Psychoanalyzing the Governing Body as a Collective Body by what they cause to be written in literature and private letters:

by frankiespeakin 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Now would any "psychologist" on the board and I use the term loosely as I am not one professionally , and have a very rudimentary hazy knowledge of analysis.

    But one of the things Jung had to do with the subject is the “shadow” to be properly analyzed one needs to recognize the shadow we all have we all have one. And what happens when we repress a lot of things and stuff them into one’s personal shadow, they get stronger and cause projection on the outside world that make one respond certain ways that might be termed as phobias or neurosis and even psychosis.

    I’m sure we can spot a lot of denial and repression surfacing in what they cause to be published either publicly and in private correspondence. Perhaps even some phobias or out right neurosis.

    I bett you a really skilled psychologist could have a fruit picking holiday with the stuff they find on the net already published far and wide for all to see. I could just see a couple of them debating some fruadian slips found so abundantly through the WT and whatnot pages of paranoia found everywhere even the GT book must show some type of sexual repression coming to surface about the youngs they see,,there has to be mega repression going on and surfacing here and there.

  • frankiespeakin

    The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside as fate. That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves. CW 9: AION : 126

    The Shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge, and it therefore, as a rule, meets with considerable resistance. Indeed, self-knowledge as a psychotherapuetic measure frequently requires much painstaking work extending over a long period of time. CW9: AION: 14,

    Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a Shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected and is liable to burst forth suddenly in a moment of unawareness. At all events, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions. CW 11: Psychology and Religion: par 131 pg 76,

  • ziddina

    OOooooooo YUMMY!!

    I can't contribute anything to this discussion, but I am SOOO hanging around to watch it unfold!!! eating popcorn

  • ziddina

    Bumping this thread....

    And maybe I'll throw out a few amateur/armchair quarterback comments, just for the heck of it.

    It's painfully apparent that the previous Governing Body had issues with normal human sexuality. That they're afraid of having a well-educated laity.

    That fear of a well-educated laity - fear of allowing the Rank&File to become well-educated - probably stems from at least 2 sources...

    From Russell onwards, only a very few of the leaders of the religion had college educations. In Rutherford's case, a law degree - which in no way qualifies a man to espouse any specific theological beliefs, at least in the real world.

    Then we have Freddie Franz, who studied liberal arts and then switched over to biblical Greek - for only two years....

    I'm not aware of any college degrees among the current Governing Body members - and I wonder whether they would admit to having a degree, considering the way the Watchtower Society has always denigrated 'higher' education.

    At first glance [and as an ordinary person lacking a degree in psychology], it would appear that they want to always be the "smartest" person in the room - er, well, if that were the case, then they SHOULD have college degrees, but forbid them to everyone else.

    The second reason would be, their fear/concern that upon receiving a college education, most Rank&File members would realize the impractical nature of the Watchtower edicts, and would promptly leave...

    Anyone else??

  • frankiespeakin


    They keep telling everyone to not get a college education, definately education phobic, probably they have a big fear of educated people, your probably right they don't want these types in the congragation when they keep saying stupid shit from the bible and taking quotes out of context.

  • Finkelstein

    What the GB writes is in line with most religious organizations, in that they are transcribing their own sustenance of power and control

    with self determined and identifying proclamations. Since they are being continuously challenged from outside of their organization,

    as truly being divinely connected to god they have to be in a constant state of reconfirmation.

    Conscientiously they are aware of the responsibility to uphold the structural operations of the organization as its executive directors.

    I'm sure fear induced phobias brought on by the WTS constant wrangling of Armageddon coming soon is partial in part of why they've

    come to be JWS in the first place, most would conceivably see that being a GB members is serving Jehovah in a more profound way.

  • frankiespeakin

    Analytical psychology (or Jungian psychology ) is the school of psychology originating from the ideas of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung . His theoretical orientation has been advanced by his students and other thinkers who followed in his tradition. Though they share similarities, analytical psychology is distinct from Freudian psychoanalysis . Its aim is wholeness through the integration of unconscious forces and motivations underlying human behavior. Depth psychology , including archetypal psychology , employs the model of the unconscious mind as the source of healing and development in an individual. Jung saw the psyche as mind, but also admits the mystery of soul, and used as empirical evidence the practice of an accumulative phenomenology around the significance of dreams, archetypes and mythology.

  • ziddina


    While I am interested in psychology, sometimes I simply must apply practical 'horse sense' to situations.

    "Discourage higher education" - 'horse' sense tells me that they either feel inferior, or as we've all stated in one way or another, keeping the Rank&File 'under' educated helps them maintain control over the average JW.

    And it is the average, under-employed but still working JW who makes the donations that keep the Gov.Bod boys financially comfortable.

    Whinney!! horse

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm sure the idea of lower contributions because of education and the handycap that has on wages of thier donaters has crossed thier minds but only briefly as they must tend towards pushing away unpleasent facts from consciousness as much as possible. Anyway they must see bigger losses if education is not fought against.

  • ziddina


    Of course, the "whole" picture would probably involve:

    Loss of status - not the smartest person in the room, no longer seen as "spiritual" leaders...

    Loss of income - the afore-mentioned attrition of members, less donations coming in as they are revealed to be mere men...

    Loss of control - see above....

    And more aspects I haven't thought of.

    [edited] HINT, HINT!!!

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