by SHUNNED FATHER 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dustin

    Defd - I find it disgusting that you jack this poor father's thread. The man needs some sympathy and support. What he doesn't need is somone defending this worthless cult on a page clearly designed to show how they murder and destroy families. Why don't you start your own JW support thread or something. I've read your stuff, and you are entitled to your opinions. However you need to be a little more sensative at where you decide to insert your brainwashed opinions.

    The man is asking if you will HELP Df'd. So will you?

  • AlanF

    defd wrote:

    : To the contrary alan

    "To the contrary" what? I wrote a number of things you could take issue with.

    Kick your brain into gear, man!

    : My point is this: It is said we are taught(brainwashed) Into believing by the WT, that God says NO blood. We are taught that from baptism on. Kids are TAUGHT by their parents to FIGHT in war from early ages.

    Geez. What a sparklingly new insight! Kids are taught religion and war by their parents!

    Your comparison is still nonsense.

    : Whats the difference? In both cases a death may occur. One for God and one for Country.

    If you run your car into someone and kill them, a death occurs. I suppose that means death by traffic accidents bears on the blood transfusion issue.

    Kick your brain into gear!

    : I agree with God. His command is clearly seen in the book of acts. ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD.

    I could go down any number of paths here, but let's concentrate on just one: If you went to a doctor and he told you to abstain from meat because you had severe liver problems, and eventually he told you that you need a liver transplant, would you think he was contradicting himself? Why or why not?

    Note that your refusal to answer this question carefully and completely will show your true colors.


  • defd

    I could go down any number of paths here, but let's concentrate on just one: If you went to a doctor and he told you to abstain from meat because you had severe liver problems, and eventually he told you that you need a liver transplant, would you think he was contradicting himself? Why or why not?

    You say kick my brain into gear? Eating meat is not fobidden by God. Blood is. Acts 15:29 ABSTAIN FROM BLOOD. Thats enough for me.

  • defd

    The man is asking if you will HELP Df'd. ; So will you?

    Dustin help him with what? His daughter REFUSED blood out of obedience to Gods command about blood. Even when given 38 transfusions of BLOOD she still passed away. Jesus said "He that forfiets his soul for my sake will save it!"

  • anewme

    Excuse me but I really think this Dfd guy is my ex husband in disguise!!!
    This is a witness wasting our discussion time on this board.
    He reminds me very much of my ex. He would dismiss all my feelings and gut unhappiness by reminding what Abraham or Moses or Jedediahthuselah said thousands of years ago. He sliced away at my self worth as a human being and pushed the Watchtower Society down my throat and up my nose. He argued with me at three oclock in the morning over Bible doctrine, always having the last word.
    What a smarty!
    He lost his pretty rose.
    I fled this man who would rather see me dead than free now from the Society and happier.

    Sorry, but this thread is going way away from the original plea by this dad to organize against the Society.
    And my memory and emotions were pricked by dfd's comments.
    Another memory surfaces! That same husband on 911 upon hearing of the twin towers destruction said to me "Wow, the tribulation is nearer!"
    I slapped him.

    The JWs have innappropriate responses to others feelings because they really view anyone outside of the org as manure, fertilizer or the New World.

  • AlanF

    You failed to answer my question carefully and completely, defd. You've shown your true colors. You're afraid of the truth, and you're dishonest to boot.

    I'll give you another chance:

    Is having a new liver transplanted into you the same as eating the liver? Why or why not?

    Is having blood transplanted into you the same as eating the blood? Why or why not?

    Did you read Deuteronomy 14:21, where God explicitly allowed Gentiles to eat blood? Why did God do this, if he was against eating blood?

    If the colors you've shown so far are not your real ones, you now have a chance to correct the perception by giving complete and honest answers instead of evasions.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I am sorry if i sound uncaring, but that is to unbelievable for me.

    There is nothing sadder than a mind locked in a self-delusional prison of reality-denial! Time to wake up and smell the coffee, defd! The Watchtower Book Publishers have been killing people for years under the guise of 'religious integrity'. Organ transplants, blood doctrine, die rather than stop being a witness [I did not say stop being a Christian, there is a difference]. I am becoming accustommed to your typical witness-apologetics. But this time you stepped on it bad. Jeff

  • Dustin

    Defd - Dude you don't get what I was saying. The guy as brought out by others, wants to protest against the WTBTS. That is his original message.

    Just because you want to try and convince people you are some great Dub trying to save everyone here with your false beliefs, doesn't make it right to take over the man's plea for help.

    I don't care what your beliefs are. I did that for 25 years. I know all the ins and outs of being a JW. I'm just asking you to give the original poster of this thread the common courtesy of a simple "I'm sorry for what happened" and not defend a cult on his thread which was obvioussly not intended for that purpose.

  • Billygoat

    Larry and everyone else:

    I'm sorry for feeding this conversation as well. I know this isn't the place for it, when Larry is handling so many other affairs. He's just asking for assistance in this thread and that's all this thread is really supposed to be about. How can we move this conversation elsewhere?


  • tetrapod.sapien


    i'm sorry, i cannot make it to this protest, though i would love to go. let me know if i can do anything else, as we are from the same city still, i believe.


    i am from the same city as this man. while this was all happening, i was in the bookstudy of one of the local big wigs (S.H.) and had almost complete one sided play by play action of it all. not to mention all the press coverage.

    also, my cousin's husband is one of the liaison committee members being rightly sued over this disgrace of justice and science. i had lunch with him a week before i DA'd myself, and i can assure you it's all real.

    so, dfed, if you cannot believe this, then it is because of this little phenomenon that psychologists call: COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

    so, shut up and go read the links provided to you already.


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