Most Annoying Things That Happen At JW Meetings

by LittleSister 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Just the whole generalization type comments that all people on this earth who are not JW's are bad people.

  • Lieu

    wha happened?

    That is also a biggie after actually reading the Bible and looking at the /apostles/disciples/elders therein position toward everyone else.

    The real and early Christian stance is quite different than the JW stance.

  • daringhart13

    The opening paragraph of every single KM question and answer part...starting with a reference to 1 Tim. 3:1

    The brother who has not right teaching, that instead, just fills the entire study with volunteers reading every cited scripture in the lesson.

    A paragraph in the Revelation book being verses from the Bible..........followed by a question like "so what does Rev. 4:4 say?" Ummmmmmmm.....we just read it.

    The beginning of every demonstration part at the assembly beginning with a blow by blow biography of the person being interviewed. It sounded like they were reading off the back of a football card. I thought we weren't supposed to let our left hand know what our right hand was doing????

    Parts glorifying the guy that didn't go to college, his nerdy, mal-adjusted kids, as well as his wife, who drives around in a mini-van all day knocking on the doors of empty homes.

    Watching a CHILD.....get baptized.

  • Lieu

    Crazy!!! Jesus didn't get baptized until he was 30. [The ancient and true age of Isrealite manhood]

  • Quandry

    It was like being forced to watch endless re runs of Hee Haw until you broke down and confessed that you would rather be a Satanist.

    Mindmelda, that is hilarious!

    For me-watching the elders get up during the meeting to "take care of things" in the back.

  • transhuman68

    That you arrive at the Kingdom Hall and discover it hasn't been burnt down?

  • EmptyInside

    This thread is hilarious. I also hate the comments that turn into a five minute talks. But, it seemed at my hall(s) anyway, there is some nutty sister who has to eat in the bathroom/library because she is hypoglycemic. And there was always young boys too old to be going into the women's bathroom with their mothers.

  • wannabefree

    He would come late and be all smiles, no apologies, just expect us to except it.He was later removed as an elder(cant remember why) and moved to anther congo.

    Sawthe Light: I wasn't removed, I resigned.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    the elders wife that thought keeping the KH "perfectly clean" was more imprortant then being loving....


    Listening to the same old WBT$ Crap..

    Week after week..Month after month..Year after year..

    Somebody just Frigg`in Shoot Me!!..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

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