Self -Employed or Otherwise Gainfully Employed - Gas Prices Eating You Up?

by flipper 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I travel to work 5 days a week with the round trip being about 45 km. Plus any other driving I usually do, I average about 330 km for the week. The blasted 3.8 L pushrod in my GM sedan drinks like a camel. I've been trying to find a used small car I can afford but all the ones in my price range are over 10 years old and have way too many kms on the odometer.

  • digderidoo

    I'm self employed and drive a Volvo estate, which drinks petrol. Over here it's now over 5 pounds sterling a gallon ( around $11), i wish i was paying what your paying.


  • sweetface2233

    Every person on earth who owns and drives a vehicle (and even some who don't, i.e. fuel surcharges) is dealing w/ the increased gas prices. I am no different than anyone else.

  • Thechickennest


    I live in a part of the States where the nearest shopping centers are almost 100 miles one way. I own three fuel effecient vehicles. I am gainfully employeed since getting my college degree. I am not going to complain about the price of fuel. I still think we are getting a bargain at $4.00. I am thankful that we can still buy gas at any price.


    It`s $5.84 a gallon here..Hitting the $6.00 mark is going to happen very soon I`m told..Then it`s going to go up..LOL!!..It costs me $15.00 to get to a gas station and back to the ranch..??????..WTF!!....The hell with gas engines!..This is my new ride..2horse power with 4 on the floor..8 if you count both horses..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • nomoreguilt

    Hey Mr. Flipper my friend, from one self employed friend to another WTF!!!???? I have no problem exclaiming to any and evryone with in earshot of my pump my dissaticfaction with our govt. We have BILLINS of barrels of oil reserves sitting beneath Alaska and the $^*(^% candy asses in our govt WILL NOT let us drill there.

    I have shortened my route each day, when I have completed my circuit, I go home and I do NOT leave again until the next days business. I pay for gas with American Express card. My gas bill hasn't been as much as your's Flipper, but it has increased by 25 % in the last 2 months. I'm done. Toast. Kinda like with being a jw.



  • Honesty

    I used to fill 'er up 3 times a week for $10 = $30

    Now, I fill 'er up 3 times a week for $40 = $120

    I am self-employed and my business cannot survive without a vehicle.

  • 5go

    Drilling in the ANWAR will do nothing, zip, zero. That why even big oil isn't pushing for it to hard.

    At best it's a worn out Republican talking point.

    "If the environmentalists get out of the way, can't we just drill in ANWR?" While some folks desperately cling to the belief that oil is a renewable resource, others hold on to the equally delusional idea that tapping the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve will solve, or at least delay, this crisis. While drilling for oil in ANWR will certainly make a lot of money for the companies doing the drilling, it won't do much to help the overall situation for three reasons: Reason #1. According of the Department of Energy, drilling in ANWR will only lower oil prices by less than fifty cents; Reason #2. ANWR contains 10 billion barrels of oil - or about the amount the US consumes in a little more than a year. Reason #3. As with all oil projects, ANWR will take about 10 years to come online. Once it does, its production will peak at 875,000 barrels per day - but not till the year 2025. By then the US is projected to need a whopping 35 million barrels per day while the world is projected to need 120 million barrels per day

  • flipper

    MIDGET SASQUATCH- Sounds like you have a gas guzzling vehicle ! I wish you luck on finding a good used small car !

    DIGDERIDOO- $11.00 per gallon ! Wow! I feel for you. Makes me feel better about paying only $ 4.19 per gallon. Sick.

    SWEETFACE- Yes- We are ALL dealing with the higher gas prices. But those among us who have to commute far away from our homes to go to work and drive more miles - are being affected in a more costly manner.

    THE CHICKENNEST- I'm glad you have 3 fuel efficient vehicles . Sounds like a smart move living out in the Dakotas like you do far from stores, etc.

    OUTLAW- I agree ! The prices are crazy ! I think you have the right idea though - let's go back to the horse and buggy days ! LOL!

    NO MORE GUILT- I agree the government needs to do something positive , for once, and fix this problem ! But I think it's the government in bed with the oil companies that is causing the problem ! They are in cahoots ! There is too much $$$$$ to be lost from promoting new drilling in areas , including Alaska , if they drill for more oil. They'd lose their profits ! Poor babies ! I'm right there with ya bro - being self employed - I try to limit my trips too- make them count ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • bronzefist

    Any old ones like me rember gas at 34 cents a gallon?

    I'm self-employed (1099) and do a lot of driving from one job site to's a change paying $4.19 around here.


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