Scottish Festgoers...

by LittleToe 169 Replies latest members meetups

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Well, as a Festal virgin this was certainly a great intro. Robyn and I kicked off early on Wednesday - when I met her off the plane I had to show her the 'real' Scotland. Cue visit to the most kitsch ye olde Scottishe tearoom (for some real tea). PG tips and McGillicuddy's Lament as background muzak - what better introduction could you want?

    Robyn - what a great gal you are: relief all round, you weren't Ruby Wax and I'm not a shoe shopping bimbo - phew!

    Thursday was our main big adventure - as said before we found ourselves in the Glasgow Modern Art Gallery and wandered into what can only be described as an 'interactive installation'. This consisted of a wee red shed type thing which contained a tv showing a naked man performing a rather strained version of Amazing Grace. As you can imagine this caused us no end of hilarity. No doubt it symbolised something very intellectual, but us simple souls just didn't get it.

    We then faced our first conundrum of the day - here we were on an open topped bus touring the Glaswegian sights and guess what - no smoking??!!! Didn't bother me but Robyn managed to cope pretty well. After rubbing her nose in our historical superiority we returned to one of the sights that caught her eye earlier. Of course this involved a fairly lengthy walk - thanks Robyn, I now have thighs that can open jam jars! Note to self - put 'Thigh Master' on Ebay.

    In the evening we were very lucky to be chatted up by a member of the special forces (wooo!) when we alighted to my favourite hostelry. His undercover disguise was so good I could have sworn he was a Glaswegian drunk on the pull, just shows you how wrong you can be.

    Saturday saw the dawn of the Edinburgh adventure and my introduction to some new folks. I had heard tell of the legend that is LT and here was my opportunity to see for myself. Ross - what a great guy you are - it's been a long time since I have been able to mock classical art works whilst reciting catchphrases from 'Chewing the Fat', with of course a healthy dose of vulgarity thrown in! Apologies to Robyn who actually treated the exhibits with respect although the Cherubims did get a lot of criticism.

    Much mocking continued with a visit to the Canon Gate Church. So much disrespect in the one day - Jehoover would be so displeased, although the Big Guy did provide us with great weather.

    We then met up with Gadget and Qwerty at Edinburgh Castle - two more great guys - good to meet you. During this visit I realised that my vertigo and high battlements don't mix, and yes this was a source of amusement - guys, you weren't really going to throw me over the side...? Just as well my nails aren't long! Also, I think we provided Edinburgh castle with it's first public cross dressing incident since Hamish III was seen in the maid's tights in 1145. hee heee.....

    There next followed some more food and alcohol. It was then I had to bid farewell to my spiritually impoverished fellow apostates, who dissappeared off into the night with the promise of more debauchery to come.....

    Seriously tho, I had a great time from Wednesday till Saturday, great company, lots of laughs. Thanks everyone for making it such a good time. That's all I am going to say Scots are very reserved you know.


  • Robdar
    Och aye the noo from the depths of Kincardeen and Aaargilsheer (Sorry Robyn, could resist! lol!)

    Hahahahah FF! You are never going to let me live that down, are ya?

    Didn't we have an excellent adventure? I am still smiling.

    Ah, FF, I am so glad that you are not a shoe shopping bimbo! Come over when you can. I cant wait!

    Much love,


  • bisous

    hmmmm......watcha got against shoe shopping bimboes???????


  • Gadget
  • Robdar

    hmmmm......watcha got against shoe shopping bimboes???????


    LOL Bisous, I don't mind shoe shopping and own quite a few pairs myself. It's just that I was so relieved to find Freedom Fighter is intelligent and witty and quite able to converse about a variety of subjects. We share a love of history and art and so I was quite happy to have her take me to more interesting places than the shops. BTW, I am not sure if the Scots have realized it yet but the Yankees have invaded! There were all manners of American influence to be found: Rock and roll on the radio, Pizza Hut, KFC, The Gap, etc ad naseum. Most surprising was how well Starbucks is doing in Scotland. Hehehe, I go to Scotland to get away from the States only to find that the US is there waiting for me.

    Gadget, my pimp daddy, thanks for posting the snaps.


  • qwerty
  • LittleToe

    Well, I finally got home.
    I really enjoyed meeting up with you guys, and the inimitable FreedomFighter.
    Hopefully I'll get a chance to write it up in the latest edition of "LittleToe's Travels".

  • Angharad

    Looks like everyone had a good time - hopefully we will make the next one

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter
    the inimitable FreedomFighter

    * rushes to find dictionary - * phew!


  • LittleToe

    I've finally posted my summary of the procedings

    LittleToe's Travels - ScotFest 2004 and a baby!!!

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