Kim's call to HQ's...

by Newly Enlightened 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ShirleyW

    Next week I'm busy getting ready for a worldly, apostate XMas celebration, maybe I might have time on Saturday to call Bethel, not sure yet. If I can't do it tomorrow I'm going to make it a point to call in the daytime, since the Bethelites will probably be out at there mtgs in the evenings, I don't want to hear "there's nobody here at the moment that can answer your call"

    The guy that was talking to Kim on the phone, I can just imagine the look on his face, which I'm sure was the look this summer when I asked the Bro at the table set up if they were giving away Bibles. He went on to say that the App has five translations so you can cross reference and yada yada yada . . . , that's when I asked him how surprised I am at the app since more than ten years ago the Society admonished the flock to stay away from the internet, the smile on his face faded into a "how the Hell does she know"? Point blank told me he couldn't answer my question why the Society is now gung ho with the Internet and told me to pray Jehovah for that answer because he couldn't tell me, I must rememer to bring that up during my call.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Outlaw: you crack me up!

    Stop, I'll pee my pants

    Interesting observation... N7Shadow is a name of a infilterator female assassin from the video game MASS EFFECT 3....correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that on the NO-NO list for JW's a few years ago?

    But yet, this gamer who is defending the WT, is so hypocritical judging me when they are playing rated MA video games. Yes, MA for Blood, Partial nudity, Sexual content, strong language and violence.....if you are such a good JW, then why would you choose a name that is associated with Satan's entertainment???

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was shocked at the blatant lies! was full of misleading statements. What happens when people sign up and become involved believing in one set of rules and another set is imposed on them later. We should call them on their lies.

  • problemaddict

    Welcome N7,

    You should stick around. While you have been so kind as to share your opinion on her video, and you are entitled to your opinion, you are conflating a few things improperly. You have painted with broad strokes all who call themselves Christian.

    There is a very important aspect to this video that you are missing. The man on the other line, is not being honest and forthright. He simply isn't. He believes he is talking to a potential JW or someone studying, and he is white washing the truth. 2 things specifically.

    1) "We don't use the term mentally diseased." This is an outright falsehood. Did you attend the same district convention I did this summer? Remember the talk about "apostates"?

    2) "Even when disfellowshipping, the family ties remain". BS. If you are a minor or in a serious bind and live under the ame roof as other family, you are allowed to have limited contact witht hat person. if you do not live at home, you are specifially directed to shun the person wether it is your father, mother, sister, brother, etc...

    Now wether or not you agree that these actions are correct is besides the point my friend. What is on topic here, is wether he was honest about those things. However you may feel about NE playing a role with him on the phone is also moot. Did he whitewash the truth? Can you be honest about it?

    Honestly bud, stick around a bit. People here are just like you and people you know. We have all kinds. Most of the people here have lost family, friends, been abused, or had other serious problems simply because they decided to feel differently about the religion they once had. Thats it. Nobody starts out feeling have to be betrayed first.

    Either way you are welcome, and this is a safe place for you to express yourself and ask questions. There are former and current elders, servants, pioneers, and even some former CO's and bethelites. Even a peppering of Gilead grads. I still attend meetings sometimes (not because I want to mind you).

    So pull up a chair, be a Berean. Welcome to the board.


    N7 Shadow has left the building....

  • krejames

    WOW nice work Kim. I watched it all. Very compelling. That video had to be made because no JW would believe it if you told them the crap that guy was spouting down the phone. So sorry that it upset you because of your own family situtation with your mum. my goodness!

  • label licker
    label licker

    Band on the run - what you just said is what I would like to ask our lawyers in southern Ontario. Our lawyers say they can't do anything with what happened to us in the church yet my point is if you didn't know what you were getting involved in until it was too late ( for instance after your baptised you find out you were baptised into the organisation and it's rules) do we not have a case? Can not the lawyers get involved when it comes to not being fully open to their members as to what is required from them from the society and not god's word???? Bottom line - we were duped!!!! Once baptised you find out there's more requirements and if you don't like it you can leave but we'll punish you with taking your family away from you. This is wicked.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    WT's spokeshole at 33:00 on the recording:

    'We have a balanced approach (re: disfellowshipping and shunning). We don't treat them (disfellowshipped family members) as though they are dead....they have feelings, they're human...'

    That statement coming from a Bethel elder! That is a bold face lie!

  • leaving_quietly

    Just watched this a little while ago. Wow. Just wow.

  • AnnOMaly

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