1st post from a former S.O!

by onesong 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild

    Welcome to the board, onesong

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    Welcome onesong.

    If you have not read "Crisis of Conscience" or "In Search of Christian Freedom" by former Governing Body member Ray Franz I highly recommend them both. Those books helped me a great deal when I left Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Bstndance

    Welcome! I like your idea of being spiritual. :-)

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Hey Onesong!

    Great to read a post like yours. I'm really excited for you as i went through the same thing about 4 years ago. Becoming spiritually awake all of sudden like that is such an amazing experience. Hope things go great for you from here on!


  • Mysterious

    Being spiritual to me involves self awareness, self discovery and self improvement. I believe in the importance of meditation, knowing yourself and trying to better yourself as a person. And I accomplish this with a sense of morality all the while being an atheist. :) Welcome to the boards.

  • Apostanator

    Welcome onesong, I learned long ago that the elders done mind you asking questions as long as you don't question their answers. Stick around, you'll learn a lot here.

  • sass_my_frass

    Welcome! Sorry about all that pain; the family, the divorce.... I get the feeling that you've trivialised it a bit there, but if you're actually just a fast healer, well good for you!

  • codeblue


    To be spiritual is more important then religious.

    I too, was raised as a JW. My rose colored glasses cracked when I saw the last 10 minutes of Dateline May 2002 (the exposure of pedophiles in the JW's). The world has never been the same. I have been fading for a little over 2 years now.


  • JAVA

    I want to add my "welcome" to the forum, also. Thanks for posting, and I look forward to your comments on the forum.

  • Dansk
    I'm 36 yrs. old and was a JW for 35.

    That's a heck of a long time - and then to realise it was all baloney! Good for you, onesong. This is a great place to recover.



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