New JW video, song and dance

by Listener 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes...send it to as many witnesses as possible...but NOT in a SARCASTIC or negative manner.

    Just send it saying something like:

    "look at this fun clip!"

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Good idea, Stuck, and post it in a lot of boards forums.

    It is fun to observe JWs discussing wether it is fake or if it's real.

  • stuckinarut2

    OK. I am now OFFICIALLY AMAZED at just how 'stoopid' the average witness is nowadays!!!!

    I have sent it to many 'friends' as a "funny and encouraging clip from our lovely bethel friends"

    Every reply has been POSITIVE and full of love for it!

    Are they that DUMB that they don't see this as WORLDLY etc???

    How far has this org gone..........

    (they condemn outright any use of worldly songs, as it promotes those with an "immoral and wicked" lifestyle....Do they know the people Pharrel hangs with, and his other songs content?)

  • insidetheKH

    @stuck obviously your plan backfired... but what else did you expect?

    Of course they like this video since it shows the brothers and sisters that work for them 24/7 being happy.

    Happiness is the Truth...... if i were single, without children and a bit younger i would want to join them too @Bethel after seeing such a video

    Happy happy Happy happy

  • JWdaughter
    Wow. Is that why they are downsizing? To get rid of all the unrepentent happy dancers and toilet scrubber wavers?
  • insidetheKH

    @JWdaughter... downsizing?  The number of Bethelites is increasing every year

    2009 - 19,829 persons staffing branch facilities

    2014 - 24,711 persons staffing branch facilities

    More than 20% increase of staff members over a period of 5 years

  • JWdaughter

    I liked the one from India. While the JWs seemed to be happy to serving the WTS, those nice Desi kids were happy they had Jesus. Less professional and more sincere, maybe? Or maybe I just liked that their focus was Jesus rather than the organization.

    I like that song-it seems pretty popular for churches to make videos of it. JWs are just doing what the rest of them are doing-with a twist.

  • Oubliette

    OK, there's nothing wrong with what the R&F Bethel drones are doing in the video. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to dance down the hallway with a toilet brush? Everyone gets that!


    It's that the freakin' WTBTS leadership has forbidden this kind of thing for three centuries! Do the math: 19th, 20th and the early 21st Century.

    This is NOT your father's religion.

    The GB has all gone apostate and now resemble the 700 Club/Mormons/Scientology/Catholic Church .... EXCEPT ... they'll still disfellowship and shun your ass if you dare say anything negative about the WT leaders.

    Why? Because the GB members are all a miserable bunch of narcissistic whiners!

  • SadElder

    Can't find it now. "Joe Bethelite" complained. Yeah right.

    Anyone have it recorded? I meant to come back and copy it but forgot.

  • Magnum

    SadElder, I have it recorded.


    Countless groups (frats, companies, volunteer groups, etc.) have done their own versions of the "Happy" video.  It's just a bunch of people trying to have some fun in life and I can't fault them for it.  

    Glad to see they can at least be happy and have some fun making the video!  There's probably a lot of other things JWs are expected to do that aren't nearly as much fun.  

    It's not an official video, so I say "good on them" for having a little fun.

    I completely disagree. It's not just a bunch of people trying to have some fun. It's a bunch of clueless, self-righteous, ignorant JWs trying to be something they're not. It's corny and embarrassing. And they're not really having fun. They're following the crowd. They're mindless; they can't think for themselves. They're in a cult wherein they're not allowed to question or think critically or analyze.

    As I've already indicated in a post on this thread, I have no problem with anybody, including JWs, having fun, dancing, whatever, but I hate it when it's phony. Growing up, I had a friend in my neighborhood whose mother tried to be hip and cool and wanted all the young people to like her and her children. Problem was that it was put-on and just came across as being corny and embarrassing because it wasn't genuine. She just wasn't funny and hip at all, and she was trying to be - for the wrong reasons - just to get attention and project a certain image.

    Same with these JWs. They're like "Look at us! Look how happy and cool and hip we are!" when they aren't cool and hip; they're JWs. As for happy, maybe they do have some superficial semblance of happiness, but there's no depth to it. It's like they're happy because a Watchtower tells them they are. They have a cultish happiness like members of Heaven's Gate had.

    These are people who can't explain and defend their own beliefs, yet smugly and self-righteously think they have the one and only truth and everybody else is on the road to eternal destruction. In addition, they think they're at top of JWdom being at Bethel. JWs idolize Bethel. If JW teachings are right, then Bethel should simply be viewed as an accessory to their worship; but to many JWs, it is the focus. The real work, the main focus, should be the field ministry.

    I have hope that some of these people will awaken from the ignorant stupor they're in now. If they do, I will commend them, but right now, they're ignorant and corny and self-righteous.

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