Who Gives a Shyte if Russell was a Freemason or not?

by LittleToe 122 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Odrade

    You sound like a crazy person.

    Like they are doing so much to advance the Zionist cause...

  • gumby

    Odrade......yer so damn cute when you get riled! ( hopes husband don't get jealous)

    so why would you waste time and energy on trying to convince a JW that he was a Mason, when your best evidence is weak and grasping at shreds, and you can't even get a consensus on a site like this

    Another winner by our little spitfire!

    He wastes his time just like scholar likes to waste his time on dates.....obsessing over something that doesn't mean crap as far as truth or christianity goes.

    Ianone obsesses over a subject that means diddly squat to a witness or non-witness. Now he even claims Russell was trying to usurp the pope. They woulda shot his ass just like they did J.Smith for trying to be an asswipe.


  • Cygnus

    I didn't read this thread, but I'll just comment that people who dig up Russell's old bones to see if he was part of a Freemason/Illuminati conspiracy, or that the JW organization supports Zionism in ANY way, would be better off diving into the Loch to look for the Monster, or treading the Northwest USA looking for Big Foot, or looking through a 1000mm telescope to find little green men in flying saucers. Seriously. If Barb Anderson, Jim Penton and Ray Franz don't report any JW/IBSA involvement with secret societies, then there ain't none there. 2 plus 2 does not equal 5. edited to add:

    The important thing to most Witnesses is that he "understood the Ransom." Anything else he did contrary to "truth," were things to be "corrected" by God later.

    Except Russell's ransom and the JW ransom differ. Russell believed in a ransom for ALL, including Adam, Eve, and Judas. He believed the second coming and Armageddon to be joyous affairs, to 'bless the nations.' JWs have themselves being blessed and everyone else ending up in the second death before the end of the Millenium of Christ's reign, something Russell never taught. So whoever said this is in error, sort of. Yeah Witnesses think Russell had the right idea about the ransom (even touting the famous split with Barbour over its substitionary credo) but the Witnesses believe something quite different today from what Russell taught.

  • LittleToe
    you can't even get a consensus on a site like this

    Ye gads, she nailed it again!

    Since no-one here has anything to gain by defending the WTS or it's predecessor the Bible Students, doesn't that tell you (Ianone) something about the "theory"? Or do you think we're all in on the conspiracy, too?

    Run, Forrest, run!!!

    By the way, your reading comprehension continues to suck, as you never voted. Can I put you down for not giving a shyte?

    Dude, we both met her in Washington and ya know she's waaay cuter than you. Ya didn't stand a chance. Besides, if the roles were reversed you'd do exactly the same thing, smart b*st*rd that ya are

  • Odrade

    Awww.... you guys are so sweet. I was just stoked 'cause I finally realized I could make my posts look right in Firefox by using html. Then I was stoked 'cause I actually knew enough html to make my posts look right.
    Plus Jon left for work leaving the entire pot of coffee all for my little jittery self. muahahaha! I'm not nearly so clever today... wait! I still have 1/2 a pot of coffee left!
    *peeks out window for the Zionist henchmen*

  • Princess

    I just want to jump in and say hi to LT, Gumby and Odrade.

    I don't give a shyte 'bout nuthin. (didn't read any of the posts thus far)


  • Cygnus
    The point is not whether or not Russell is a Mason. We all know he was.

    No he freaking wasn't. God, you're stubborn and relentless.

    Cygnus, of the already used up his 25 posts for the day class, so see ya tomorrow I guess.

  • Odrade

    Hi Rachel!

  • gumby

    Hey Rachel. You got any more of those cookies! ( she's the best little cookie maker)

    For all you guys who ain't seen Odrade and Princess, you missed the boat. I could hardly get in a word edgewise to LT cuz the over testosterone ( male nutsack hormones ) guy talks even more to pretty girls than he does pretty guys......and I'm a cute bastard!


  • z

    Gumby I don’t go for man but you are cute bastard . I love your post thx G lol

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