Defeating the Atheist/Agnostics (an evolving post)

by JasonSea 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Oh nicolau and daystar I think you are referring to the my mouth not the one that did more than bruise this little satan in the heel but actually broke my leg - however lusty thoughts taken in my hobbley stride, with pleasure!

    I also feel I should apologise a tad for my bitter expressions of atheism/faithlessness etc early in thsi thread. What can I say but Jason brought out the Blas-for-me.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit


    What is an 'atheist scientific"? Is that even English?

    I dont demand that you prove anything. I would prefer that you simply went away.

    Science is not a belief young man. It's a methodology, a means of approaching the material world to disocver how it works and to thereby harness and control it. Such as in healing diseases.. It's oposites are magic, miracle, superatition, faith, tradition, faith-healing. Which famous atheist are you referring to?

    Oh goody! I love concentated BS.

    Beware of geeks bearing gifts.

    Yeah, them dang-gummed ay-thee-ists and there sneaky book-larnin and sech! Lets get us up a mob o' bible wavin screwballs and lynch us a ATHEIST! Hyuck hyuck. Boy, you shore no yore stuff. Aint it jus orful how an eddicated pursun kin knok yo fanny upside yo head an giv ya an extree par a shoulders? Them eddicated idjits needs to study they king james vergin an get sum REEL book larnin!



    Similarly, it is an accepted truism that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. God is about the most extraordinary claim there is...


    OOO! REALITY BY CONSENSUS! I like it! It has a certain 'catholic' flair to it! Ah ugrees wif u boah. If'n everbuddy an his retard brutha n mutha blives the wurld iz FLAT, den de wurld iz FLAT an dats dat! oar iffn they blieves da sun n starz moves roun de urf, dats de troof! Oar ifn thay blives da urf dont mov none, dats be troof! Yessir, we don need no sigh-unce to straiten us out. No SUH! Da major itty ob de wurld once belived dem verri tings, buts it tuk science ta gets two da troof BOAH!

    I'm not of the scientific community kid, nor am I even an atheist. I am, however, disgusted and fed up with the likes of people such as yourself. Reading your drabble reminds me why I keep fundiots such as yourself out of my life.

    Your idiotic argument could be, and was, used against such 'fools' as Galileo who were so stupid as to question the 'majority opinion' of his time on matters scientific. The world had a very beautiful and elegant explanation of crystal spheres within spheres to acount for the motions of the heavenly bodies. Gallielo went an mest it al up wif science.

    You and your ilk sicken me. If it were up to you, we'd all be christian versions of muslim nutjobs. If we used your "reality by consensus" model, we would still believe that disease is caused by evil spirits, mental illness is demonic possession, the earth is the center of the universe, the earth is flat and immovable, the sun-moon-stars orbit the earth, the sky is a blue dome over the world and the stars are holes in the dome through which the Light of God shines. Of course, being the knowledgeable person you are, you already know this and have thought it through. I know this because you told us how SPECIAL you are. You're on a "Mission from God" to enlighten us po dum suns o bitches. Ain dat rite? "I was AN-OINTED by de Lawd Hisself an giben dis heah eMission! I is SOOOOO special !

    What you are is so ignorant and revolting I dont have the vocabulary to properly sing your praises. I'LL TRY. Your ignorance and delusion is exceeded only by your ignorance and delusion.
    The point stands. If I claim that giant bunny rabbits are building thermonuclear weapons on a planet in a galaxy trillions of light years away (you have no clue as to what a light year even is), that is an Extraordinary Claim. No one has to 'disprove' my claim because its impossible to disprove. Its up to me to PROVE my extraordinary claim.

    You know what? You're here for no other reason than NEGATIVE ATTENTION. You probably have few if any friends, no wife or girlfriends, no kids, a dead-end job, and no life. So, you've retreated into your delusional world where you're not only IMPORTANT but ANOINTED BY GOD HIMSELF for s Special Mission ! How sad for you. I'm not going to play your game and give you the attention you crave. You're a dumkopf and I don't allow dumkopfs into my life, not even on the Net.

    Get some counseling, some meds. and a life. Bye bye nutjob.


    But I'm sure you'll just go on demanding that I provide "empirical proof"...


    in atheist doctrine

    and a minority one at that!


    Please define faith


  • thinker

    For believers like Jasonsea God is the easy answer to the mysterious questions of our universe. Why does the sun come up every morning and set every evening? At one time the answer was "God". Thankfully not everyone is content with this easy answer, so science continues to unlock the mysteries. Jason seems to confuse faith in God with scientific faith. What he calls scientific faith is really logic based on indirect evidence. His faith in God is really just faith that science will not be able to 'prove empirically' everything currently unknown in the universe. This kind of faith leads to a belief in an ever-shrinking providince of God. Russell once said that human reproduction was so mysterious that it was the sole providince of God and mankind would never unlock it's mysteries. Like all other WT predictions, this was not true.

    To sum up Jason's argument: science doesn't yet have all the answers, so God must be true.

    God has always been an easy answer for those who don't want to do the work of discovery.


  • Undecided

    What I want you to tell me is which God should I have faith in. The trinity God, the Jehovah God, the Jesus God, or one of the many other Gods out there.

    If there is a God out there somewhere, what is he like? Is he one who kills all the unbelievers like the god of the ancient bible? Is he like Jesus who loves all humans and wants to save them all? How does he reveal himself to us modern day humans, through some person like you who just says have faith, and if you don't, you are a stupid Atheist/Agnostic?

    Why don't you admit the truth, no one has the answers to why life exist, or how it all got started. One story is about as good as the other. What ever makes you feel happy is what you should do, if it doesn't infringe on the rights of others to do the same. Enjoy your FAITH if that is what you feel is right, but don't come knocking on my door trying to convert me to your way of life.

    Ken P.

  • heathen

    The bible itself says to put the inpired exspressions to the test . It's kinda like a science if you think about it . I certainly don't believe everything anybody says about God or the bible , I'm constantly proving to myself that some things are true and some things are false . Evolution is a theory , meaning cannot be proven . Science digs for fossils hoping to find evidence but even as darwin said that he could find nothing conclusive to prove the theory . Theoretical science is even a different ball game from other forms of science .

  • Scully

    What is your goal in "defeating the atheist/agnostic"? Are you trying to prove something to them?

    or to yourself, perhaps?

    I wouldn't dream of trying to shove my beliefs (or lack thereof) down anyone's throats again. I was a JW for 25 years of my life and have been there, done that. That is SO not me anymore.

    Why can't everyone just be content to keep their beliefs to themselves? Why this need to proselytize? Why this need to prove and disprove who is right or wrong? I don't care what others believe, as long as they do not harm others with those beliefs. Why do believers feel that we need to believe as they do? What if I don't WANT or NEED God's favor?

    I choose to be a good person for myself and for my children and for my friends. I do not choose to be this way to garner favor from an invisible spirit being in the hopes of gaining a reward in the long distant future. The reward for being good, for me, is the satisfaction of doing good for its own sake, not for some selfish reward that "God" might dole out after I die.

  • JasonSea

    I feel I should make my position in this matter clear: I had no belief in God before my first near-death experience. After that I learned the hard way that those who have had no direct experience with God in such a manner believe all sorts of nonsense on blind faith in books and their supposed mediator priests and pastors. If someone asks me if I believe in God my initial reaction would be 'which God?' Obviously every religion has their own view of God and one view is considered demonic by another group of believers. I've had two near-death experiences and through them I now believe in The Spirit of Mother Nature which I lovingly call: The Spirit. What I admire about the Jehovahs Witnesses is that they have refused and continue to refuse to point the finger of devil worshipper back at mainstream Christianity. Although I have no intention of becoming a Jehovahs Witness I have to admit that over the years I cannot help but notice that they are a clean, wholesome and positive influence in our community. I've spoken with them recently about my admiration because I feel they have been entrusted with keeping the sacred name of Jehovah Holy and I feel in my heart that they have succeeded with flying colors. They do not automatically condemn me because of my doubts about what Mithra worshipping Roman emperor Constantine the Great had altered when he CREATED the Christian Bible through the council of Nicea in 325 AD. From average Christians I would expect that they would band together and brand me as evil for doubting the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible, but the Jehovahs Witnesses I have recently encountered are willing to allow me my beliefs without condemnation. Currently I am extremely impressed with the Jehovahs Witnesses as a whole.

  • JasonSea

    As for atheists and agnostics: YOU DISGUST ME! I have debated you over the years in forums of this nature and I find you to be liars, cheats, tricksters, condescending scum of the intellectual earth. You and your kind control the public school systems and brainwash the youth of America into believing all sorts of theories as though they are Gospel truth. You inspire no true greatness, like the believers in God of the Italian Renaissance, and most of the children I see brainwashed through your atheist philosophy are most probably headed towards jail or suicide. All you inspire me to do is to want to spit on you and that is the God's honest truth! For the most part, I find you to be intellectual cynical condescending human scum of the Earth.

  • Satanus
    I've had two near-death experiences and through them I now believe in The Spirit of Mother Nature which I lovingly call: The Spirit.

    That's cool. Did you also experience jehovah, while you were out there?

    Jehovahs Witnesses I have recently encountered are willing to allow me my beliefs without condemnation.

    They just didn't say it out loud yet. They are likely giving you some line as they see you as a potential member. That's when they would start the squashing process of all of your individual thoughts.


  • JasonSea

    And so I find the current spiritual product of the Jehovahs Witnesses to be good, wholesome, self-disciplined people whose children are an inspiration whenever I see them. In contrast the fruit of the atheist/agnostics are cynical, condescending uninspiring people who enjoy destroying the hope of others with their sneaky atheist/agnostic tricks of psychological manipulation. There is no indication I see that if mankind adopts the atheist/agnostic philosphy of doubt in Divine Power the world will be a better place. The empirical evidence of what mankind can expect is demonstrated clearly enough in the overall worthlessness of the average atheist brainwashed American public school child who believes in no God, thanks to you atheist instructors, and runs wild only concerned with his or her own selfish gratification. You athiests have had your chance to prove what the world will be like if all children are taught atheist principles and brainwashed to accept them on FAITH in your atheist doctrine. There is no indication I can see that atheism will make the world of man a better place. Just the opposite is evident and that is the EMPIRICAL truth!

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