The new book for children.

by dmouse 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    My wife went to the convention yesterday and brought back the new book for children 'Learn from the Great Teacher'.

    It's certainly much better than the old pink book, larger and more colourful, even if the pictures have a 1950's feel to them

    for example:

    The introduction mentions that there are questions throughout the book that you should ask children to find out what is on their mind... saying ' True, the child may come out with with answers that are not correct. But the printed material that follows each question is designed to help the child to develop wholesome patterns of thinking'...

    'wholesome patterns of thinking' eh? We all know what that means...poor kids.

    And now for a bit of bedtime reading, this picture is on page 243, and don't forget that this book is for young children:

  • Prisca


    Just as charming as those pics in the orange "Paradise Lost, Paradise Restored" book I had when I was a 4 year old.

  • dedalus

    Ah, what a wonderful hope for mankind ... and what wonderful God to worship. Sleep tight, kids!


  • dedalus

    Upon reexamining that picture, I realize that parents have the added bonus of explaining to their children what a red light district is before tucking them ever so gently into bed.


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Are those meant to be horses hooves in the clouds top left???

  • Aztec

    Is that a martini glass in the upper right? And why is there a lamb running among the minions that are being destroyed? Such nonsense and filth! I would let my son watch a Harry Potter movie before I let him read Watchtower trash.


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    That's cheeses on his trusty white pony - out for a little trot whilst slaughtering the unbelieving masses.

  • blondie

    dmouse, I remember being studied with in the Paradise Lost book. My siblings and I would ask:

    Mom, how will we know not to be in that street when the end comes?

    Mom, how will we know when it is going to start?

    Mom, where will we go to be safe on earth when the end comes?

    Mom, will some people live and some people die on the same street?

    Mom, will Grandma and Grampa die because they don't come to the KH?


  • dedalus

    I don't know the source for the picture above -- Live Forever book or Watchtower, I'm guessing.

    In this one below, a closeup from the Paradise Lost book, you can see a little girl clutching the hand of a rag doll as they plunge together into the earth ... oh, and the family dog bites the dust, too.

    Now remember, kids, Jehovah is a God of love, the very personification of Love itself. Don't forget to say your prayers!


    P.S. Hmmmm ... can't see the pictures. Just in case, here is a link:

  • Hamas

    Thanks for the pics, dmouse !!!!!

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