Were You Ever Drunk or High At A Meeting Or In Service?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    An elder in our Hall used to drink his wine before evening meetings regularly, and on more than a few occasions was "buzzed" and laughing up on the platform while giving a talk. His talks were the best! He was clearly "aglow with the spirit(s)."

  • Finally-Free

    I felt that meetings were a sacred thing, and I would never have defiled myself by drinking before a meeting. That would be a sin against Jehover!

    Besides, why would anyone want to spoil a good buzz by going to the kingdom hall? Stay home and order pizza, watch TV, and have a few more beers.


  • mrsjones5

    Maybe he needed to be a bit high to get through that drivel at the hall. For some being drunk makes everything funny.

  • JH

    No, I was a good JW.

    Just once a few months ago, I went to the hall after drinking 2 beers.

  • minimus

    The elders used to THINK that MAYBE he was drunk but they never went there with their own. I knew, though.

  • Preston

    hmmm, I never understood this.

    If you were a JW, ermmm, why would you do a drug? How can drugs create a reality that emcompases anything more bizzare and surreal than anything I experienced as a dub? If you really want to wake up for the week, try to hear one of these elders try to talk for more than a minute on child abuse, 607 BC, the genital times, etc....

    - Preston

  • kwintestal

    We had a CO over for supper before a meeting, and he polished a bottle of wine off himself. I'd say he had quite the buzz on.


  • kwintestal

    BTW, I had about 5 beers before a meeting in June that I went to. (I've only been to 2 meetings in the last 3 years. It was a coping mechinism)


    Good to see you asking questions again Min.

  • upside/down
    the genital times,

    He said genital....hehehe...

    u/d(of the "God" hates foreskins class)

  • Ellie

    Yes, I went to an all night party one Saturday night and then straight on to the meeting, I was at that tired stage, before the hangover sets in but you're not drunk.

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