Would You Not Be Friends With Someone Because They Are Gay?

by minimus 165 Replies latest members adult

  • JH

    I place "honesty and trust" as the most important factor in a friendship. Once that's broken or lost, there is nothing left. Coming back to your question. I don't know any gay people around here, and I'm not looking for any. If I had a friend and found out that they were gay, I really don't know, It never happened.

  • katiekitten

    Scotsman - pleeeassssseeee

    I NEED a gay friend. I cant apply eye shadow properly, my underwear doesnt match, I havent plucked eyebrows for at LEAST five days... im desperate....

  • Moridin

    I used to have an issue with this especially when I was a JW. Just because of the way that I was raised and the family that I was in, it was very looked down upon and I openly voiced my opinions about gay people. Then I got my computer back from my father whom was borrowing it and found a lot of gay porn and letters on my computer. My wife at the time had a few gay friends and I decided to talk with them. My blinded eyes were opened to everything and I felt extremely bad for my past behavior. A year later my father admitted to me that he was gay and by then I was fully accepting of it and had no problems with homosexuals whatsoever. He was so relieved. We now have the best relationship we have ever had. So in regards to the question, no it wouldn't bother me. I have many gay friends.

  • mrsjones5

    This is what you need katie

  • Elsewhere
    As a Witness, we could not "associate" with anyone practicing "immorality"--------ESPECIALLY if the person was a homosexual or lesbian. Do you still feel it is "wrong"?

    I have no problem with it... so long as they don't try to make eyes at me!

  • daystar


    havent plucked eyebrows for at LEAST five days

    OMG! You have not girlfriend! Call me metro (but if you do, I'll have to kill you), but I pluck mine more often than you do?!

    im desperate
  • katiekitten

    Maybe im not fat enough?

    IMO all the girls I know with gay friends are fat.

    But Grace isnt fat. Shes a walking cadaver. And she has TWO gay friends. Wheres the justice in that?

    Help me someone...

  • scotsman

    KK I may not be gay enough for you as I couldn't give a damn about make-up, mismatched underwear or plucked eyebrows - I'm an unreconstructed feminist. Except when it comes to Manolo Blahniks.

  • minimus

    Metrosexuals are not considered "flamboyant men". I have been called "metrosexual".

  • defd

    Would not make friends with a homosexual. I think it is gross and unnatural.

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