Psychoanalyzing the Governing Body as a Collective Body by what they cause to be written in literature and private letters:

by frankiespeakin 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    So appearently the Governing Body want to give some instructions to the elder about how to deal with brothers addicted to pornography:

    Any notes on this special elders meeting should shed light on that "Shadowy" side of the Governing Body,,more devil projections I'm sure, as they point the finger at what they utterly deny about them selves.

    Will the council they give show love for the ones aflicted, perhaps even some awareness of thier own dark nature,,one can only hope,,but don't bet the farm on it.

  • frankiespeakin

    Seeing one's own shadow is a difficult task and it is been said that other can see it while you don't, I guess it all depends what we are projecting on to that person. We also have to deal with our own shadow projections so that may not be absolutely true.

    Just thought I would throw that in our discusion.

  • frankiespeakin

    We can all see the Governing Body's delusional status has risen to a new peak with thier present understanding of the Faithful and Discret status and the liberty and power it grants themselves to be listened to without question.

    Shadow is knocking on thier doors and they won't let him in.

  • frankiespeakin

    It would be nice if these guy could get some help, surely Bisnu the India psychiatrist can see that unless he is some kind of incompetent hand picked by the GB,,but where on earth could they get such a guy? Could he be working uncover for India Intellegence or something to keep an eye on those wackos? Who knows any conspiracy theorist?

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    Well judging from the recent elders only meeting the Governing Body are saying that want to see more disfellowshipping, and they don't want any old soft hearted elders showing mercy unless the right repentance is displayed sorrow at displeasing Jehovah above any type of worldly sorrow.

    I'm sure if we could pick apart this whole senario of these secret elders meeting video's they would tell us a lot about the type of delusional state they are in right now.

    One thing for sure these men are desperately reacting and trying to lock down thier command over a core group of thier devoties. They seem to be taking a very hard line when it comes to any not "Listening and Obeying the directives of the Governing Body" among thier members.

    I would think that since they seem to be operating at a loss financially the pressure may be on to take what ever measures they have too and not recognize them as extreme as we would because of the mental fog these guys are in due to extreme denial.

    One thing for sure that stands out in this harder line imposed by the Governing Body is that they have no love for those they concider sinners.

  • frankiespeakin

    From all the New Year impressions it seems like the Governing Body are digging in and going to ride thier sinking ship to the bottom, more brain numbing watchtowers about being in line with the organization seems to be the only note the tone deaf Governing Body can sing as they ride the mighty behemoth built on false hopes and wishfull thinking which is sinking fast due to a crash with hard fact reality gashing mortal wound letting all water in.

  • frankiespeakin

    As the predicted end has been delayed what will the collective delusional psyche of the Governing Body do? Will they man up and come clean and admit thier error and except the facts that this socallled end of the world with only people who follow eddicts of the Governing Body will survive, is nothing more than a marketing delusion to keep getting more converts and prosper financially by ordering them sell more books and magazines.

    Or instead will this spur on more zeal in the Governing Body to invent new ways and more control devises to keep what they already have ->the mind and heart of the rank and file and milking it for everything it's worth?

  • frankiespeakin

    It seems the Governing Body are feeling rather uncomfortable with cognitive dissonance these days as the date gets closer to 2014 the 100th year annivesrary of the generation that would never pass away.

    And so in the WT 1/2013 they gave this as a solution to cognitive dissonance notice the logic they offer, not very good mind you butit is the logic they use to keep the mental pain away in themselves and all the other hangers oners:

    Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come. Like Jesus’ first-century disciples, we have sometimes looked forward to the fulfillment of prophecy ahead of God’s timetable. (Luke 19:11; Acts 1:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2) We agree with the sentiment of longtime Witness A. H. Macmillan, who said: “I learned that we should admit our mistakes and continue searching God’s Word for more enlightenment.”

    Why, then, do we continue to highlight the nearness of the end? Because we take seriously Jesus’ words: “Keep looking, keep awake.” The alternative, to be found “sleeping” by Jesus, would prevent us from gaining his favor. (Mark 13:33, 36) Why?

    Consider this example: A lookout in a fire tower might see what he thinks is a wisp of smoke on the horizon and sound what proves to be a false alarm. Later, though, his alertness could save lives.

    Likewise, we have had some wrong expectations about the end. But we are more concerned with obeying Jesus and saving lives than with avoiding criticism. Jesus’ command to “give a thorough witness” compels us to warn others about the end.—Acts 10:42.

    We believe that even more important than focusing on when the end will come, we must be confident that it will come, and we must act accordingly. We take seriously the words of Habakkuk 2:3, which says: “Even if [the end] should delay [compared to what you thought], keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. It will not be late.”

    I think we can safely say they worship and are fearful of a whip cracking god, who expects every body to be ready or else it's curtains because he gets really pissed with people not in expectation of him and get sleepy waiting.

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