all agree on far more than we disagree.

    Now, what was that you were saying about Kylie's knickers?

  • LittleToe

    I have written what I have written

  • FairMind
    So . . what's the problem with an increase in atheist posting? It's simply another point of view to throw into the mix. Athiesm simply makes more sense than irrational belief. Reason over faith.

    I don't think the problem is with athiests posting their viewpoints. The problem as stated by many others is the ridicule heaped upon those who believe in God and/or creation. When I first began visiting this forum I found support for feelings I had that something was not right within the WTS and that the type of abusive treatment I had received was not uncommon. This is a Jehovah's Witnesses discussion forum, not IMO a place where God or believers in God should be mocked.

  • jaffacake

    I think nearly all of us are quite measured and reasonable most of the time, but I welcome this thread as a healthy opportunity for us to reflect.

    This can be a tough place, even for me, and I don't consider myself the sensitive type. But some folks have been through far more difficult experiences than me. I am a little surprised that a few posters remain as dogmatic as I imagine they were as JWs, and just as sure they are right. This applies to believers and non believers alike. I sometimes think to myself...there's that old JW certainty and superiority surfacing again. This applies to me too, although never a JW, I was once something very similar.

    Personally, I am not very pleased with some of what I have posted through the months. It is so easy to get into arguments and post things I later regret. My recent solution is to post much less, do more listening and less talking.

    I have winced of late at the hurt some may have unintentially and unwittingly inflicted on others. Some would say "if you can't stand the heat........" but some folks have wandered into our kitchen for some form of refuge, and may be at a crossroads or on a journey between belief systems.

    IMHO anyone who is sure they are in "the truth" whatever version of religion or atheism that might be, are very similar to JWs. Its all dogmatism, arrogance and superiority.

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