Would You Not Be Friends With Someone Because They Are Gay?

by minimus 165 Replies latest members adult

  • Rayvin

    If they dont tell you you may never know-

  • katiekitten

    Scotsman is gonna save my soul - I promise to pluck that one stray hair just underneath my bellybutton, I promise to die my roots every 3 weeks (not every 9 weeks like I currently do), I wont ever but polycotton sheets again (I knew not to, but it took you to make me) I wont ever go to Tesco Metro again without putting on mascara and moisture lock lip balm (merlot tint).

    Forgive me Scotsman for I know not what I do...

  • confusedjw

    Yes I have a couple of gay friends.


    DeF'd <----- I thought you were all done posting? I don't mind if you post, but I thought your read you were outta here or somethin?

  • confusedjw

    I suppose I should have said "Of course I would? Why wouldn't I want happy cheerful friends?"

  • daystar
    I think it is gross and unnatural.

    Well, I think it's gross too since I'm straight. But unnatural? It has been known to happen quite frequently in the wild that animals engage in homosexual behavior and they are untouched by human "sin". It is not unnatural.

  • minimus

    defd---You wouldn't make friends with a homosexual because you find what they do to be gross and unnatural? If you knew of a married couple that did what the WT. considered "perverted acts", would you feel the same way?????

  • scotsman

    KK you shouldn't really be shopping at Tesco, but at a local shop with a basket over your arm.

    Oh, defd, you are sooo hot!

  • defd

    Well, I think it's gross too since I'm straight. But unnatural? It has been known to happen quite frequently in the wild that animals engage in homosexual behavior and they are untouched by human "sin". It is not unnatural.

    It may not be unnatural for animals but we are not animals.(with the exception of a few here) We are humans created in the image of God.

  • trevor

    Ddfd If I feel moved to give you hug for coming back, promise you won't take it the wrong way>

  • BrendaCloutier

    defd - that's your opinion and that's cool. It was mine, too, for a long time.

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