Were You Ever Drunk or High At A Meeting Or In Service?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    Nope. I was a good girl. I didn't drink before meetings. When I finally faded I tried my first joint at 23, and shortly afterwards, my first tobacco.... A rasty cigar in the closed cab of a pickup truck on a frozen night.... it was too dang cold to roll down the windows and both me and my husband (!#1) got totally green around the gills!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    that's okay brenda, i didn't try my first joint until i was 28.

    but i did go to the odd meeting tipsy, especially after i stopped valuing the meetings and the people found there. i also stopped shaving, and would wear (gasp!) khakis to god's house!

    one time though, when i was a pioneer and an MS, i went from a cocktail lounge where i indulged in 3 gin martinis, straight to my book study where i had to read and close with prayer. boy that was funny! everyone in my BS were old and didn't even notice. there were a couple of teenagers who thought it was hilarious when i would look at them straight faced, hiccup, smile and wink.


  • upside/down

    I had bookstudy at my house for years...we had open bar 10 minutes after the closing prayer...it then reverted back to being my house.

    Our bookstudy was ALWAY at between 20 to 45 people...everyone wanted to come and did.

    The elders asked my why everyone wanted to come to our house...what was "our secret"?

    We told them...and then they immediatly banned any but the "assigned" people from coming to our house and made us move "happy hour" to at least 15 minutes after feeding at Jojoba's table...

    Oh yeah...and the kids played Counter Strike on my 3 computers on a LAN...

    Man those were some good times...which the local goon squad squelched.

    Talk about Inquisition....when in fact they were all raging alcoholics and JEALOUS that they weren't "assigned" to our bookstudy.

    What a buch of juvinille losers...

    u/d (of the Bombay Sapphire / Grey Goose class)

  • tetrapod.sapien
    (of the Bombay Sapphire / Grey Goose class)

    Jolly-Up Old Sport! i believe i'll have another one...ta ta.

    and now? we just skip the spiritual food and invite people over for martinis on weeknights, just for the fun of it!

  • SeymourButts

    I went to my jc stoned. Smoked a big fat one on the way....went in reeking of weed....fired another one up in the parking lot on my way out.

  • lonelysheep

    No, I didn't. But it was the stress of sitting through meetings that made me miss the high from smoking marijuana.

  • stillAwitness

    Never! Even now I don't think I would have the guts to do it.

  • Mr.D.Frost

    One of my younger brothers regularily went to the district conventions in Calgary High on mushrooms. lol. It was commical to say the least. No one ever knew however. Him and his budy (at the time a full time pioneer) would drink mushroom tea out of a thermos will sitting and listening to the discourse. After about 30min they disappeared. It was either that or he would bring a "slurpee" to the convention, and it would be half slurpee and half vodka. Man I wished we would have had a Lan setup to play CS at our bookstudies, perfect way to release some "spiritual" tension ;)

  • garybuss

    "A report from one European country indicates that at times
    some brothers and sisters arrive at the Kingdom Hall with a
    strong smell of alcohol on their breath."
    (The Watchtower Dec. 15, 1996, p. 29)

  • upside/down
    "A report from one European country indicates that at times

    some brothers and sisters arrive at the Kingdom Hall with a

    strong smell of alcohol on their breath."

    (The Watchtower Dec. 15, 1996, p. 29)

    It was probably the Irish...

    u/d (of the got a little Irish ***very little*** in me class)

    p.s.- Why did "God" create alcohol?

    So the Irish wouldn't take over the planet....

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