The new book for children.

by dmouse 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • foreword

    And Jesus with a bow an arrow?

    Man this guy needs to get his hands on some serious weaponry if he's gonna blow up the world. Or maybe the arrows are nuclear....yeah, that must be it.

  • ashitaka

    LOL. Classic apocolyptic garbage. Always good for a laugh. Any sane, non-brainwashed person can see that.


  • SixofNine

    Dub doctrine has always been that JW's themselves will be passive observers of the carnage, fearful but heartened. JW's were never taught they would fight in any literal sense.

    Azzy, that "lamb" is a black man, lol!

  • Aztec

    Sixy, I think it's a black woman. Forgive me, it was like 6 am and I was a bit fuzzy headed okay.


  • SixofNine

    Azzy, she said her name was Tawnikwa. But I found out different! *blech* *note to self, stay outa red-light districts during armageddon!*

    hehe, I saw the lamb at first too. I Didn't think too much about it, since there were horse legs up above anyway.

  • logansrun

    All that destruction. Gee, why wouldn't God just use a neutron bomb and be done with it painlessly?


  • rocketman

    A few months back we visted a jw couple with two kids. In the course of conversation, they mentioned how they had misgivings about the contents of My Book Of Bible Stories and were thinking of not having their children read it.

    So at least some jws are not comfortable with what appears in their literature. Too bad they are afraid to voice any objections.

  • Hapgood

    This picture is disgusting! Just the other day I was talking to my jw hubby about all the violent pictures that were in the older publications and that all of a sudden the jw's now seem to be getting "politically correct" by not printing these type of pictures because of what happened on 9/11. I guess I was wrong. I just can't understand their thinking with all the recent events to publish such an ugly picture, especially in a childrens book. But I know when I was a loyal jw I read my daughter "My Book of Bible Stories", I thought that because the fds provided this book, the book must be ok for little ones. Boy, was I brain dead, I still feel guilty inflicting this stuff on my precious daughter, hope that she forgives me.


  • jws

    Looking at that first armageddon picture from the new book....

    Is that Andrew Dice Clay on the left? Hell, I'd rather have my kids learn his nursery rhymes than read this book.

    And what is that? An XXX theater? I didn't think those existed anymore, what with video and the internet. Do the people who produce this stuff ever get out to the real world?

    And is that a pair of phallic symbols above the crumbling building? See any other hidden faces or items that are secretly painted in?

  • freedom96

    A cult will do what it can to strike fear into anyone, including young innocent children.

    How disgusting.

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