Self -Employed or Otherwise Gainfully Employed - Gas Prices Eating You Up?

by flipper 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    Flip man, I agree about the gas prices. I don't do to bad though. The wife and I carpool about 20 miles together and usually use about $50.00 a week. The car gets about 30-35/gallon.

    I beleive it is all a conspiracy. I know a gentleman personally that drilled a well here in the midwest that flowed 24hrs/day for several weeks. They couldn't keep trucks going fast enough to keep up with the oil. The well is drilled on personal property but horizontally under a lake on state property. One senator or representative done a study on the amount of oil and there is supposed to be enough oil to keep the U.S. satisfied for at least 100 years.

    This oil well was drilled oh maybe 2-3 years ago. Now, the governor of Illinois wants to take control of the well. This guy who drilled the well has since shut it off about three weeks ago until they get this settled.

    What a crock-o-sh#t!

  • sammielee24

    I also tend to believe that the only 'crisis' in oil, is in the stuff on top - it's been proven over and again, that there is enough oil still untapped to continue on course for the next 200 years. The problem is that nobody wanted to get it out before because their profits weren't high enough - not that it isn't there. New technology according to experts in the industry, can pull the oil out faster and more cheaply than could be done 5 years ago.

    That being said, I still think the more efficient a vehicle the better however, I'm not really sure what all those people buying electric cars think they will be saving. In the end, the cost of electricity will rise to compensate for any losses in oil revenue so the gain will be zero. The only advantage will be to the environment but heaven knows how we will deal with the batteries that are scrapped and/or toxic waste that will result from other types of 'clean' transport.

    The answer is that we can still use cars - they just have to be smaller and more efficient. The bigger problem lie in the lack of planning and initiative in building better and much more efficient mass transit. This won't happen unless a government steps in and draws up a master plan of connecting communities via a major transit corrider for mass public instead of a series of roads developed for individual use ie cars. You cannot and will never have the population of this country moving into cities only therefore, it makes more sense to set up a whole channel of transport via all the major corriders. It makes more sense to develop transport of goods in other ways than by trucks and roads but with the new NAU that isn't going to happen either.

    When we talk about climate change though and energy - we keep putting little lightbulbs into the sockets yet nobody has come up with a safe way to dispose of the mercury. We create a whole other industry when instead, perhaps along with our thinking of fuel efficient cars, we should be entertaining ways of shutting down plants, shops, malls instead of running them 24 hours a day - a whole lot of energy is used up by running production plants 24/7 and let's face it, even opening up stores to shop in on Sundays means running air conditioning/ driving/using electricity more, than it would if they remained closed. sammieswife.

  • flipper

    COMPOUND COMPLEX- Hey CoCo, how are you ? I'm glad you are getting more work in your area. I have picked up a couple of jobs closer as well. I usually put in about 10 gallons of gas each time I fill up . That way mentally I won't be as stressed out seeing the large amount of $$$$ I would have seen if I filled it up all the way ! LOL!

    DONKEY- I'm pissed off that the American public is getting ripped off and oil companies as well as the U.S. government is making billions $$$$ at our expense. For you to NOT see that is burying you head in the sand.

    NELLY 136- Lovely. A fuel tax. Oh brother. No wonder your prices are so high in England.

    PRIMATE DAVE- I'm sure white collar workers love this blog you put up dissing blue collar workers. Essentially in layman's terms it's saying that those of us that are " blue collar workers " are dumba$$e$ , who don't understand anything - and have a 2nd grade education. Typical rich people rhetoric. I have seen plenty of dumba$$ white collar workers in my time - believe me. I don't put much stock in what wealthy people say about this oil crisis- they are in it for themselves and their profits. As you mentioned- I'm sure there are plenty of " blue collar " workers who are educating themselves about this ongoing oil crisis.

    SAMMIELEE's Wife- I agree with everything you say. The leaders of this country could choose to fix things - but they won't. Especially Bush. The government is run by the rich elite- the 1 percent you mentioned who are running the show. I'm tired of the pain and the high gas prices too. There are alternatives as you stated - but getting the powers in control to pursue those options is a completely different story.

    QUIRKY- I agree in your conspiracy theory. I'm glad you and your wife are hanging in there with the prices. Sounds very suspicious to me that the Illinois governor helped get that oil well shut down. Any bureaucracy is about control I believe.

    Neil Young stated, " Jonathan and this car are going to make history , we're going to change the world. We're going to create a car that will allow us to stop giving our wealth to other countries for petroleum. " The prototype power system worked during a 12 mile test drive of the car last week. Young stated that the car's " acceleration was incredible, she moved with hardly a sound ; it was so quiet we could hear the wind through the tags of other cars. "

    So , I'm impressed what people like Neil Young ate at least spending their millions $$$$ on trying to research way of changing how we use fuel, and finding alternate ways to travel !! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • IP_SEC

    The company I work for pays for my vehicle and all my gas. I count it as a huge bonus.

  • flipper

    IP_SEC- Yes, that is a great advantage you have with the company paying for your vehicle and gas . Wish I could say the same - Oh ! the joys of self employment ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • BreakingAway

    The Blue Collar/Poor article posted by PrimateDave is one of the most offensive and flat out ignorant articles I've ever read.In fact, it's so utterly far off that mark that it's almost a parody.It's so full of errors, assumptions and insults that it seems designed simply to create controversy and draw attention to the one who wrote it.

    Since when does Blue Collar=Poor ? Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they have no idea how things work. Essentially, the article seems to say: "I sure am glad I'm not a stupid blue collar worker ! " What it really proves is : Any completely biased dumbass can have a blog.

  • flipper

    BREAKING AWAY- I agree with you. I have met many very intelligent blue collar workers, and met a fair amount of ignorant white collar workers. Just because someone is in a certain " class " in society does not pigeonhole them as being stupid or ignorant and not informed. Very true

  • sammielee24
    I'm sure white collar workers love this blog you put up dissing blue collar workers. Essentially in layman's terms it's saying that those of us that are " blue collar workers " are dumba$$e$ , who don't understand anything - and have a 2nd grade education. Typical rich people rhetoric. I have seen plenty ofdumba$$ white collar workers in my time - believe me. I don't put much stock in what wealthy people say about this oil crisis- they are in it for themselves and their profits. As you mentioned- I'm sure there are plenty of " blue collar " workers who are educating themselves about this ongoing oil crisis.

    LOL...I've worked with a whole heck of a lot of them in my time...I say kudo's to all those blue collar workers who stuck together and joined unions so that I could at least have a work day of 8 hours instead of 16, so that I could have a 40 hour work week instead of 60, so that I could have a few days off called 'holidays'..and a week of vacation time, so that I could be sure of a minimum wage instead of work for no that I could enjoy some of the same health benefits as my employer, so that if my thumb is cut off I'm able to recuperate with at least half pay allowing me to survive, so that my work space is at least clear of toxic fumes and asbestos allowing me to breathe without injury - in essence, I say thanks to all those blue collar workers and their white collar brothers and sisters that understand that the worker is a real thinking, feeling, human being and when treated with respect, is an asset to their employer and not a liability. Thanks to all of them for making the cars we are talking about on this list and the batteries that go into them...for cleaning our houses and hotel rooms and making our lives easier. We should all remember, those white collar jobs and the people wearing them can just as quickly become the next generation of blue collar workers. It happens when all those people laid off and without jobs, turn to whatever they can to survive and become exactly what they never thought they would.

    I should point out that although we are very careful about our gas usage - we are a lot better off than many. I do know first hand however, how quickly those already struggling, can slip under water and do the dog paddle to nowhere for a very long time. For all of those people I have the greatest compassion and understanding...sammieswife.

  • PrimateDave

    Mr. Flipper,

    I don't agree with everything that the blogger said, and one of the comments at the end took him task, saying that plenty of white collar people share those same beliefs. The point was, it got your attention!

    Me? I'm poor. Seriously. But I try to educate myself about the facts. The point of the blog, to me at least, was that most people in the USA would rather accept anecdotal evidence, talk radio pundit's claims, and urban legends as facts instead of doing research on Peak Oil. They would rather blame someone based on race or politics than accept that there are actually things on this planet beyond humanity's control.

    The first link I posted explains very well why we don't have "100 years supply" in the USA as Quirky1 said in his post. and are great places to start getting an education on energy, which is the most important thing to know about in this time of human history.

    Dave (a poor country boy, but educated)

  • flipper

    SAMMIELEE's WIFE- I agree with you that there are elements of good and evil in white collar workers just like blue collar. I respect either of both classes that truly understand how hard it is in our economy to really get ahead, and perhaps just stay afloat economically ! It's definitely not easy these days . I'm glad you and your husband are wading through the gas storm O.K. up till now - I'm still busy paying out about $800.00 per month in gas costs as we speak ! Something's gotta give with this economy.

    PRIMATE DAVE- Yes, it definitely got my attention ! LOL! I'm glad to hear you don't agree with those views. I agree we have to inform ourselves and do the research to see what is really happening behind the scenes . I'm not rich either - just a self employed working stiff trying to make ends meet ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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