Satan is more dangerous then pedophile - Assembly Part

by thedepressedsoul 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brandnew
    I.........would ........have........been..........totally .......kicked outta the place for kicking that lames ass! ! !
  • shadow


    The statement by the speaker which is being criticized is:

    "There is something even more dangerous then that pedophile living across the street to your children..." "Satan the devil is after your children, something even more dangerous then that pedophile!"

    THAT is the statement this thread is based on. It is not:

    Pointing out the WBT$ "Actively Protects" WBT$ JW Pedophiles..

    Christians would generally agree with that statement which implies that eternal damage is greater than temporary damage no matter how painful it is. To condemn that statement would condemn other Christians as well. And, yes, I do have first-hand knowledge about child abuse.


    Consider too, that "Satan" meant adversary. Now go through the Holy Writ and figure out how many times the word "adversary is contextually acceptable as opposed to a Spirit Lion.

    Unless a scripture is specifically mentioning an evil Spirit Lion from the heavens, then wouldn't "adversary" be more of an honest rendering? Of course that changes EVERYTHING!!

    There is no need for Jeehoober to protect you from "adversary", not when you can go kick his ass yourself for touching children. That angle won't make Billions of tax free dollars for cults, so it's not too popular.


  • thedepressedsoul
    Christians would generally agree with that statement which implies that eternal damage is greater than temporary damage no matter how painful it is. To condemn that statement would condemn other Christians as well. And, yes, I do have first-hand knowledge about child abuse.

    I'm not getting into a debate as to whether Satan is real or not. That's not the point of this thread. Saying Satan is real is one thing. Using it as a fear tactic to get parents under control is another. If you don't see the fear tactic used there by linking it with pedophiles, I don't know what to tell you.

    Also, if you have a kid and anything remotely comes close to someone taking advantage of them, feel free to let me know how "temporary" it is.

    I'm still not sure how you read this post and came away with it attacking whether Satan is real or not.

  • zeb

    Coming back to the original statement. How would anyone know they have a paedophile living over the road from them? Paedophiles dont have horns or green ears. They can be those perfect 'people' who:

    • dress meticulously according to wt rules.
    • do all manner of hours in the field service
    • answer up at all meetings
    • never miss a meeting
    • open their home to brothers and sisters.

    The one meeting i used to enjoy was what was called the book study and (only one hour) all of a sudden it was dropped.

    The elders didnt know why and this was stated from the platform.

    Then it later announced the move was to allow families to have a 'family study night'. I have seen an internet comment (I stress "a comment) that it was to preclude access to children by some of the home hosts.

  • flipper

    SHADOW- The point of the thread is that the JW elder speaker MINIMIZES child abuse by saying that " Satan " is more dangerous than pedophiles. Which is a bunch of crap. "Satan " is a non-existent marketing ploy used by " Christians " and Jehovah's Witnesses to scare members of their respective organizations. Pedophiles are REAL criminals who are dangerous to society and children in it.

    To insinuate that Outlaw is " illiterate " because YOU think he didn't get the point of the thread reveals your own ignorance. Actually- you don't get the meaning of the thread . By the speaker saying " Satan " is more dangerous than pedophiles it IS minimizing the WT child abuse problem within the organization in an innuendo kind of way. Like many people of religious ilk- you seem to look at things in a black and white or an all or nothing fashion. No sense in putting others down when you are as ignorant as the people you are dissing


    "There is something even more dangerous then that pedophile living across the street to your children..." "Satan the devil is after your children, something even more dangerous then that pedophile!"

    Christians would generally agree with that statement which implies that eternal damage is greater than temporary damage no matter how painful it is. To condemn that statement would condemn other Christians as well. And, yes, I do have first-hand knowledge about child abuse......Shadow

    You agree with a WBT$ Brain Fart..LOL!!..

    I wouldn`t compare you with anyone except a WBT$ JW Apologist..

    Not 2 Billion Christians you Don`t Speak For..


    Image result for blah blah blah

    .......................................Image result for preaching on soap box



    The point of the thread is that the JW elder speaker MINIMIZES child abuse by saying that " Satan " is more dangerous than pedophiles. Which is a bunch of crap. "Satan " is a non-existent marketing ploy used by " Christians " and Jehovah's Witnesses to scare members of their respective organizations. Pedophiles are REAL criminals who are dangerous to society and children in it........Flipper

    ...................................Image result for can I get an Amen!

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    "wouldn't you do whatever was necessary to protect your child".

    OK son listen carefully to my words "It is more dangerous to look directly

    into the sun then playing with fire.

  • shadow


    Also, if you have a kid and anything remotely comes close to someone taking advantage of them, feel free to let me know how "temporary" it is.

    As a matter of fact I DO have a kid that was attacked for years by a pedophile, you jackass. It destroys kids and parents. It lasts as long as they live and many times ends up in suicide. If this life is all there is, then maybe suicide is a pretty good option. I still hope there's something better. Anything else you want to know???

    flipper & outlaw:

    I don't have the time or inclination to help your reading comprehension. Maybe you can understand this:

    WT policy has hurt a lot of people but it's stupid to turn it into a joke with ridiculous criticism of a talk and make a connection that isn't there.

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