So, every religion, formed from culture, in every nation and handed down through the ages is wrong. Only you have the truth, out of billions of good and honest persons around the world through all time, its you that this Holy One has spoken to.
I cannot wrap my mind around all that you say about your relationship with Jehovah, God, Jesus, etc. All other faiths and religions wherein people have given their lives for, these people lived and died for nothing if what you say is true.
You get all this truth and knowledge about all the subjects you disclosed that God educated you on in His conversations with you only and science and all other teachings got it wrong. We must listen to AGUEST! Jews and all the various faiths that don't accept this Jewish God and this Jewish Jesus who have made no contact with the rest of the world must now believe AGUEST!
Like Doubting Thomas, unless I, not you, put my hand in his side and in the holes in his feet and hands, I will not believe. Remember Thomas was rewarded not punished for saying this. He received a special visit from Jesus, so the scriptures tell us if you want to believe it.