1st post from a former S.O!

by onesong 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well. Wow. Great to have you here with us. Once you make that mind flip and are set free, nothing you ever experience again will feel so burdensome as it did while trapped inside the org. Congrats on coming out. My JW marriage ended in divorce, too. What a relief, at least for me. He thought it would turn out very happily for him, sadly it didn't. He's still in and the org. is all he's ever known. He hardly goes to the meetings, but his mind is set in Watchtower concrete. I say, fly high and free now that your shackles are removed.

  • Goldminer

    Welcome to the board onesong.I've also been asking questions...haven't got one answer yet,it's only been 2 months and my questions are pretty basic.Anyways,stick around,you can learn a lot here and you'll see,you weren't alone with all your questions.


  • Billygoat

    Welcome to the board onesong! You'll find many friends and TONS of education here. It's my extended family!

    Just how strong could your faith be if talking to someone who's no longer in it could jeopardize your relationship with the Big G. What a load of Banta fodder.

    That is exactly what always made me wonder too!

  • caligirl

    "they don't want to hear a word I have to say because it could "affect their faith" yet they're very willing to go door-to-door and affect others faith!"

    True faith cannot be lost by exploring other options - true faith is strengthened by asking questions, IMO. Their so called faith is so fragile. It is not faith at all, just something recited.

    Welcome to the board!

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Onesong Welcome onboard, also Forsharry --- You're doing great so far onesong -- the taste of freedom is truly wonderful, it's great to decide for yourself what books you want to read, movies you want to see, who you want to date etc. with no guilt! My husband and I have been fading, now thankfully so are quite a few of my family members and close freinds---- LET THE EXODUS OUT CONTINUE!!!!!!!


  • LittleToe

    Sounds like they DF'ed you in absentia. The vague new announcement should keep folks guessing, though.

    Welcome to the board

  • Honesty

    Welcome to freedom, onesong!!!

    It's good to hear that your ex is out, too. Mine is still in and still 'strong in da truth' because, as she told me before I became a chief agent of Satan and started trusting in Jesus instead of the WT theives, "I have made the troof my own." ??????

    "they don't want to hear a word I have to say because it could "affect their faith" yet they're very willing to go door-to-door and affect others faith!"
    Ironic, isn't it.
  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Welcome Onesong!!!

    Could someone please tell me what the ranking order is now. With abbreviations. I remember when the ranking first started. My dad was the first PO. With that, brought about sit down meetings at home, about how to not bring reproach on the family name. Not Jehovah's name, but "the" family name. And do they still rotate each year?

  • Cellist

    Welcome to the board, onesong.

    I don't know how many are leaving. But judging by the new posters here, I'd say quite a few.


  • professor

    Welcome onesong! Were you ever told why they decided you're not a JW anymore?

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