Kim's call to HQ's...

by Newly Enlightened 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "they will quit answering questions on the phone, too."

    I'm surprised they haven't already set up an extensive system of pre-recorded menu options to discourage callers.


    Hi N7 Shadow, err, ummm..I mean JW Defender. Who else would just sign up and be so pissed?? N7 Shadow defending "the truth" is the GB's worse nightmare. He/she is the reason that public debates are forbidden and blogs are a no-no. Ironic that N7 Shadow used the word "troll."



    Fascinating? More like retarded!.....N7 Shadow

    ...........................No..More like WatchTarded..

    The WBT$ Rep was caught in Lies..By a WOMAN!!..Oh the Horror!!..

    ..........................Now it`s on YouTube..LOL!!..


    We can`t figure out how Kim caught the WBT$ Rep in Lies!..

    ........................She doesn`t have a Penis!!..

    .............. .........

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  • sd-7

    Trying to trap him & make him look like a liar & an idiot is NOT a loving Christian thing to do. It is NOT something Jesus would do.

    --Actually, that's exactly the kind of thing Jesus would do. He did just that to the Pharisees, when he asked them if the baptism of John was from heaven or men. He was trying to get them to admit the truth to themselves, but they evaded an honest answer...because they were trapped. It wasn't hate that made Jesus do that, it was a desire to uphold truth and expose self-righteous behavior on the part of those religious leaders.

    This isn't the approach I would have taken, but then I've come to realize it's just not worth my time to do this sort of thing. I'd give this video a listen but I don't want to upset myself about it all. It just isn't healthy.




    I`m Proud to Lie on the Phone,for the WBT$................Ohhhh F*ck!!.....Somebody Help Me!!!..

    ......I get to Pet Lions in the New System!..................................Somebody Help Me!!!..


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  • RayPublisher

    Is N7 going to be our new JW Apologist? Cool!

    BTW N7 how many videos have you done on your YouTube channel? May we watch them?

  • adamah

    Just be sure to check applicable State and Fed laws before violating them AND then posting the incriminating evidence to YouTube!

    That's what Kenneth Tarr is learning the hard way, after he pranked-called and even bragged about it over social media and posted vids to YouTube, only to be arrested and charged by LAPD detectives with multiple counts of felony wiretapping by illegally recording phone calls without their permission. (CA is an 'all-consent' State, where all parties need to give their permission to be recorded over the phone; the CA law is one of the stiffest in the Nation, so Tarr is now looking at up to 3 yrs in jail and large fines):

    When Tarr contacted Deadspin, he said, "I'm like the world's most safe criminal." And with delusions of grandeur dancing in his head, he even said this to a local sports reporter:

    In November, Tarr told KNBC sports anchor Fred Roggin that he considered himself to be on the “new frontier of broadcast journalism and sports media.”

    Who knows, maybe Tarr is counting on pleading insanity as his defense, but that's hardly the kind of publicity the ex-JW community needs by living up to the GB's very definition of apostate (which ironically is found in 1st Timothy, the subject of the call).

    Who knows, maybe Tarr is counting on pleading insanity as his defense, but that's hardly the kind of publicity the ex-JW community needs by living up to the GB's very definition of apostate..Adamah
    By Andrew Blankstein
    NBC News

    Prosecutors filed a charge of felony eavesdropping against a Los Angeles man who authorities say pranked big-name coaches from the NBA,

    NFL and college football into believing he was offering them jobs with pro or college teams.

    The difference is..

    The WBT$ service desk is handing out public information..To the Public..Over the Phone..

    The information asked about,is also public..It`s been Printed in WBT$ magazines..

    The WBT$ Rep chose to lie about what was already in the public domain..From a WBT$ Phone dedicated to answering questions from the public..

    Are the authorities really interested in charging sombody who has caught the WBT$ in a Lie?!..

    I doubt it..LOL!!..

    Maybe the WBT$ can be Charged for lying to the Public over the Phone..

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  • label licker
    label licker

    N7 Shadow, welcome to our hobby:) Now, if you really are a witness for JW.Org, could you please go tell your elders the conversation you just had with all of us and when your done that, could you please, please phone the bethel and let them know what you have learned so far here. You set such a fine witness to not let someone know how wonderful a job your doing(defending this organisation). I'm sure if your not an elder, you'll soon be one but only if you tell everyone why you are here. I just feel it's the holy spirit working within you. Now don't waste another precious second. You have lives to save so go tell everyone about us, please. And come back here and let us know what they say about your loyalty to the Org. You'll make a wonderful elder if your not already one. TA TA for now

    Warm christian love, LL

  • Vidiot

    I think these videos are a good idea.

    DOC and Outlaw are right. If more and more people do this, they'll eventually be inclined to shut it down; it'll be too embarrassing...

    ...and, I might add, yet another step in the WT's ongoing and increasing alienation from the world around them.

    By all means, help the process along.

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