Self -Employed or Otherwise Gainfully Employed - Gas Prices Eating You Up?

by flipper 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • JK666


    I get 20 cents a mile on company business for gas, and it helps, but doesn't cover it @ $65 a tank-full.


  • flipper

    JK- I hear ya ! I'm glad your company compensates you some anyway. Right now I'm really wishing most of my jobs were only 20 minutes away as opposed to being an hour and 30 minutes away ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sammielee24
    I agree we have to inform ourselves and do the research to see what is really happening behind the scenes . I'm not rich either - just a self employed working stiff trying to make ends meet ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    By that same token, I believe that any person that is accused of 'whining' has a right to do so if they are being defrauded. There's a big difference between a supply issue and a product, necessary to an economy, being deregulated and manipulated to the extent that inflation and unemployment increases. Those 1% at the top could care less if you starve, they would simply walk over the body and keep the cash moving - so in that aspect I understand it's dog eat dog and every man for himself. This doesn't mean, that just like Enron, those people that are manipulating the market for their own selfish greed, should not be forced to pay. The crooks that ran Enron caused a number of deaths - nobody was held accountable for that. The billions in pensions stolen from people never had to be paid back. People have a right to demand and see justice applied to crooks regardless of wether they are 'soft' or 'hard'. If that demand is heard around the world as whining, then those that are comfortable don't have to listen - but realistically they'll sit back and enjoy gains the whiners make for them in having laws passed and investigations initiated. sammieswife.

  • flipper

    SAMIELEE'S WIFE- Then I guess the entire American public has a right to be " whining ", as we are ALL being defrauded with this oil crisis. In my opinion the entire western culture is being manipulated

  • sammielee24
    SAMIELEE'S WIFE- Then I guess the entire American public has a right to be " whining ", as we are ALL being defrauded with this oil crisis. In my opinion the entire western culture is being manipulated. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    After watching CSpan with Greenberger, Cooper and Soros stating their point of view about this - I side with your opinion. On the upside, I understand that N Dakota voted on a new oil refinery and it passed - to better suck all that 200 hundred years worth of oil up and refine it within their borders! sammieswife.

    By Jon Christian Ryter

    June 4, 2008

    As America feels the growing pain at the pump they need to realize that it is not going to get better—ever...unless we follow the world's lead, nationalize the oil industry, freeze oil prices, and send the oil pimps packing.

    If you pull into a gas station in Islamic Iran, the price at the pump is 40¢ a gallon. In Saudi Arabia—where King Abdullah, the closest Bush-43 Muslim ally in the Mideast said "Sorry, fellah," when President George W. Bush asked him to increase the oil flow to bring down the global price of a barrel of oil, the price of gasoline at the pump is 45¢. The Libyans pay 50¢ a gallon at the pump. In Swaziland, if you have a car, you're only paying 54¢ a gallon. Muslim Qatar charges their citizens 73¢ a gallon at the pump. Bahrain charges their Islamic citizens 81¢ gallon. In Egypt, Muslim motorists pay 89¢ a gallon and Kuwait, whose nation was returned to them by President George H.W. Bush and the US military in 1990, charges their citizens 90¢ a gallon. America's biggest threat in the western hemisphere, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, charges his people 12¢ a gallon for gasoline. The price at the pump down the road from my home this morning (May 29, 2008) was $3.99 for self-serve unleaded. In cities where the State taxes are higher than where I live, American consumers are paying over $4.00 a gallon at the pump. It's time we got rid of the oil pimps from the Seven Sisters and nationalized oil production as they do all of the nations of the world except the United States and the European Union.

  • flipper
  • flipper

    SAMIIES WIFE- Sorry for the blank post. Just woke up from a nap. Still in the ozone. Good article you posted which helps us see just HOW MUCH the market is being manipulated. It truly is sick. I think the only solution will lie in other fuel sources being used here, and they will have to open more refineries and drill more on our home turf - as it's apparent we ARE NOT going to get help from our middle east business associates. We are on our own I believe

  • donkey

    Oil at $140 today. Very good!! Think we're ready for some behavior changes yet? Or just more fist pounding stupidity about drilling in Alaska?

  • sammielee24

    Guys at the top are laughing all the way to the bank - for now - 3,000 more jobs lost because planes are grounded, food prices up again - choice between getting to your job, eating or buying medicine - taxpayers will pick up the tab for the rapidly rising needy - what was it that Lou Dobbs called the self righteous that want gas to climb even higher? Oh yeah...buffoons I

    The suspect nabbed near Seattle was accused of going after liquid assets - stealing 200 gallons of gasoline.

    The pickup truck and a man wearing an orange vest had been caught on surveillance video, unlocking the pumps at a closed service station.

    From truck stops in Indiana to gas stations in Washington D.C., self service is taking on a new meaning, reports CBS News correspondent John Blackstone.

    "In San Jose, we have had about 10 incidents in the last two weeks," said Officer Enrique Garcia of the San Jose Police Department.

    Among those hit in San Jose, Calif. were four delivery trucks at the food bank.

    "The drivers checked the fuel gauges and they were empty and they had filled them up the night prior," said Chip Huggins of the Second Harvest Food Bank.

    The thieves took 400 gallons. The cost of replacing that could have provided more than 3,000 meals for the poor.
    There has been a rush to buy locking gas caps but even those may not be enough. Thieves punched right into the tanks of a Calif. dry cleaner's trucks.

    "Somebody poked holes in the gas tanks and tried to steal buckets of gas," said Larry Shifman, a dry cleaner owner.

    The same thing happened in Salt Lake City at Alpine Medical Supply where they couldn't deliver oxygen for a day after somebody drilled into the tanks.

    Thieves are also harvesting fuel from farmers. "One night they stole 800 gallons," said farmer Bill Spellman.

    One farmer's surveillance video shows a man with a siphon breaking a lock to get to the tank.

    Shouldn’t the questions really be:

    “Are the privileged class (PC) and super privileged class (SPC) happy about high gasoline prices?”


    “Are the middle class (MC) and working class (WC) unhappy about high gasoline prices?”

    The answers to both questions ought to be reasonably obvious at this point.

    Best Regards (to my fellow MC’s and WC’s),
    Oklahoma Jack

    P.S. The PC’s and SPC’s must be oblivious to the fact that they are sitting atop the lid of a MC/WC powder keg that is about to blow their gluttonous and greedy lifestyles sky high.

    P.S. #2 The only way to clean up the environment and keep the economy humming along simultaneously is to pursue alternative forms of energy (and fast!)…and do an even faster upgrade of our public transportation (i.e., rail) systems. Economies and environments everywhere are like Jacks & Jills. What good is a clean environment if one cannot afford to live in it?

  • donkey

    GUILTY!! I want it to climb much higher. Find a new solution. Do what you've always done...get what you've always got.

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