Satan is more dangerous then pedophile - Assembly Part

by thedepressedsoul 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thedepressedsoul
    Were you ever actually a JW?? You don't remember that Peter said Satan was a roaring lion??

    Again, you need a physical item of fear to put the invisible fear of an invisible entity into peoples minds.

    If I put an actual roaring line to the right and of you and then tell you to the left is Satan. I then go on to say, "Trust me, that Satan on your left is 10x more dangerous, you should run to your right to that lion. You have a much greater chance of survival. Plus, any damage that lion does is temporary. That Satan on your left though, man, that will be permanent."

    Which way do you think you'll run? I bet I know which way.

    That's exactly what the speaker did and that is the line of reasoning you are trying to defend.

  • truthseekeriam

    I'm so confused by Shadow.

    How does He/She not see what they are trying to do here?

    Shortly after we found out our child was molested by a ex elder we attended a CA, mind you we were in a lot of emotional distress at the time. We actually were told by the elders that our child's molester who happened to be out of jail on bail before trial had every right to be at the assembly as we did. Imagine the knots in our stomach as we walked in to find our took everything we had to even drive to that assembly hall. Guess what we had in store to let us know how Jehovah was blessing our efforts? A nice talk given on the platform telling all that when we read negative news articles( happen to be about our case) to remember the media lies!! Our hearts sank, I could see the tears in my husbands eyes, we left that day knowing we could never be part of such a religion that would willfully kick victims while they are down ( no love )

    Now tell me who was more dangerous to my family?

    A pedophile and the organization that protected him....or satan?

  • thedepressedsoul

    When I was younger, my mom use to tell me that she would call the Boogeyman to come get me if I didn't clean up my toys. That fear she put in my mind caused me to do exactly as she said and clean up my toys. Did that Boogeyman actually exist, most likely not. How can you prove that something you've never seen doesn't exist? Just like big-foot.

    Now replace that scenario of the Boogeyman with Satan and replace my toys with religious beliefs and practices. Do you see the similarities? Both are used to get someone to do their agenda.

  • Finkelstein

    Shadow says .... Were you ever actually a JW?? You don't remember that Peter said Satan was a roaring lion??

    OK so lets make the assertion that it is Satan the devil that influences people to commit the heinous crime of pedophilia , that still doesn't resolve or justify the fact that the WTS hides these sexual predators within their congregations., which is noted to be a repetitive behavior even after people have been incarcerated.

    The reason why these people are usually put onto a public sexual offenders list and they are not to be alone with children upon their release from prison.

    The Johnathan Kendricks case is a good example of a guy who knew there was a hush hush policy about his past forwarded from his previous congregation and he used that policy to seek out another victim which happened to be Candace Conti.

    This evil stupid irresponsibility caused this girl a lot of grief and emotional turmoil, just like hundreds of other children attending JW Kingdom Halls .

  • flipper

    Outlaw tells it like it is.

    There is something bizarre and alarming about the Watchtower's attitude toward pedophilia. Good illustrations are in the guy's speech and Shadows posts.

    A good friend was in particularly insane congregation and trying to warn parents and elders about convicted pedophiles in their hall. The elders refused to even look at copies of the police and prison records (one of these guys was described as an incurable sexual psychopath), and buddied around with these creeps.

    Some of those elders constantly bullied and badmouthed my friend. There's so much to that story, it's amazing this person came out with sanity intact.

    One single mom made it a point to hand her kid to the pedophile she was warned about in front of my friend. (After running straight to the elders to rat out the evil whistleblower).

    This is so frustrating - you just can't get across to people like that. Any threat to their superstitious belief systems gets them angry and defensive. If they want to be that way, fine, but it's so sad for the little kids growing up with it.

    I can just picture the jws in the audience nodding their heads to this guy's insane speech. Holy sht.


  • thedepressedsoul
    The best is, people make outrages and offensive claims and then cry religious persecution when people disagree and act against religion.
  • ToesUp
    These people are bat s**t crazy!
  • Finkelstein

    One could easily reverse the assertion that it's the evil Satan alone that causes pedophilia which has resulted so much grief and turmoil and placed that directly at the WTS for hiding these people inside its congregations, inadvertently causing even more attacks onto children.

    Which evil has more practical relevance, the human imagination or proactive human social behavior ?


    1) You're still going to die, even if Jeehobidoob exists. Hebrews 9:26,27 says so.

    2) Jeehobo "ALLOWED" wickedness to prove that he's the best. WTH?!?! JWISM teaches that at the end of the 1,000 years, Jeehoober will instantly kill anyone who sins. How?? He can read hearts and know the very instant that they go astray!

    Picture this: You're naked, petting a Panda bear. This is the zillionth time you have done this. Brother panda lover, your neighbor who lives right next door on his 1 acre plot, is also naked. You bend over to pet a baby panda and SCHLOINNGGG!! Jeehoober reads his heart and vaporizes him. That is what the WTBTS teaches. DO YOU BELIEVE IT?

    If you do, the you must see how crappy Jeehoobster is. He knew the very nano-second that "Satan" rebelled by reading his heart. Then he ALLOWED "Satan" to corrupt 1/3 of his heavenly family. Then he allowed humans to be corrupted and we have all suffered ever since!

    Jeehoober is infinitely more dangerous than Satan and pedos, because he ALLOWED all wickedness. He could have stopped it all, but he didn't. He could have used his powers to stop it all and to make sure that we still exist, because," with God all things are possible." He just chose not to do anything.


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