Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings

by LittleSister 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • 70-Years-Of-Servatude

    Getting counselled on timing in the ministry school, then suffering through the last service meeting talk running 15 minutes over given by the same ass clown that gave me a W an hour before.

  • Incognito

    We had one Elder who used 'Jehovah' about every fourth word during his long public prayers. One old lady behind us, started loudly mimicking him during the prayer 'Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah'. Not a nice thing to do but she obviously was as annoyed as everyone else and wasn’t hesitant to passive aggressively let others know how she felt.

    A Witness relative came to visit one Sunday. An older Elder gave the opening prayer to the Public Talk that was so long, our relative leaned over to me when it was finally over and asked 'Was that the talk?'

    We have a relation who chooses not to prepare for his talks as he thinks he can improvise and deliver a smooth and fluent talk. In reality, his talks are torturous and embarrassing, full of 'Ahs, ums' and clearing his throat while rambling on and on.

    Although this has since been halted by ‘The Society', we once had a PO that would routinely play recordings of talks for the Sunday meeting. This is supposed to be a ‘Public’ talk and as boring as a regular talk is, imagine looking at a vacant stage for 60 minutes while listening to a disembodied voice drone on. I think initially, a guest speaker failed to show so a recording substituted. Later, I think this PO started unofficially scheduling recordings instead of inviting a speaker as he was big into recording every assembly and meeting part.

    One Sunday, another Elder (previous PO with high level contacts within the WTS) had enough. After it was announced that there was to be yet another recording played, this other Elder left his seat, went to the tape machine and turned it off, announcing ‘There will NOT be a recording played. Start the Watchtower study.’ I don’t recall another recording ever being played again.

    There was one circuit assembly where the Elder giving a talk, stated that he and his family ONLY associated with other Witnesses that were viewed as stronger and more spiritual than they were. His family would only associate with other Elders, Pioneers and Bethelites as these people are supposedly, spiritually up-building.

    Although he was trying to promote this attitude as proper and to be copied, he was actually promoting a division within the congregation by implying that regular R&F witnesses in good standing, weren’t desirable associates. He didn’t seem to realize that if everyone followed his attitude, the Elders, Pioneers and Bethelites would not associate with his family as his family was the least spiritual from amongst that group.

  • Girlie

    Cleaning the hall and actually believing that it was a "free labor of love" when it is what it is: free freaking labor.

    CO visitations that brought out the "true" love from the friends who never paid much attention to you before.

    Long lines for the ladies restrooms (not just at the conventions). I remember this young brother walked by the long line of sisters waiting for the restrooms at a convention and said that sisters always have to go the the bathrooms. The elderly sister with me didn't appreciate the comment, but I thought,"Hmm. he is right. " lol

  • babygirl30

    Having to go!

  • whatistruth

    The nodding of head to most stupid point ever made...and btw that point was made for the 4,098,784 time

  • miseryloveselders

    Being there.

  • whatistruth

    Everyone looking up the same bloody scripture that we have all read ten million times, the scripture has finished being read and still yes still idiots are turning their pages to find this scripture they have read ten million times.

    Having to talk to brother stupid/annoying after every meeting because there is no else to speak to. And all you're thinking is, please get me out of here and never come back, this is torture.

  • JWinprotest

    The brother who thought he was demonstrating his strong love for others by squeezing the s!#t out of their hand as he shook it.

    People who don't have kids giving you advise on how to train your children to sit quietly for 2 hours. Advise usually consists of implying that you don't have a good family study routine at home.

    The Elder in my cong. that said parents should start studying the Bible Teaches book with their children as early as 2 yrs old.(of course no children of his own).

  • LittleSister

    Thanks guys for all your comments you made me smile, laugh and even feel a bit guilty for being sister judgmental in the past. It’s amazing how any organisation can make meetings both mind numbingly boring and incredibly irritating at the same time.

    Thank the universe I will never have to waste a second of my life in JW meeting hell again.

  • mindmelda

    "People who don't have kids giving you advise on how to train your children to sit quietly for 2 hours. Advise usually consists of implying that you don't have a good family study routine at home."

    I got this one constantly. We had Brother and Sister "We sold our home so we could Special Pioneer" and Brother and Sister "We sold our home so we could go to Bethel" in our congo and of course, having never had children they were all experts on raising them.

    I was always secretly (okay, not so secretly) amused when Brother and Sister Special Pioneer oopsied and had a kid, he was 50 and she was 44. The kid is a TOTAL BRAT. He hits his mother, screams and throws fits during the meetings, bites, pulls hair and is just every thing you associate with a kid who is never disciplined in any way. (I don't spank and don't recommend it but there are other ways to keep a child from believing he's the lord of all he surveys, of course.) She never does a thing to correct poor whoopsie poo and neither does Mr. P-whipped about the kid, her husband.

    Turns out she really wanted children very badly all along (Maybe she "forgot" the pill or put a hole in the condom?) and now that she has precious poopsie poo, she treats him like he's made of glass, knowing he'll be her only kid. If she's lucky.

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