Psychoanalyzing the Governing Body as a Collective Body by what they cause to be written in literature and private letters:

by frankiespeakin 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    I think we can clearly see the level of self deception and out right denial these old gents on the Governing Body are going thru right now to ease thier mental pain from the fact that this appointment by God Almighty is a sham based on wishful thinking with a little delusional grandiousity thrown in.

  • frankiespeakin

    The Governing Body put this in thier news wothy Items:

    Irénise Moulonguet, who turned 112 in November 2012, is thought to be the oldest living French citizen. She is well-known as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Until recently, Maria Richard—another centenarian who lived in France—was thought to be the oldest living French person. But in fact, she was 22 days younger than Irénise. Maria Richard, who died last October at nearly 112, was also one of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    Appearently this gives more time for the generation of 1914, but it is easy to see the GB are just stalling for more time(112years) for thier generation theory.

  • frankiespeakin

    One can only imagine the amount of denial and self deception the Governing Body go thru to stay in this delusion, it must be tireing and a constant struggle to come up with more logic to fight off cognitive dissonance. They have this heavy weight of a failing corporation to run and at thier age it must be getting pretty hard to get out of old mind sets and try something new, they are stuck on the rushing bull horns of a delemma.

    It will be interesting to see just how far the Governing Body can go in this delusional state directing the moves of the corporation. Denial and delusions are such a bitch to deal with and make good decisions.

  • frankiespeakin

    I wonder if the GB are aware of scrutiny thier articles are going under and how desparate they appear. The Trinity booklet gone from thier site, what's up with that? Did someone call them on copy rights issues, or was it shear inbarasment over internet exposure.

  • frankiespeakin

    Blonde quoted this on another thread that I feel has great significance in understanding the mind set of the Governing Body and justifiable homocide:

    *** w69 3/15 p. 191 Questions From Readers *** As a punishment for this sin Jehovah brought three days of pestilence that killed 70,000 Israelites. (2 Sam. 24:12-16) Was that unjust? Were 70,000 innocent people dying for the king’s error? The Bible plainly shows that we all are sinners deserving of death; it is only by God’s undeserved kindness that we live. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Lam. 3:22, 23) So those who died had no special “right” to life. Additionally, can any human today say for sure that those 70,000 were not guilty of some serious sin not mentioned in the historical record?

    So here we have it in the Governing Body's mind veiw everyone is deserving death so when Jehovah goes on a killing spree and people that had no connection with the with the act causing the deity anger he's merely chosing not to show mercy and giving these people their just deserts for being sinners.

    And further in defense of the deity, the Governing Body would like to think those that got killed may have been bad sinners letting all benifit of doubt go to the worshipped deity. I'm getting the impression of a psychopath here and an extreme devaluation of human life, the Deity can do no wrong no mater how many innocent die.

  • frankiespeakin

    I can see where this veiw of all men are sinner and worthy of death that the Governing Body has can cause them to act in a cruel way, veiwing any loss of life due to a ban on blood to be ok. What's the death of 70,000 worthless sinners worth in the eyes of Jehovah? Not too much. So then why should the Governing Body care how many die from no blood when life is on the line. The God that the GB have built up in thier mind is full of jealousy, pent up anger, murderous hatred, with the personality of a spoiled adolescent male. Should we expect any better of them who idolize this type of behavior, with they had it comeing because they were sinners rational. In thier mind Jehovah can do no wrong thier for if they act like him they can do no wrong.

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    Characteristics of a Cult Leader

    People coming out of a cultic group or relationship often struggle with the question, "Why would anyone (my leader, my lover, my teacher) do this to me?" When the deception and exploitation become clear, the enormous unfairness of the victimization and abuse can be very difficult to accept. Those who have been part of such a nightmare often have difficulty placing the blame where it belongs--on the leader.

    A cult cannot be truly explored or understood without understanding its leader. A cult's formation,
    proselytizing methods, and means of control "are determined by certain salient personality characteristics of [the] cult leader....Such individuals are authoritarian personalities who attempt to compensate for their deep, intense feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and hostility by forming cultic groups primarily to attract those whom they can psychologically coerce into and keep in a passive-submissive state, and secondarily to use them to increase their income."(l)

    In examining the motives and activities of these self-proclaimed leaders, it becomes painfully obvious that cult life is rarely pleasant for the disciple and breeds abuses of all sorts. As a defense against the high level of anxiety that accompanies being so acutely powerless, people in cults often assume a stance of self-blame. This is reinforced by the group's ma- manipulative messages that the followers are never good enough and are to blame for everything that goes wrong.

    Demystifying the guru's power is an important part of the psyche- educational process needed to fully recover.(2) It is critical to truly gaining freedom and independence from the leader"s control. The process starts with some basic questions: Who was this person who encouraged you to view him as God, all-knowing, or all-powerful? What did he get out of this masquerade? What was the real purpose of the group (or relationship)?

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

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