Self -Employed or Otherwise Gainfully Employed - Gas Prices Eating You Up?

by flipper 115 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    DONKEY- I get the impression you don't drive much - otherwise you WOULD NOT want the price of oil to keep rising ! Are you with Chevron, or some other oil company ? You seem so gleeful at these rising prices.

    SAMIIE LEE's WIFE- You know times are getting tough when people go around poking holes in people's gas tanks to steal their gas ! Crazy world we live in ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • minimus

    In the last 2 weeks, I've put $240 in my tank. And it will get worse!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I work 15 kilometers {10 miles} from home so does my wife....we share one car {different shifts} ...yes that's right, I only have one! It's 4 cylinder 1.8 litre engine and very fuel efficent. I save a fortune. My wife wants a second car so she can have "hers." Sometimes if our shifts clash I walk 30 minutes to the train takes me 1 hour instead of 15 minutes to go to work but i don't need another car for the sake of one shift every two weeks.

  • flipper

    MINIMUS- I hear ya man ! I wish I was spending $ 240.00 every 2 weeks on gas now ! Try $ 400.00 every 2 weeks ! That's about where I'm at now ! Jeez.

    WITNESS 007- Yeah, I hear ya ! If I were you I'd also talk my wife out of wanting another car . If you guys can share a 4 cylinder- all the better for saving money ! It is getting crazy these days with prices ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • donkey
    donkey's simple. Without disruption there will be no change. Change never occurs when people are comfortable. This is typical panic mode on the part of many - unfortunate but hopefully America will get serious about finding energy alternatives to carbon/combustion. We need lots and lots of people to be pissed off. Frankly I think it is nonsense to tax the oil companies. Their margins are more or less the same as when oil was cheap. Don't hate oil companies. Hate the government and the consumers who sat on their fat asses when things were cheap.

  • Highlander
    DONKEY- I get the impression you don't drive much - otherwise you WOULD NOT want the price of oil to keep rising ! Are you with Chevron, or some other oil company ? You seem so gleeful at these rising prices.

    I drive between 60,000 and 70,000 miles annually. And I WANT gas prices to stay high or even get a bit higher.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Close to 60 miles round trip. That means $10 a day. I may start to work from home and log on remotely.

  • sammielee24
    And I WANT gas prices to stay high or even get a bit higher.

    I hope you get your wish - I also hope that along with it, you stay gainfully employed and well employed. Congratulations! You have now won...ta da......a new tax increase of 25% off your paycheck in order to provide social services needed to assist those who are displaced because of the cost of fuel. Ta da!..Congratulations - we have set up a 222-COLD hotline for those that wish to donate cash for families without heat this year...we strongly suggest that as charitable Americans you contribute. Ta..da..! Congratulations - we have revised the tax code to help our fellow Americans who are displaced or starving due to high gas prices therefore, taxes will now be applied to all previous deferred plans supported by the IRS and all those gainfully employed will be expected to pay their share for the set percentage rate of 10% annually. Ta..da...Congratulations!!!! In order to assist all of those unemployed people, taxes for the gainfully employed and their employers will be set at 10% increases in order to offset healthcare for those families forced to drop out because of high fuel prices!

    The last one is coming anyway and none to soon so double hooray!!

    Wanting and wishing for gas prices to stay high is pretty dumb and the most pathetic way of handling the situation that can be seen.

    A better solution would have been for governments to implement strong measures to motivate and implement alternate fuels while at the same time putting a halt on manipulation and speculation in the market immediately. This brings relief to people immediately and forces companies to start aggressively coming up with solutions instead of bandaids. For all those who keep harping and droning on and on about the fat ass consumer let's be a little realistic. Not everyone drives an SUV, a truck or a van - lots do but many don't. Not everyone has a big house in the suburbs..lots do..many don't. Stop generalizing and hoping for destruction of the masses in order somehow glorify green. People are sheep. If any government wants to change the way they use fuels, they only have to change the laws. It's done every single day. At any time, the government could have passed laws that demanded that all new subdivisions be built using solar in southern States - that would have been a start. They could have forced car companies years ago to continue producing, marketing and selling their hybrids and electric cars - they didn't. The nonsense about what people want is crap. If we're told we only have a choice between car A and car B - that's it, and they are both economical - then that is what we'd use..end of story.

    Population control is the only way the world will survive - not oil rationing, cos in the end no matter how much you bash the person using the gas and spout off on how idiotic they are - that 7th son being born to the 7son born of the 39th son of the 15th wife somewhere in the world, is going to eat up all the good that you do by conserving. That's the way it is. Oh yeah..and I've been monitoring the cost of goods in the store. Two years ago I was able to buy Tide detergent for around was up to 8 bucks last year so I stopped..I checked again a few months ago and now it's 11.00...and I actually saw it in a store last week for 17.00..go figure. Needless to say I don't buy the stuff any longer but it's indicative of a lot of things rising....sammieswife.

  • flipper

    DONKEY - I see where you are coming from, I get it. Yes- I know who to be mad at- the government. But when Bush is SO involved in oil, as is Cheney - do you think anything will change as long as they are in power ? I think you know the answer. So in the interim, I'm not happy because it is making me spend about $500.00 per month more on gas than I had previously as a self employed person. As if I don't have enough overhead running a business. So- I think it's a pretty normal reaction on my part to be pissed !

    HIGHLANDER- What I just said to DONKEY . Read above this.

    WHA HAPPENED- I understand if you have to work out of your home ! Prices will start eating you up !

    SAMMIE'S WIFE- I agree with you that it is a complete Domino effect on the rest of the economy with the high oil and gas prices. Not only laundry detergent, but any useable goods will go up, food , staples, household supplies. Everything requires shipping via truckers to get to the stores to be purchased ; so the truckers naturally pass the price of higher diesel fuel on to the stores and consumers . We will see this trend continue until somebody with some ENORMOUS BALLS ; preferably a new Democratic president ; steps up to the plate and corrects the situation by putting mandatory price freezes on oil companies enormous profits. Otherwise it's like having no salary cap in major league baseball ; the players AKA the oil companies will continue raping the public until someone says they can't anymore. This is how I see it

  • Highlander
    Stop generalizing and hoping for destruction of the masses in order somehow glorify green.

    Who's hoping for that? My impression is that you are somehow getting your rocks off thinking about even the remote possibility of a financial armageddon. I think you should change your ID to HennyPenny or ChickenLittle.

    You think I don't understand that it hurts a little bit to have higher energy costs? Ofcourse I understand that. Guess what? Now that it hurts, changes will happen. Be patient and stop hoping for your financial armageddon to take place.

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